Can anyone recommend an upper body rotation?


Does anyone out there have an upper body rotation they can recommend? I've seen Cathe's Upper Body Bliss from 2005 but I do lack most of those workouts, including the GS workouts (which I will likely add to the collection in the coming weeks.) Thank you in advance!
If you do a search for "tank top" or "tank top rotation" you'll find a few variations of the original Tank Top Rotation posted years ago by a Marlene123 (?).
Maybe Debbies, Get Ready for Summer (original or May 07). You work upper body 2X a week and lower once. its alot of fun!

Thank you Stacy and Deanie! I have printed myself copies and will start something for September once I make it through Cathe's lower body rotation.
Thanks I need to work my upper body more. So I'll seach for the Tank Top Rotation. I don't the the GS DVDs either.

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