Can a klutz conquer CTX???


I tried Power Circuit yesterday and I was hopeless! For you fellow klutzes, how long did it take you to get it? (please tell me you finally did!) It looked like a great workout and I'd love to be able to do the whole thing without tripping over my 2 left feet. Can anybody offer me any encouragement or tips?
Hey! Yes, there is hope! If you keep trying it, you will get it soon. Trust me....been there, done that! As long as you have a sense of "fun" you will get it soon. Cathe is my favorite "toy." To me its like taking me to the park. I may not be the best, strongest or fastest, but I have fun. Just don't lose your sense of "child play," and you will get it.

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon
Thanks, you guys! I'm going to go try it again right now. Hey Sherry, I did the same thing with MIS...couldn't even get the warm-up so I didn't even try the rest of the workout. So sad to be a klutz!:+
Malissa~I am THE number one Klutz! If I can do it, you can! Just keep at it. Each time you put a tape in, you will learn a few steps more. It doesn't matter if you get the steps 100% either. You will still be working out. Just keep at it. All of Cathe's tapes are worth the learning curve and time it takes to get them down. You will have such a feeling of accomplishmet when you do too! I FINALLY just last week got the shuffle repeater in IMax 2 and I am not kidding, I was grinning (OUTLOUD if that is possible! ;-)) all by myself in my workout room. Glad no one was around! Just have fun and don't beat yourself up. It WILL come!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I am very un-coordinated when it comes to step routines, so I tend to concentrate my Cathe time on strength-training. However, I have found that it takes me at LEAST 3 times of doing a step workout before I can do it without tripping or hurting myself. And I still can't do CTX All Step without messing up!

When I started doing CTX, I also did Power Circuit alternating it with walking to give my brain and legs a break, but still get in cardio. As I became better at that one, I added in another one, and then another and so on, until I was able to do the rotation as designed. I still go back to the walking days if my legs feel a bit tired. CTX is a fabulous series, but all that impact can be hard on the knees and feet for some people.
Begging your pardon, DebBEEEEE, but I am the Ranking Klutz of the Cathe forums, and if I can conquer Power Circuit anyone can!

The neat thing about Power Circuit's step choreography especially is that the little drills are fairly brief and repeated 4 times, giving you plenty of time to practice each one!

Don't get discouraged - just keep practicing it; in fact, you may want to do it a bit more frequently in the next few days / weeks than you might if you were following a standard rotation, so that you can get good at it quickly. Plus . . . if any move truly defeats you, you can always substitute an equally intense move that you like.

If you continue... you will conquer it - just repeat this over and over. As a fellow klutz, when I attempted to do IMAX - suffice it to say that I was humbled. A year later I'm a stepping madwoman. Body Max, Imax 2 - I couldn't go beyong interval 5, but I kept at it and feel wonderful because I continued and didn't give up. You might want to do the workout without the step to get a "feel" for it, then when you're comfortable go for it on the step, of course at a height that is comfortable to avoid any injuries.

It will happen for you... hang in there!!

Take care,



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