Campbell Soup Video Rotation


I hadn't heard anything from you. How's it going? Did you find that modifications or changes needed to be made once you started? Am very interested in your progress.

Talk to you soon hopefully. Best wishes, Cyndie
Hey Cyndie!

I think I need to get to bed! I read your subject title and thought, Hmmmm, wonder if they use Campbell Soup cans for weights??!! Don't mind me, it's be a real long day!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
RE: Hey Cyndie!

LOL....I'm worse than you, I was thinking, "awesome, I can workout and eat soup at the same time!" If only it were true!

:) Stacy
Boy, I sure feel better. At least I wasn't the only one that had silly thoughts jumping :-jumpy thru my head. I asked myself " Now why would Campbell's soup be recommending an exercise rotation???" and had to quickly open the thread to see what was being proposed. (lol) I still smile every time I see this title, :D can't help myself.

I'm strivN2Bfit , Paulette
I am looking for a woman named Heather who has campbell soup as her user name for some reason. A while back I created a video rotation for her and then never heard anything about how it was going. I hope she responds. I am so sorry for the confusion.

Take care everyone, Cyndie
Hey Cyndie & Stacy!

No need to apologize. Actually, it was nice to have a good laugh when I realized you meant a poster by the name of Campbell Soup. I do remember her now. You could do a search for the thread and possibly E-mail her??? Good Luck!

Stacy~You could probably get away with your idea if you used the lowfat Campbell Soups!!:7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
CampbellSoup Rotation

Hi, I'm here! Funny that my user name created such last name is Campbell, and when my Mom has to spell it for people, she always says "like the soup". That just popped into my head while trying to think of a user name. :)


I'm sorry that I have not posted back with any results. To be honest, I have not really been able to follow the rotation due to many different reasons (didn't have all of the videos yet, I was sick, toddler was sick, etc). BUT, I have tried to follow the "intent" of the rotation (building intensity, strength week, cardio week, running twice a week). So, even though it's been extended for longer than 4 weeks, it seems to be working :) because I feel like my endurance has increased and notice that my thighs and backside have become more toned! My speed with the running really isn't much better, but I've been able to increase my distance a little. I now plan on starting over with the whole process...I have some new videos and have gotten rid of some others, but will come up with the four weeks using your four different focus format.

Thanks again for your help!!! I really enjoy reading your advice, by the way. :)


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