Can you push yourself too hard during cardio?


Hi Cathe,

I have been doing your new workouts and they are so awesome! I am trying to up my cardio stamina and not pausing the player or slowing down too much (modifying), but I find my lungs feel like exploding at times, and once I got very lightheaded and had to lie down. Am I pushing myself too hard?

Obviously I'm not Cathe :), but I would suggest that you get a heart rate monitor. When I started using one, I realized very quickly that I was pushing myelf WAY too hard. That way you get definitive proof of what your heart rate should be, versus what it actually is. Just a suggestion!

it is far better to take those mini-breaks, pause the DVD, sip some water and be able to keep going more comfortably rather than feel so faint you have to lie down. You will still make progress at the same rate.

Hi Alison! If you are feeling lightheaded or that your lungs are exploding during exercise, then yes, you are pushing yourself too hard. You want to be breathing heavy but NOT gasping for air. You should be able to talk in 3 to 5 word sentences and feel as if you can keep going even though it is a challenge. You should always be in control of how you feel....ask yourself at the most critical point..."Do I feel comfortably winded or do I feel like I have to stop RIGHT NOW?" If you feel you have to stop RIGHT NOW, then you are working too hard. If this is the case, back off by walking around (or doing any other movement, but you must keep moving and not sit down since this can bring on lightheadedness too) and come back to the program after you have regained your stamina. Usually anywhere from 30 seconds to 90 seconds does the trick. If you need longer than that (say 3 minutes or longer), certainly take it, but also be aware of the fact that the workout program you are using could perhaps be too advanced for you at this time.

Another way to judge if you are working to hard is to use a heart rate monitor.

Hope this helps!

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