Calling Nancy324! : please read


Hi Nancy,

I just want to ask how you are doing with your new products that you purchased to follow the Dr Baumann skin care routine? I am having some really bad reactions to some of them ( retinol 60) and was wondering what products you purchased? I am a DRPW. (dry, resistant Pigmented, wrinkled). My face can not tolerate the retin A that well. I get red marks and it burns when I put on any of the other products. I have been on it for about 2 months now. I backed off the Retin A, and kept using the other products. I have not seen any improvement at all, as a matter of fact, I now have dryer skin with patches of peeling dry skinx( .

Sorry to hear that, Deb! Were the retinol products recommended in the book?

I'm a DSPW. I've only been using my products for about a week or so. I'm using Visibly Even moisturizer during the day under make-up. At night I use Skin Effects, allow it to dry for about 15 minutes, and then use the recommended Aveeno night cream. I plan to give it at least a month and then I'll assess where I want to go from there.

Have you tried the Baumann forums? There's lots of different discussions and I'm sure you'll find others with similar issues:

Good luck!
Deb - I don't know anything about these skin care products. But I have used Retin A... a long time ago, during my teen acne years. And yes, the redness you are describing is a common side effect. Over time, the effect did subside for me as my skin got used to it (and besides, it was better than acne!). But if your skin is extra-sensitive, I'd definitely back off.

Yes I have logged on to the Baumann forums but they are not very responsive there. You may get one reply and weeks go by and no one else posts at all! I bought all my products from her suggested list for my skin type, mostly ones that you cannot get in a drugstore, like the La Roche Posay stuff. What did you get for eye cream and dark spots?

The Retin A one, was Retinol 60 ( supposed to be stronger than the 40 version) by La Roche Posay. I may try using it once a week mixed in with the night moisturizer. Then if my skin can tolerate that, back off on the moisturizer a little at at time.

I guess I had read so many positive things about using her skin care regime that I was expecting better results! I also spent a ton of money on the products, because I didn;t go with the drugstore

I've been reading the Baumann book and my feelings are mixed about it.

Turns out I'm a OSPW which isn't too much of a surprise. But I am surprised at some of her recommendations which often include bar soaps.

I'm a long time follower of Paula Beguon "Don't Go to the Cosmetics Counter Without Me" and she has always said that any bar soap no matter what it claims is irritating simply because of the ingredients that have to go into it to make it a bar.

There are some other things that make me say Hmmm.

I do like Baumann's skin typing chapter and I think that it's really helpful.

Also, her descriptions of cosmetics procedures and who they help and who they don't is great.

But I think, and mind you I haven't read the whole book, I'm going to stick with Paula for recommendations for products.

She tells you exactly what's what with each product, what ingredients are good and why and if they are present in enough quantity to do any good and she cites studies and research.

So, that's just my .02.
I second the recommendation for Paula's choice cosmetics. Over the years I have spent a ton of money on skin care. I've used the expensive and the inexpensive. My skin and I can't tell the difference!
Paula Beguon is good at commenting on other's products, but I've tried her products and I really don't think she knows what she's doing. Her moisturizer may have good ingredients, but she doesn't know how to formulate it to work with make-up. My foundation, which I love, curdles when I try to put it on over Paula's moisturizer. I still like reading her analysis of products, but I'm more interested in what the users at make-up alley have to say about a product because, well, they've used it.
Piping in to say, I use the Obagi line, and the retinol is to be used every other day-tops. Less, if your skin is really reacting to it. Then gradually work your way up to more. It works really well for anyone with discolorations, wrinkles and as a preventative. :) Use your sunscreen though, that is super important..
Nancy, that's an interesting point. I basically never wear make-up so I don't have a leg to stand on with your argument.

However, now that I'm getting a little older I am interested in maybe a hint of foundation and that would definitely be an issue.

They all have to work together for sure.

More experimenting is in order! :)
What's funny is that MAC makes a moisturizer that is wonderful under make-up, but it lacks an SPF ingredient and probably lacks other ingredients that are healthy for your skin. I will probably always be experimenting because I want it ALL. }( :p
Nancy I'm 100% with you. Now that I'm 40 I really think the acne could just finally go away. I wouldn't mind. Really.

Is it really too much to ask? A year or two in between acne and wrinkles? Actually now I have both.

I just want calm, clear, even, non greasy skin. Seems simple.

After reading the Baumann book though I think I may just grab a tube of the St. Ives cucumber eye gel stuff. Sounds like it may be cheap enough to try even if it doesn't work.

Does your foundation have SPF?
Suzanne and Fox, my foundation is called Trucco Skintones. Yes, it has an SPF of 15, I think. Suzanne, have you tried a dermatologist? I'm sort of resigned to my skin's loss of elasticity, but I would love to reduce my brown spots. If the Jeffrey Dover stuff doesn't work after a month or so, I may see the dermatologist.

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