Can you gain muscle mass while on a calorie deficit?


Active Member
Hi Cathe or anyone else who can help!

Please help me understand why it’s been said that you can’t gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. If I am eating at a calorie deficit and using Gym Styles, does that mean that I won’t build any muscle?

I’m currently using the Gym Style series and do cardio once or twice a week (Drill Max, step tape or treadmill). I am what I consider “skinny-fat” so I am trying to gain some mass in my legs, but I also have a tummy pooch. I don’t know if I should be eating at a calorie surplus or deficit or how much cardio I should be incorporating into my strength routine.

Thank you for your help!
no, you can't build muscle on a caloric deficit. to grow, your body needs higher cals. this is why most professional bodybuilders go through a bulking phase. when you eat higher cals you will gain some fat with it. then you would go on cutting phase and lose the fat you gained and keep the muscle you gained. i know there is more to this and what i have said is very general but i hope it helps some. hopefully cathe or another knowledgable person can help. when trying to add muscle i would limit your cardio to about 2 days a week and when you go into a cutting mode add more cardio sessions back in.
The other problem with cutting calories is that you encourage your body to lower its metabolic rate, thus not encouraging it to burn fat to meet required calorie expenditure through exercise. If you are growing muscle, you do not want to also cut calories and encourage your body to lower its metabolic rate, thus burning less calories. Building muscle will help spark your metabolic rate, and increase calorie burn. As you continue with your heavy weights and cardio program, you will gradually see a change in body composition: leaner, more compact body, denser muscles, less fat layer. I would argue that you can gain muscle and lose fat, since gaining muscle does increase calorie burn, through increasing metabolic rate. But it is not an overnight process. Drastic calorie cutting may lead to weight loss but some of the weight loss will be muscle tissue, thus further lowering your metabolic rate and discouraging further fat loss. Complicated stuff. Basically, dieting is not really a good idea.

RE: Can you gain muscle mass while on a calorie deficit...

I am "skinny-fat" too, generally thin with a donut around my waist. I just ordered 4DS and can't wait to get started. My goal is to tone my entire body and build some great muscle (kind of like Cathe!) and I get confused about what I am suppose to eat. Sure, eat healthy, eat clean...but how much? I have no clue how many calories I need to eat each day in order to reach my goal. Apparently I need to eat alot, with alot of protein. I am 5'7, 130 lbs. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
RE: Can you gain muscle mass while on a calorie deficit...

Last night, I was talking to the hubby about my desire to change my body, starting with quitting the gym in favor of these workouts, and the fact that I need to probably eat more now. The gym had nothing on these workouts!! I was going to start a post about this, but this is perfect. First of all, about how many calories does a Cathe cardio workout burn? I am 5'9", and 130lbs - it fluctuates between 125 and 130. Now that I am seriously back at the workouts, I will lose weight quickly if I'm not careful and I don't want that - all I want is more muscle definition. I have some but darn it, not enough :) My desire is nowhere near to these contests for the most muscular - I just want to put on a bikini and have people immediately know that I work for what I have! Then on the not vain side, I'm hoping that these workouts will actually help my joints and my lung capacity as well as keep the ol' ticker healthy and happy. I probably do not eat enough, but I try to choose healthy foods and eat all throughout the day rather than large meals. Any guidance on the amount of calories needed will be greatly appreciated. I think we are all asking the same question and wanting the same results for our bodies - we just need some knowledge. Thank you!
RE: Can you gain muscle mass while on a calorie deficit...


from the height and weight you mentioned, you are not at all in need of losing weight. So, you don't need to cut calories at all. Serious commitment to your fitness program, especially to three times per week training with the heaviest weights you can lift, will be enough to change your body composition: more muscle tissue, a leaner, tighter body, less fat mass.

So, don't worry about calorie counting or anything complicated. Just satisfy the hunger that working out hard will bring you, satisfy your nutritional bases, and avoid empty calories (cookies, candy, donuts, etc) and you should be fine.

RE: Can you gain muscle mass while on a calorie deficit...


Not Cathe here, but thought I would add my 2 cents.

Boy, I wish I had to "worry" about losing too much weight. Sounds like you need to really concentrate on eating lots of protein, good carbs and some healthy fats-more than someone who is trying to lose weight. Calorie-wise, I cannot give you a number, but I have been on a very strict diet and exercise plan for the past 5 weeks or so, I am eating 7 times a day, mini-meals, totaling 1,599 calories.But I am trying to lean out... You will probably need much more than that though. I wouldn't worry about total calories too much, just make sure you get all your meals in and then hit those weights really hard-try doing a 6 week cycle of lifting as heavy as you can and eat every two to three hours. I would aim for 5 ounces of protein at each meal, etc...I am not a nutritionist though. Why not enlist the help of a qualified pro at diets? They can make out a plan for you to follow?
Cathe's new STS workouts should be very effective in helping you reach your goals. Good luck!:)
RE: Can you gain muscle mass while on a calorie deficit...

tneah - Thank you for the input. I had thought today about finding a good nutritionist to help me out because I don't want to do all this work, but not be eating right and therefore not have the effect that I am looking for! My problem is I forget to eat sometimes, but with these workouts now, I starve pretty much 24/7 no matter what and how often I eat. I try to eat the dairy that my body can handle, peanut butter, whole wheat with the most fiber possible bread, fruits, etc for snacks throughout the day. What on earth do you find for 7 mini-meals? Maybe that would help guide me on the road for some different ideas. Thanks again! Shana
RE: Can you gain muscle mass while on a calorie deficit...

>Please help me understand why it’s been said that you can’t
>gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. If I am eating at a
>calorie deficit and using Gym Styles, does that mean that I
>won’t build any muscle?

You may not build more muscle, but you could *appear* to build more for a while because you will lose fat from around the muscles, increasing definition. This would only happen if you were getting enough protein in those deficient calories to maintain sime of the muscle mass.

That said, if you are trying to gain mass in your legs, you need to eat a slight calorie overload to build. If you're worried about skinny fat, you will probably find it becomes less of an issue as you build muscle and bulk out a little.

Cardio right after a weight workout is good too.

RE: Can you gain muscle mass while on a calorie deficit...

I'm so confused!!!!! I have about 45lbs left to lose, of which 25lbs would get me to a point where I'm no longer overweight. I want to lose them and therefore create a calorie deficit of 1000 calories overall in order to lose 2lbs a week, bringing my calories to about 1700 a day and I'm at 5'6. I'm doing my weights with Cathe as well as cardio. Should I continue this way? I want to gain strength and muscle but lose the rest of the weight.

RE: Can you gain muscle mass while on a calorie deficit...

I have been trying to gain muscle mass and lose fat at the same time to lower my body fat percent, and am struggling too. I am 5 foot 4 and weigh 110 to 112 pounds, but my scale says my body fat percent is between 23.5 and 24.5 percent (according to what I have read, 25% body fat and up is considered obese! I am barely below that. Yikes!!), depending on the day. When I eat less, my muscle mass decreases and my fat percent stays the same, when I eat more, I gain a little weight, but my muscle mass increases slightly and my body fat percent goes down a little or stays the same. It is very frustrating! Based on what I am reading here, maybe I need to stop trying to lose the fat, and just concentrate on builing muscle, and as long as I eat healthy, the fat will take care of it's self? Shari
RE: Can you gain muscle mass while on a calorie deficit...

Sharid, I would be very wary of a body fat reading from a scale. I don't think they are accurate.
RE: Can you gain muscle mass while on a calorie deficit...

I know they aren't completely accurate, but I was under the impression that they are close....without calipers, do you know of a way to really measure body fat percentage? I have a small bone structure, and I know I am carrying a few extra pounds since having kids, (I would like to get rid of the cellulite on my things!!) but maybe it isn't as bad as I think. Shari
RE: Can you gain muscle mass while on a calorie deficit...

Hi everyone. Like Sharid, my goal is to lower my body fat percentage and I want to tone up at the same time (as oppose to gaining muscle mass).
I realise that I must eat clean and do weights and cardio. My question is, am I better off lifter lighter weights with high reps (eg Bodypump, Power Hour) or lifting heavier with lower reps? And should I still be on a calorie restricting diet??? Please help as I am so confused!
RE: Can you gain muscle mass while on a calorie deficit...

I am reading a book called The New Rules of Lifting for Women by Lou Schulter ( based on recommendations made by other folks on this site. I have been working very hard with Cathe for the last year and have seen FABULOUS results (that was up until a week ago when I fractured my footx( ). This book basicly states that in order to drop the fat you must increase your muscle mass. The muscle will speed up your metabolism which will then feed off of your fat...whereever it is on your body;-) It also breaks down other diet plans (low carb, low fat, etc.) and exercise strategies (hi rep/low weight, intense cardio, etc.) and why they fail. There are also diet recommendations. I'm only half way through, but what I've read so far ties into what I've been doing with Cathe and in the past with personal trainers and has worked for me.

RE: Can you gain muscle mass while on a calorie deficit...

Oh, this thread is fabulous! I joined this forum just a few days ago hoping to get exactly this kind of info (skinny/fat, trying to build but not knowing what to do nutrition-wise to balance things out & make sure I'm consuming enought calories/the right kinds, etc. etc.). It's so inspirational to know there are others trying to figure out this same thing, and coming up with some really good advice and answers! I've already bookmarked the "New Rules" book and will be getting it soon - thanks so much for the tip.

RE: Can you gain muscle mass while on a calorie deficit...

>I know they aren't completely accurate, but I was under the
>impression that they are close....without calipers, do you
>know of a way to really measure body fat percentage? I have a
>small bone structure, and I know I am carrying a few extra
>pounds since having kids, (I would like to get rid of the
>cellulite on my things!!) but maybe it isn't as bad as I
>think. Shari

I forget what the official name of this method of determining body fat is called (someone here will know) but I think the most accurate method is the dunk test. I had it done several times at the Ohio State University Phys Ed Dept. They lower you into a big tank while you hold your breath and once you're completely submerged someone yells at you to blow out the air and keep blowing until they see no more bubbles. Something about water displacing fat... I don't understand but it's supposed to be the most accurate. However, critics say it's nearly impossible for a person to blow ALL the air out of their lungs so how accurate can it be? Still, it's probably still the most reliable method. The dunk tank at Ohio State was like a giant tin can and I felt slightly clausterphobic the first time. Probably 20 years ago I had the test done at Naval Training Center in San Diego CA (which I understand is closed now because it was discovered the base was built atop a toxic waste dump...) and it was made of glass or some such material and was like being dunked in a giant aquarium. Much better. So when I saw the Tin Can at Ohio State I was like "You've got to be kidding..." If you have a large university near you call their physical education department and see if they have a dunk tank.

BTW, I got The New Rules book and I'm reading that as soon as I finish Tosca Reno's Clean Eating Diet Workout.
RE: Can you gain muscle mass while on a calorie deficit...

I am on a program...very strict diet, very clean, lots of protein and stuff. Lost 8 pounds of bodyfat so far and have added muscle too, have rounded out my glutes and capped my shoulders. It can be done, but its harder than you think.
I recommend enlisting the help of a nutrionist who understands athletes and leaning out while building muscle. Otherwise, when you diet, alot of times you wind up losing muscle and looking "flat", plus you can damage your metabolism by cutting calories too much. Oh and I am lifting as heavy as I can to challenge my muscle, keeping my reps in the 8-30 rep range for all bodyparts.

There is a new method of bodyfat looks like a tanning bed actually, you lay in it and it tells you everything, your bone mass, muscle mass, bodyfat, etc...a DO doctor in my area offers this service and I might do it.

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