We cannot use Cathe's tapes for bad no matter how much our in laws relations drive us made just us them to focus on mentally when you do your kicks and jabs. It will help and you will feel so much better and be on speaking terms with them afterward.
It IS possible to be firm but polite with folks with whom you don't agree. You teach people how to treat you, and you do not have to put up with behavior you don't like.
Just remember, they would not allow you to treat THEM the way they treat you - a little "golden rule" reminder. Stick to your guns and do not let them run your life. It's easier said than done, but it CAN be done, and without a shouting match.
I don't think that Cathe's kickbox is meant for that, but if you picked up some skills why not try them out. I do like this tape, especially watching Rhonda punching. I swear you'd think she was punching somebody for real - she looked tough!
I agree with honeybunch! "It IS possible to be firm but polite with folks with whom you don't agree. You teach people how to treat you, and you do not have to put up with behavior you don't like. Just remember, they would not allow you to treat THEM the way they treat you - a little "golden rule" reminder. Stick to your guns and do not let them run your life. It's easier said than done, but it CAN be done, and without a shouting match." A little Dr. Phil philosophy here!
No matter how poorly your in-laws are treating you, you control that. You can remove yourself from the "abuse." It's your choice.
And you might as well "nip it in the bud!" You may have a very long association with them, so rather than tolerate years of being treated poorly, stop the behavior now, address it, and you'll probably end up with a much better relationship in the long run!