Calling All Clever Catheites


I'm going on about 2 hours of sleep, so please humor me. My husband thinks Cathe is a drill seargent. Well once he saw an ivoice for her DVDs that had 'SNM' on it and said, "Now I get it." Then someone (I wish I knew who because man, is it funny) refered to S&H as Sleepy and Hungry. And this got me thinking: (Most of these refer to how I feel once I am done with the workout)
MIC: Man, I'm cursing!
MIS: Man, I'm sweaty!
PH: Please help (this is for the low ends)
BM: Barely made (it)
IMax: I maxxed out my heartrate!
CM: Can't move
PS: Please stop
LL: Let me Lie down

Thanks for listening to me banter. I hope this isn't like the phone call you make when you're drunk and really regret the next day.
A slight clarification: "Please Stop" is actually short for "Please Stop With the Lunges Already!" ;-)
I agree, or Please Stop those gosh darn sit and stands. Of course, they have lifted my butt, so they can't be all bad! Burn baby burn!

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