Can I undo this in a week? Squishy feeling question!


I am not asking for a miracle....well, maybe I would be but I know better than that.

I have been working out for a looooong time and especially have increased my weights in the past 6 months. I have made some MAJOR muscle increase in my upper body. I can't really believe it.

BUT, I have a BIG event on the 26th of this month. I have been EATING like C-R-A-P for a couple of weeks and I feel "squishy"! I have kept working out, but need to get the eating under control again.

For the next 7 days, what should I concentrate on as far as my workouts go? Should I do a lot of pumping up or cardio? I WILL be eating lean this week, that should help this bloated high CHO body tissue problem.

Do you think that I might notice a difference in a week? I would just like the "me" back that I had a couple of weeks ago. I felt pretty lean and healthy.

Can a week undo 2-3 weeks of bad eating? (like I said earlier, I have been keeping up with my workouts, which was a positive point at least!)
Not Cathe, but just wanted to say that I notice an immediate difference (within a day or two) when I stop eating garbage and return to eating well. I think I get an all over bloat when I eat poorly, from all the salt in the cruddy food. When I eliminate that and add water and lots of fruits and vegetables, it is amazing how I immediately slim down. Maybe some of that is mental, but I know I can quickly drop and gain a few pounds in a few days depending upon my eating habits...

I know exactly what you mean and I was hoping to hear that reply! I know that most of it is probably mental, but attitude can usually make or break my "having fun" at any event. I just need to get through 24h of clean eating again. AFter doing SO well for SOOOOOO long I don't know how I have turned into such a garbage disposal!

Thanks for your reply!
I feel the same way! I get my body looking the way I want, and eat well and feel great. Then something happens, and I totally pig out, and lose motivation to exercise. I get that "squishy" feeling, and feel as if I have undone what I had worked so hard for. This weekend, I felt like I had gained 10 pounds!!

Today is a new day, and I'm putting all efforts into cleaning up my diet, weights 3 days a week, and cardio 3-4 days.

I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who struggles with this. I hope everyone has a happy, healthy week!
Hi Firmnurse! If you have been working out all along and it is mostly your diet that has changed, then turning your diet around is what will bring you the biggest change in 7 days. It sounds like you are retaining extra water from the unfavorable (but oh so flavorful, wink) food choices. Definitely eat as clean as possible until the day of your event. Remember too that stress upsets the chemical balance in your body which can effect how your body reacts to the demands placed on it (ie: your workouts). Try to remain calm for this event, drink lots of water, keep up with your regular workouts (adding an extra cardio or two per week just for this event) and I think you will be pleasantly surprised. Good Luck!
Hey Jackie!! Good to see ya over here!!!! LOL!!! I'm so glad you asked this question considering the posts over on the other boards. I just wanted to say thanks for asking this question since it directly effects me:7 and thanks to everyone who answered.
Oh yeah! I decided that for today (Monday) I was really going to UP my water intake. That REALLY helped even though I really needed my Diet Coke this a.m., I did without it.

All the water has helped me feel like I at least "flushed" some of the "squooshiness" out. I did workout this evening but I really and truly felt more jiggle in my jumps than I did last week! uh-oh!;(

I am trying to get to bed before my urge to eat something comes along! It really is hard to get back into it. Thanks for all the support!:)

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