Can a newbie to Cathe use the pyramid upper/lower for weight training?

RE: Can a newbie to Cathe use the pyramid upper/lower f...

Are you new to weight lifting or just new to Cathe weight lifting? I had been doing firm for 6 months and had just started Cathe when I did the pyramids, they were very doable (and very fun for me!). After I did pyramid upper body the first time my chest muscles were twitching/quivering for at least 15 minutes and I was unable to lift my arms very well for 2 days after, so I only did each once a week and muscle endurance a total body once a week with 3 days cardio. But I am still not what I consider advanced, upper intermediate. I did notice results immediately.
Sure. Just use lighter weights than you think you may need the first time out (and keep a log of what you used and how you could go up in some exercises). Also, don't rush through changing the barbell weight in PLB, just go at a careful pace and don't let the fact that Cathe and crew are going so fast make you rush. I'm no newbie to Cathe or weight training, but I almost always have to "chapter down" my DVD on PLB so that they don't get ahead of me.

As for how often: no more than 2x/week each. I recommend starting at 1x/week each, and adding another total body weight workout on another day (for example: Monday: PLB; Wednesday: PUB; Friday or Saturday: Full body weight workout; fill in the other days with cardio and/or stretching).
Thank you both so much for replying!! I am new to weights and Cathe but loved the 'video clip' of the PUB and PLB so much! I plan on using the PUB/PLB in conjuction with the wedding tape!! I would love some recs for streching exercise VHS/DVD of say yoga/pilates or a combo of both.
Once again that so much for replying!!
I recently purchased Sarah Ivanhoe's Perfect yoga workout it has 2 workouts on it and one is a relaxing stretch type yoga 35 minutes and it also has a power yoga program for 42 minutes, this is an intermediate tape, all for 14.95 I bought it at Best Buy but it is also at collage video you can view the clips. I tried the relaxation stretching last night and just felt so at peace, I slept better than I have in a long time and just really felt feminine afterwards. You will recognize alot of the poses/stretches from your cathe videos, the stretches are just held alot longer, I never realized that most of the firm/cathe stretch segments use yoga. I was able to do every move on this, the stretches are held for alot longer than in the cool down of a work out video. I am going to do the power yoga after I have done this portion for a week or two. I also bought Janis Saffel's dynamic stretch and previewed and I love the music/background I got it at These are my first stretch/yoga videos and I was happy with both! I am also have Mari Winsor's pilates and really enjoy those too, I guess I am not very hard to please becuase it is not very often I buy a video and don't like it but then I do alot of researching the boards to get reviews from other people before I buy. Hope this helps!
Sherry thanks so much for replying back! I am off to collagevideo to preview the tapes that you metioned! Thanks again so much!

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