calories and bm2


Active Member
I read in Fitness magazine that Amy Bento hi/lo burns about 500 some calories and Jari Love Get Ripped burns about a thousand, so how many do cal. do you think burn in body max 2?:)
According to my HRM I burn around 750 calories with Body Max 2. For Ripped 1000 I only burn around 400-450. Of course the calorie burn will differ for everyone based on thier height, weight and level of fitness but BM2 burns way more calories than GR1000 for me, not to mention that BM2 is way more FUN!
Not only does calories burn differ from person to person it can also differ for yourself for day to day or week to week. Some weeks are our best weeks, such as the week right before your period. This is "your" workout week and you should focus on tackling the most difficult workouts or giving 100% and then some to your workouts.

If you ever noticed that one week out of the month you are more energtic when it comes to your workout than others it is because your hormones are off balance and in your favor as far as the workout is concerned and those calories will burn!

For BM2 I normally will burn about 750-900 depending on the week or how I feel. I wear a heart monitor watch that keeps track of calories burned, and only a few times for this workout I have hit the 900 mark, but usually stay within 750-800.

The information about "your" week I read in Women's Health and Fitness magazine, and also aksed my OB/GYN once I read those articles to confirm or deni, which was confirmed.
The first time I did BM2, I burned 795 calories. This was the most I have ever burned with any workout.

I always wear my heart rate monitor (I have a polar) and I usually burn between 700-900 depending on how much I have eaten and how tired I am (I work the midnight shift)...
Where can I get a reasonably priced heart rate monitor. I would like to know how much I am burning. It is exciting to think I could be in the upper 700's. You really feel like you've accomplished something then? How about in imax 3 or kickmax? do you know your average for those?
Why do I get the idea I am only burning 450 calories max during my most intense workout?

How do you guys know how many calories that you are burning?

If you are using some type of heart rate monitor, I would love to know your thoughts on the type/brand I should purchase.


My HRM showed about 380 cals burned, but I took it off after the circuits. I didn't include upper body b/c I didn't feel my heartrate was high enough to be in the fat burning zone.
I just did BM2 yesterday and only burned 500 calories so I have the same question as an earlier post. Why am I burning so much less? I have a Polar Heart Monitor and do not alter anything in the workout. I use the same height step, jump everywhere I'm supposed and then some when my heart rate goes down under my training zone so I know my lower calorie burn is not from underworking. Now when I do the IMax workouts my calories burned are in line with everyone elses - 450-500 - which seems to be what I've read everyone else is burning.

I really liked BM2 but am disappointed in my calorie burn. Anybody know why I could be so much less?

I just did BM2 yesterday and only burned 500 calories so I have the same question as an earlier post. Why am I burning so much less? I have a Polar Heart Monitor and do not alter anything in the workout. I use the same height step, jump everywhere I'm supposed and then some when my heart rate goes down under my training zone so I know my lower calorie burn is not from underworking. Now when I do the IMax workouts my calories burned are in line with everyone elses - 450-500 - which seems to be what I've read everyone else is burning.

I really liked BM2 but am disappointed in my calorie burn. Anybody know why I could be so much less?

Goodness. I thought working out was supposed to be fun and enjoyable, not a an exercise in scientific computations that would only result in unhappiness. ;-)

I kid - but you know what I mean. :)
Goodness. I thought working out was supposed to be fun and enjoyable, not a an exercise in scientific computations that would only result in unhappiness. ;-)

I kid - but you know what I mean. :)
You're right! I love BM2 and shouldn't worry about the numbers! Just thought I was missing something but to burn around 500 calories a workout for most of Cathe's workouts - I shouldn't be complaining!!!!!

Thanks for the encouragement of just working out because we want to!
You're right! I love BM2 and shouldn't worry about the numbers! Just thought I was missing something but to burn around 500 calories a workout for most of Cathe's workouts - I shouldn't be complaining!!!!!

Thanks for the encouragement of just working out because we want to!
Maybe I'm wrong but it seems to me like it's probably not a good idea to burn too many calories at one time...

I've read that women should consume anywhere from 1500-2000 calories per day (plus some if you're super active, running a marathon or something!). Doesn't it seem weird to expect to burn half of your daily intake in one workout?? You don't have to burn all of the calories you consume by working out. Your body will use a lot of them just to keep yourself running normally. And if you are building muscle, muscle burns more calories continuously (even after you're done working out) than fat.

I've always heard, eat right, and be active for 45-60 minutes per day, and you'll be healthy. Enjoy yourself or you won't want to continue! I don't know...just my opinion....
Maybe I'm wrong but it seems to me like it's probably not a good idea to burn too many calories at one time...

I've read that women should consume anywhere from 1500-2000 calories per day (plus some if you're super active, running a marathon or something!). Doesn't it seem weird to expect to burn half of your daily intake in one workout?? You don't have to burn all of the calories you consume by working out. Your body will use a lot of them just to keep yourself running normally. And if you are building muscle, muscle burns more calories continuously (even after you're done working out) than fat.

I've always heard, eat right, and be active for 45-60 minutes per day, and you'll be healthy. Enjoy yourself or you won't want to continue! I don't know...just my opinion....
Oh yes, I know what you mean! Working out needs to be fun!

I know I am in the wrong forum so please don't flame me, but.....

I recently created an 11 week rotation and incorporated some of Cathe's older videos as well as the ones I really don't enjoy (like most kickbox videos).

I am really bad about reaching for the videos I love the most -- especially the ones with music that I love.

Another lady made a 9 week rotation, and I used hers as the basis for making my own rotation.

I have hit a plateau and want to jump start my results.

I did include some "dessert" videos which are the ones I love very much, but am over using. I call them dessert videos because after using videos I don't really like, they are my rewards.

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