cals, protein, carbs, fat??


do you guys count all your macros (carbs, protein, and fat) in the day or focus mostly on total calories instead; getting enough protein in of course;-)
After being soley focused on counting calories for 2.5 yrs, I ended up ruining my metabolism (only eating 1200 cal/day, which is too little for my body) to where I can't lose any more weight. I am working with a nutritionist now and only watching my macronutrients as well as the correct timing of them.
I count both...I use to keep track on my calories. I try to keep 30% protein, 30% fat, and 40% carbs...(trying is the operative word!?!ha) I have noticed GREAT changes in my body!!!!!

My major emphasis is on calories - 1500-1800 per day for me but I also keep a close eye on everything else as well to make sure I'm eating a balanced diet. So, if say I'm low in my protein towards the end of the day, I'll add in a protein drink or tuna or something to bump up my protein. I use to track it all and it's free!

This is my first week back exercising (after I broke my ankle late February) and I just started keeping track of total calories and fat. I trust my carb intake is good; I may need to keep track of protein, too.

Goal is to get back in shap and lose an estimated 5-7 lbs of fat. (Don't know my weight, just think that's probsably the amount to fit back into my clothes comfortabley),
I don't count anything. I just eat mainly natural foods, and go by my appetite. I do pay attention to the amount of macronutrients in any processed foods I eat, and do things like avoid high-carb foods with less than 2 grams of naturally occuring fiber per serving. And if I eat something that is high in fat, I balance it out by eating foods that are low in fat.
I count calories, fat, protein, carbs and fiber using calorie king software. I think counting calories is very useful however I'm a big believer in using a HRM to calculate exercise calories and making sure I eat enough to fuel my workout AND eat enough calories for normal daily function so I don't screw up my metabolism. A Cathe cardio DVD can burn anywhere from 450-800 calories (for me) so I have to adjust my daily calorie intake to account for those calories. My maintenance calories are 1650 a day so on let's say a Body Max 2 day I'll eat 2300 calories (1650 + 650 for the calories I burn with BM2). HTH!
i agree with Kathryn since i cannot do any cardio now i mainly pay attentionto sugar. i do not worry as much about calories.

i've been doing just calorie counting lately. I put everything into fitday and noticed my cals are the same as they were when i calculated mainly protein and carbs but now i'm eating a little more carbs and i feel better. i'm not as tired and grumpy. not that i was eating low carb before (150g) but now i'm about 200g and its made a difference. i guess with all my intense workouts my body needed those carbs. i was such a protein freak before. i would get up to 180g per day. way too much! anyways, thanks for all of your responses. body line is you never know how your body responds to something until you try it. i just have to keep reminding myself that its total cals that make all the difference

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