Hi Nancy,
I just want to ask how you are doing with your new products that you purchased to follow the Dr Baumann skin care routine? I am having some really bad reactions to some of them ( retinol 60) and was wondering what products you purchased? I am a DRPW. (dry, resistant Pigmented, wrinkled). My face can not tolerate the retin A that well. I get red marks and it burns when I put on any of the other products. I have been on it for about 2 months now. I backed off the Retin A, and kept using the other products. I have not seen any improvement at all, as a matter of fact, I now have dryer skin with patches of peeling dry skinx( .
I just want to ask how you are doing with your new products that you purchased to follow the Dr Baumann skin care routine? I am having some really bad reactions to some of them ( retinol 60) and was wondering what products you purchased? I am a DRPW. (dry, resistant Pigmented, wrinkled). My face can not tolerate the retin A that well. I get red marks and it burns when I put on any of the other products. I have been on it for about 2 months now. I backed off the Retin A, and kept using the other products. I have not seen any improvement at all, as a matter of fact, I now have dryer skin with patches of peeling dry skinx( .