can only do 3 weeks each meso


I am suppose to be at week 4, meso 2 and i decided to just take my week off and start meso 3 next week. i did the same for meso 1. i skip week4

it's like not only physical, but more mental. i feel i need a break. i believe i am the only one who is changing that program to 3 weeks each meso. I think after meso 3, I will do 3 weeks of week 4 of each meso. i cannot do 4! 3 weeks in a row and I need a break

am I alone?
not exactly

I squished each mesocycle into 3+weeks by ditching a cardio here and there my first time through on a 3-month rotation. By the last few workouts, I was dragging myself through them and was definitely needing my rest week (I skipped the last leg workout in both M1 and M2 because I was too beat). The advice I got on this forum was to eat more, and it made a huge difference! I am now doing the 6-month rotation, and I am in the last week of M2 (so that's more like 7-8 weeks in a row) and am still feeling great, as long as I make a conscious effort to eat more.
I took an extra day or two, and once even a week, whenever I needed it - and just continued on with the Mesocycles. For me, the extra break was usually important if I had been changing time zones (travelling) quite a bit. The time I took the week off was halfway through Meso 2, when my body was clearly not liking the strain - I took extra time off, switched from the six month to a three month cycle, and restarted the meso. With Meso 3, I've chosen to throw in an extra day a few times, so that my 'week' cycle is closer to 9-ish days than seven.

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