Can a total beginner do this?


I love cathe. However, I stopped working out when i was pregnant with my third, and she is now 8 months old. Can I start back with STS? I think it would be awesome, and I keep hearing such great reviews!

So...can total beginner do this?

IMO, no.
The length of the workouts and the intensity would be too much for a 'beginner'.

It's definitely an advanced program (though I think intermediates could do it with modifications).

It is, however, a good goal to shoot for after you've rebuilt some of your strength and endurance.

Just my 2 cents!
Jessica, my first reaction was to say "Why Not?". Seriously, what's so focussed about STS is the 1RM, which are all based on YOU and YOUR ABILITY at this point in time. Why not?

I'm NO professional by ANY stretch of the imagination.

And, Kathryn, I understand what you're saying, so I don't mean to contradict you.

Jessica, if you do your 1RM tests and feel they're too difficult then you go lighter. Or you just go lighter to begin with and work your way up to your 1RM.

I'd be interested to hear what Cathe says to this question.


I think that as a beginner you could do STS. The program is individualized based on your 1RM (See STS Forum for more info).

If you complete your 1RM, know your limitations, understand the proper form for each exercise before attempting, there is NO reason on earth why you cannot complete STS. All DVD players have a pause feature and if the exercises are going too fast for you, feel free to use it. :)

You can download the 1RM worksheet before you buy so that you can prepare for each exercise. Just a thought!

Just remember ALL of us were beginners at some point. I believe STS is Cathe's crown jewel. It offers a level of motivation which I have not seen in her workouts EVER! Yes, I have them all and I am a fan. This is the first workout program my husband and I actually look forward to each week.

Cathe TV has been a great resource for all of us regarding the proper form, take advantage of her shows. Shows 1 through 4 are jam packed with good information.

Good luck to you. I sure hope that Cathe has time to address your question directly. :)

I love cathe. However, I stopped working out when i was pregnant with my third, and she is now 8 months old. Can I start back with STS? I think it would be awesome, and I keep hearing such great reviews!

So...can total beginner do this?

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So...can total beginner do this?


Define "total beginner." From your message, it seems that you've exercised before. If so, you probably know enough about form, safety, etc. to be able to do STS (I'm finishing Mesocycle 1 this week).

However, I don't know if this would be the best program to start with after such a long break. It could be a great challenge to start with, or it could be exhausting and overwhelming (too much too soon).

It may be beneficial to start with some less intense workouts for a few weeks to get back into the swing of things, then start STS after that.

However, if you were a total beginner (new to exercise,) I wouldn't recommend STS as the program to start with. There are many workouts and programs that are better suited to absolute beginners.

I don't have an answer for you, but just giving you some things to consider in making your decision.

Good luck!
Define "total beginner." From your message, it seems that you've exercised before. If so, you probably know enough about form, safety, etc. to be able to do STS (I'm finishing Mesocycle 1 this week).

However, I don't know if this would be the best program to start with after such a long break. It could be a great challenge to start with, or it could be exhausting and overwhelming (too much too soon).

It may be beneficial to start with some less intense workouts for a few weeks to get back into the swing of things, then start STS after that.

However, if you were a total beginner (new to exercise,) I wouldn't recommend STS as the program to start with. There are many workouts and programs that are better suited to absolute beginners.

I don't have an answer for you, but just giving you some things to consider in making your decision.

Good luck!

That was pretty much what I was going to say with the addition of letting you know that I have been rather sporatic with my workouts as of late. I would work out for a few weeks then be off for 2 to 6 weeks :confused:. I jumped in with both feet, modifying where necessary. I am in my recovery week and doing just fine.

My situation is not exactly the same as yours. I would not consider myself a beginner, but after making a few assumptions based on your post I wouldn't have considered you a beginner either. So take that into consideration.

If you decide to go with STS, I would personally be sure to take a couple weeks to go through the RM testing. This will both make sure you are selecting the correct weights and give you a little bit of practice to get you back in the swing of things.

Good luck, no matter what you decide!!!
Thank you all!

I am not a total beginner in the sense of newness to working out all together. I have used cathe in the past and know good form. After the birth of my 2nd child (who is now 28 months old) I used cathe to lose 45lbs. I have done little bouts of exercise in the last 8 months, but nothing consistant.

Thanks again!
I am up to Meso 2 week 3 and I really think you can start back up with STS. Just use all Cathes modifications. Meso 1 uses light weights anyway and I was so surprised because my joints were not screaming at me like they usually do on high rep workouts. I modified the pushups like crazy at first and I've had 2 wrists surgeries, and presently have pretty aggressive arthritis and I still can find a way to do it. I've lost 2 1/2 inches off my waist and 1 1/2 " off my hips and 1" off my thigh since starting STS. I've lost 10 lbs. I have only managed to do a little cardio about 2x a week. When I first started I had 2 sometimes 3 rest days in-between workouts and did no cardio until I felt a little stronger. I did my 1 rep max testing by disc. I have modified some of the weights because of wrists issues but I am thrilled with the results. My advice would be to go for it, going slow and easy and modifiy until you get stronger. You can always repeat the program. I think you will enjoy having a new workout for the next 3 months. I always look forward to seeing whats next. STS has gotten me back into exercising after many months off. I've stuck with it which I haven't done in a long time. I recommend watching the workout before doing it. That really helped with seeing which equipment I would need. I did sometimes pause during a workout also. Finally, any stretch workout you have will help a lot. I do stretching on my off days and have found it to be so helpful.
I hope this helps with your decision...Peggy
I don't think so. I consider myself advanced and STS is kicking my A$$!!! But if you're not new to Cathe and know good form you could probably modify.
IMO, no.
The length of the workouts and the intensity would be too much for a 'beginner'.

It's definitely an advanced program (though I think intermediates could do it with modifications).

It is, however, a good goal to shoot for after you've rebuilt some of your strength and endurance.

Just my 2 cents!

I agree with Kathryn. This is not a weight training program to begin with.

It is extremely aggressive, so I would use some of Cathe's other muscle DVDs to begin my routines.
I disagree. I am a beginner and I am doing STS. Haven't exercised in years. I am modifying where needed. I did 14 tricep dips instead of 16. I adjust the weights to suit my level. I am feeling stronger.
I think the key to being a beginner is if you know correct weight lifting form of the exercises before you try STS. I'm 40# overweight with joint and knee issues but I'm doing STS and modifying it where I need to and am enjoying it. I've weight trained with a personal trainer in the past.
if you don't know proper form then you could hurt yourself trying to keep up with the pace. I would then suggest that you hire a personal trainer to go thru the 1 rep max exercises with you so they can teach you form.

The one rep max makes this program customizeable. Before I purchased STS I asked Cathe SNM and was told yes a beginner can do it.

I am a beginner and maybe I can't do some of the exercises like the ball pikes and probably more to come... However I am able to complete each workout for the most part. For example I am not lifting as much weight as Cathe but I am sure I am lifting what ius appropriate for me to get benefit without injury. Maybe I short a push up here or there but I am hanging tough. I even have a significant injury, brachial plexus/radial/median nerve palsy which greatly impacts my ability in everything not just working out, and I am doing it.

If I can do it you can do it. Being a mother of three young children puts you in shape already unless you are sitting around all day watching tv and eating bon-bons. But if you were you wouldn't even know what STS was let alone be thinking about doing it.

Calculate your one rep max and go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!

You will get the support from the site here.

Something I think about when I can't do a ball pike is jst wait til 6 months from now when I am doing them!

Good Luck and I hope you decide to join us here!!

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