Calling all meso/endo's

I am seriosly considering selling my S&H Series on E-bay. I am scared to death of this series. I know you can not bulk up, but I just am scared to death of it, and MUCH prefer the endurance tapes. Have any of you had good results on these, and how did you put it into a rotation??? I thought I read Maribeth said we should also tack PH on at the end of the week???
Lori S.
I really liked S&H and I'm a true endomorph. I used it for three weeks as part of an endurance rotation suggested to me by JillyBean. I can send you a copy of what I have been doing for the past couple of months if you are interested. I did SH at the beginning of the week, and PH at the end.

I don't mind lifting heavy weights. I have noticed more definition in my arms, shoulders, and mostly my back. My horseback riding instructor, my tai chi instructor and a couple of my riding friends have commented on my improved posture since using the PS and SH series both. My legs are like rocks, even though they still have a little too much fat!

Give the SH a try for a week or two, if you don't like them, then sell them on eBay. I don't suppose you have to go back-breaking heavy and to get pleasing results.

My two cents.

Susan G.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-02 AT 07:46PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Susan,

I would love to see your rotation - for myself and also to post it on my site.

I would ABSOLUTELY love for you to send me that rotation. Actually, I posted it wrong, I am an ecto/endo. I look like Cedie. I have been doing a CTX rotation, and it is time for a change. Please do send it to me. THANKS!!!!!!
Lori S.
[email protected]
I will put the rotation right here for you!

I have to give all the credit for this rotation to JillyBean, as she is the one who originally sent it to me. I hope I get it right. I have been working on it since the summer.

Once, I lost my momentum when things got too hectic when the school year started up again, and I did take a week off, but it didn't seem to affect my rotation/weight/progress.

Susan G.

JillyBean's Endurance Rotation

Weeks 1-8

Sat. CTX Step Intervals (cardio only)
PS Chest/Shoulders/Triceps

Sun. CTX 10-10-10 (cardio only)
PS Back/Biceps/Abs

Mon. PS Strong Legs and Abs

Tues. IMAX or other 60" video (I rarely did IMAX)

Wed. MIS

Thurs. Cardio Kicks

Sat. OFF

Weeks 9-11

Sat. SH L&S

Sun. SH C&B
CTX Kickbox (cardio only)

Mon. SH T&B
CTX All Step (cardio only)

Tues. Step Jam (or other 60" cardio)
Wed. Power Hour

Thurs. Step Works (or other 60" cardio)

Fri. OFF

Weeks 12-15

Sat. Body Max

Sun. Cardio Kicks or Step Jam

Mon. Power Hour

Tues. MIC (or other cardio)

Wed. Power Hour

Thurs. Step Works

Fri. OFF

Weeks 16-19

Sat. CTX Step

Sun. CTX Kickbox

Mon. CTX Power Circuits

Tues. CTX 10-10-10

Wed. CTX All Step

Thurs. CTX Leaner Legs

Well, I think that's it. I hope if JillyBean reads this and sees a mistake, she will correct it for me.

Have fun!

Susan G.
My body type is also very similar to Cedie's. I didn't know what she is either?? I thought maybe she is meso/endo? But then you mention in your later post that you are ecto/endo? How tall are you? I am only 5'3". I have a small upper body, gain wait in my lower body (butt, thighs, belly) but I have too much fat all over.

I did just finish an S&H rotation and had amazing results. My body fat decreased a bit I think. My muscle mass and definition increased. I can see it and feel it particularly in my biceps, triceps, shoulders, back and legs!!!! I can actually feel hard muscles for once in my legs. Of course there is still fat on top that I need to get rid of. I went to the gym tonight and found I have lost 5 pounds in the past 2 weeks!!!!!!! I just finished the rotation just over a week ago. I think I actually started to lose more weight this past week after I stopped. I guess it is because of the lean muscle mass that is helping to burn the fat???? Don't know???? Maybe Maribeth could help?

All I know is I didn't get bulky from the rotation. I actually lost inches! I am so motivated to keep going now. I have been eating better this week than I have in 2 months!!!!!!!!!!

Let me know if you want more info. on what I was doing and I will send it to you. I was specifically focusing on "burning out" 1-2 muscles a day. I did each muscle twice a week. I also added PH or PS at the end of the week to mix it up. I included MIC, IMAX and Circuit Max. I also think I am starting to see better results from cutting down on cardio. I am now down to 4 days a week.

I think we should start a weekly check-in for those of us with the meso/endo or ecto/endo body types? I just wish I knew what Cedie's body type is because then I will know what mine is!

I wouldn't throw S&H out quite yet! Give it a shot!!!!!!!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-02 AT 10:35AM (Est)[/font][p]Pammer-
I would love more info on what you were doing. I don't want to do too long of a rotation because I ordered all the new DVD's!!! I am 5'4", and gain weight pretty much all over my body, but gain most in my legs, butt, and stomach. I think ecto's have long, skinny limbs and I think I am messing up and are confused about the different body types!!!! Anyway, I would love to hear your rotation. Thanks!!!!
Lori S.

I just joined WW's online, and I am really loving it, and I can see the fat slowly melting off. I have dropped 5 lbs. in 2 weeks. I am really happy with this food program, I eat good, but can also have a few treats a day like my beloved popcorn at night!!!
I am a balanced endo. Since beginning Cathe PS & S&H series I have new definition that I have not been able to acheive prior. I am seeing a huge improvement in my arms and shoulders. My legs are solid as rocks, even with the layer of fat left on them. It is very hard for endos to achieve definition, so this made me very happy. Now if I could just get rid of that dang last layer of fat.

I find that I tend to use my FIRM/FitPrime videos more to build endurance. They helped me to lose 20-lbs, but incorporating Cathe strength work into the last 6 weeks has helped with another 4-lbs and more inches and definition.

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