Calling all WW's ......


Hi All,

Just wondering, when all of you went to your first initial weigh-in, how many of you weighed heavier on the WW's scales, than your own home scales ? I was weighed the other night to discover that I am actually 5# heavier than I thought ??????
Anyone else experienced this ?

Anna :)
I think this is in the results may vary category...

I actually am about 2 lbs lighter at WW than on my home scale. Its driving me crazy and I find myself getting on the scale each morning/evening trying to figure out what my 'official' weigh-in nmber will be.

I tried hiding my scale in the kids bathroom under the counter but I just kept going in there and taking it out every morning/evening.

Gee... I never have answers for anyone... just awfully empathetic :)

- Sharon
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-02 AT 12:49PM (Est)[/font][p]Yes I have when I went to WW in Westminister I was heavier than my home scale.

Could be all sorts of variables but I find the best thing to do is to stick to one scale using both is a road to madness and obession.

Anna, did you weigh yourself at home in the same outfit that you were weighed in at WW? Clothes can account for some. You might want to try calibrating your scale at home to match what the WW scale said.

Just a suggestion, as Cathe says, take it or leave it, right? What tape is that from? I can't remember! But I can hear her cute little voice in my head. OH GOD I'M HEARING VOICES IN MY HEAD!!!!

Good luck!

I'm ready to take the next step!
I used to drive myself nuts with the scales. I once went into Wal-Mart to buy a new one, but I decided to try them out first. I stepped on something like 8 or 10 different sets of scales, and they all weighed me differently, even though I stepped on gently and in approximately the same spot on each. Even scales of the same brand and type showed different weights--some more than ten pounds apart. Ahhhh! I guess the only advice I have to offer is to pay attention to the weight loss and not to the weight itself--just look at your progress, in other words.
I used to weigh 7 lbs. more at WW's than on my home scale. That is very discouraging. But, on my home scale, I would weigh with a nightgown on, and an empty stomach. After you have eaten all day, and are fully dressed w/ shoes, yes, that makes a big difference. For awhile it upset me so much, I started just weighing on my scale at home before I left to know if I had a loss from last week. When I was fully clothed, and shoes on, our scales were 2 lbs. appart. Maybe you could try that???
Lori S.
Thanks everyone,

Well, it just goes to show how rubbish scales are, doesn't it ?

Wutheringheights - I can't believe you stood on so many different scales and they all said something different :eek: :-wow :eek: ! Which did you decide on in the end ? Or did you not bother buying one ?

I have decided to keep my own scales reading in mind - when I wear nothing, and weigh myself straight after using the loo in the morning. I have to admit the other night I had sports shoes on, clothes, full stomach, and a full bladder, so no wonder I was over what I normally am.

Anna :)
I decided not to buy any of the scales. It was a little scary at first, but I just go by the size of my clothes, now. I always buy one dress a little too tight and use that to keep close tabs. If it gets looser, I feel good. If it gets tighter, I get tougher with myself. I get too depressed when the needle on that scale doesn't move. That can send me into a binge, and that's never good because I'm not in control. Oddly enough, it doesn't happen when I use "the dress."
I used to weight people at WW and came to learn that if someone weighs-in at night, they will weight 3-4 pounds more than they weigh in the morning. All the food and water adds weight - it's not fat, but it is weight.

My suggestion - don't weigh at home at all. Toss the scale. Dump it. Just weigh at WW, once a week, and keep your clothing consistent. (To this day I weigh-in wearing the same clothes.)

Also, I try to keep my eating consistent - no pasta or tons of salt.

I do know WW is very careful about calibrating the scales. The leader gets on all the scales every time she does a class to be sure they all match.


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