Can we talk about Woody Allen

I had no idea about Celine! Zoiks, you learn something new every day :D

IMO the current gold medalists in the Creepy Olympics are Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Not saying there's any deviance there, it's just full-on weird.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
>IMO the current gold medalists in the Creepy Olympics are Tom
>Cruise and Katie Holmes. Not saying there's any deviance
>there, it's just full-on weird.

OMG, totally!! Not just weird, but weird and icky...blech!

Andy Dick did a pretty funny skit on Comedy Central's Last Laugh 2005 as TomKat's wedding planner a.k.a "Matrimo-gician". Comedy Central has the video on it's web site.
Just because someone's personal life is not like your own and who are we to judge, does not mean that they are deviant. Who knows what went on between his stepdaughter and himself. I don't know what happened, it is none of my business and frankly who knows if what the media has portrayed is true.
I love his movies and will support his movies all I want. "Crimes and Misdemeanors" is one of the best films ever made among some of his others.
Who is really innocent all things?
I think most celebrities are borderline nuts. I once read an interview with Michael J. Fox who said the reason this is so is because they live in this alternate "yes" universe - the place where no one EVER tells you no. Therefore, they evolve (devolve?) into a mindset that whatever they want is theirs for the taking. I thought that was an incredibly insightful point of view.

I have never really given Woody Allen much thought beyond a creepy shake or two when seeing pics of him with his latest wife. That is partially situational, since he did help raise her (ick), and partially my general pissiness toward any man who chases after women who are decades younger. I don't mean to offend any of you wonder women, I just wonder if there's something inherently wrong with a guy who can't deal with women his own age. Back when I went through a single period fairly recently, I spent a lot of time on (should I be embarrassed?). I had some hilarious conversations with guys in their 50s and 60s who indicated their interests in women 35 and younger. One guy actually had 37 as his cut-off point and stopped talking to me after I inquired if this was the age at which either the bitterness kicked in or the woman no longer needed his money. }( }( }( }(

But, interesting discussion.

Good point about Celine! She and her manager-later-husband go way back to when she was like 12. No one bats an eyeball about their relationship! Does that mean he's a pervert, too?

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
You know I feel the exact same way about Woody Allen. Well actually I never thought his movies were funny so I wouldn't have seen them anyway. Regardless of whether you believe Mia Farrow or not marrying your daughter is just nasty. He gives me the creeps everytime I see him. I love that when you are a Hollywood director being a pedophile is just a "quirky artist thing."

Weird how sometimes people do things that you just can't get over even though it really doesn't effect you. For example I hate Robin Williams not because he is annoying (although that is good reason) but because he left his wife for his nanny. I get mad everytime I see him. Strange...

I don't like Robin Williams for the same reason! He is annoying but the leaving your wife for the nanny is horrid in my mind!

LMAO at your post, Marie!

And no, you shouldn't be embarrassed about using It sure as heck is a better alternative to hanging out in bars trying to meet someone.

Here's a little story though. Two of my former high school class mates registered with He is 2x divorced, very nice lookin guy and wealthy. (don't know what the deal is but there must be something wrong with him!! lol) She has never been married, no kids lives a very cosmopolitan life but has just not met Mr. Right yet. Okay, matches them up to each other! She told this story at our last class reunion (just to a small group of us, not the entire room) but how funny that they've known each other since kindergarten, never dated each other ever, and now in their 40's their personalities meshed on I told her...go for it, what do you have to lose? At least they are starting off already knowing each other's baggage but she said it would be like dating her brother! :p

Ahhhh, similar to the topic of this thread! :p :p
I was a huge fan of stand-up comedy when I was younger, and Woody Allen was one of my all-time favorite stand-up comedians. As an insecure, Jewish New Yorker myself, I really "got" him. I was absolutely amazed to find that even as he matured and became successful, the insecurities never went away. To me, his self-deprecating humor became less funny than it used to be. He now stands as a warning of how I can wind up if I'm not careful, and of everything I don't want to be. Not being able to appreciate his own accomplishments and having to seek approval from young women he has nothing in common with. It's so pathetic.

When DH and I went searching for a quote that was right for me, we read hundreds of them until we found the one below. It sums up my whole life and all of my current struggles. Every time I see it, it reminds me to get out of my own way and just let success happen. I'm not sure that that's the way that Woody Allen intended it, but that's the way I interpret it. I love it.

That would depend...if something inappropriate was going on when she was a child of 12...yes. If their relationship developed and/or moved into a romantic phase when she was an adult then that's that.

I don't know anything about Celine Dion. Not a fan and I don't keep up on celebrity happenings.

But you see mentor/student marriages in professional sports too, figure skating especially. That Kerrigan girl married her much older coach after her last Olymics.

Sex between consenting adults is one thing, when it involves children/incest it is just plain wrong. Now, granted in the Woody situation the girl isn't his bio daughter...but that's splitting a very fine hair indeed.

And thent here was the country star Jerry Lee Lewis who married his 1st cousin and she was quite young at the time. His career tanked because people were much more conservative thinker's in the 50's/60's.
I think about that quote almost every time Nancy posts. It's really a helpful reminder to me.

If she didn't say who first said those words, it wouldn't be right. So she has to quote the speaker. My interpretation is not based on who said it initially, much less what a different person I am from the speaker, but what I think it says to ME.

ETA: LOL, because, as everything is, it's all about ME. LOL :p
>I think most celebrities are borderline nuts. I once read an
>interview with Michael J. Fox who said the reason this is so
>is because they live in this alternate "yes" universe - the
>place where no one EVER tells you no. Therefore, they evolve
>(devolve?) into a mindset that whatever they want is theirs
>for the taking. I thought that was an incredibly insightful
>point of view.
>I have never really given Woody Allen much thought beyond a
>creepy shake or two when seeing pics of him with his latest
>wife. That is partially situational, since he did help raise
>her (ick), and partially my general pissiness toward any man
>who chases after women who are decades younger. I don't mean
>to offend any of you wonder women, I just wonder if there's
>something inherently wrong with a guy who can't deal with
>women his own age. Back when I went through a single period
>fairly recently, I spent a lot of time on (should I
>be embarrassed?). I had some hilarious conversations with guys
>in their 50s and 60s who indicated their interests in women 35
>and younger. One guy actually had 37 as his cut-off point and
>stopped talking to me after I inquired if this was the age at
>which either the bitterness kicked in or the woman no longer
>needed his money. }( }( }( }(
>But, interesting discussion.

Don't be embarrassed by, heck I've used it too, back when I was single of course :D Boy, did I meet some doozies. This one guy showed up with peanut butter in his hair. Another one said to me, at my door, "if I'd known we weren't going to *&^% I'd have split the dinner check with you." Can you imagine?!

As for Woody and the situation there...I don't care what people do in their personal lives, really. I have a few friends whose personal choices make my hair stand on end, but I'm still friends with them. But child molesting isn't just another lifestyle choice, and I have no problem judging anyone who violates a child.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
Thanks, Amy, and you're right. But let's be real. If I thought of the guy as a child molester, I wouldn't be using his quotes. As far as anyone knows, those two fell in love and got married. I just can't compare that to someone who assaults little children. Unless there is something I don't know. I'm pretty bad about keeping up with the lives of the rich and famous. Is there more?

OMG Marie that is just classic--I'm gonna have to remember that--I think we're about the same age & I don't know about you, but I get more "offers" from men in their 60s & up than I do from men even remotely close to my own age (38).

I think the reason is b/c we're still young enough to look somewhat "girlish" but old enough where we have a confidence, self assurance & wisdom that actual girls do not have.

Also b/c they're at a point in their lives where (hopefully) they're financially secure & think women are attracted by that, & b/c they don't give a crap if they get turned down.

But that doesn't stop me from feeling a bit queasy when a 63 year old man asks me what I'm doing Friday night. x(
LauraMax, I'm 38, too! I'm never really sure how that happened, lol.

I hear you on the older guy thing. When I was dating, it seemed like every man I met was a lot older than me. Of course, I tend to go for older guys, so maybe you just find what you seek. :) But some of them were just downright creepy! I always had this image of taking someone home to meet my parents only to find out he'd gone to school with my dad...hehe.

BTW, how is the single life going? Are you seeing anyone? I do hope it all worked out after the EX.

Marie, the single life SUCKS. There is nothing, I mean NOTHING out there for women our age. Either they're already married, divorced w/baggage, or 63 years old. :eek:

Or, they're 10 years younger & have nothing in common. I think that's the direction I'm gonna have to take. To heck w/conversation, I'm settling for eye candy. }(
I don't think that there are actual legal grounds to call him a pedophile. As far as I know, she was of age. On the other hand, for me, it's a moral issue--a 50-60ish man (can't remember his age at the time) with an 18-20 year old--eww. Sure he's a celebrity and they're from Pluto, but that doesn't mean I have to approve of their behavior, even if it's legal, and even if the person doing the behavior happens to be a very talented and funny scriptwriter. Sure, maybe they fell in love, but he was a grown man, not a hormone-driven teenager, presumably, who should have had the maturity and sense of responsibility to not take an action that, though legal, is morally questionable.

Also, again, celebrities are in their own little world--yet, the actions of celebrities don't take place in a vacuum. There are repercussions throughout the rest of society--they are role models in many ways. Yes, we all have our own faults, but what is wrong with society as a whole having moral standards and judging people and their action based on those standards--without necessarily making those actions illegal?

I adore some of Woody Allen's older work, but....ew.

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