New Member
Hello All,
I just bought the whole sts dvd set today hopefully it will come soon it will be you new years resolution to start and complete it, Any words of wisdom or special equipment I need to get started while I am waiting? Also do you need to go in order 123 or can you start however you like.
What is best advice for a new STS?
I am fit but have 10 lbs I would like to lose and gain muscle definition.
I follow clean eating diet by tosca reno and love to run.
Would love to continue chit chatting with other new to the program and those with advice to share. Thanks
Hello and welcome!

I just finished STS Meso 1 for the first time! It is important to go in order, at least for the first rotation! The first set takes you through muscle endurance training, the second set is for hypertrophy and the third is for strength.

There are 2 rotations - a 3 1/2 month and a 6 1/2 month. You should read up on some of the posts here in the STS forum. I found that a lot of people wish they had done the 6 1/2 month rotation for their first go around. That's what I'm doing. It really helps to get used to the pace and set up for each workout and the second time goes much smoother and I feel like I get a better workout!

The others will be able to answer more for you as most of them have done STS all the way through and some twice!

Good luck with your goals! I know you'll get there!

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