Hey, everybody, sorry I've been so MIA, just super busy. My brother and I went back over to see my dad yesterday because he was supposed to have a consultation with a psychiatrist. She doesn't do regularly scheduled appointments, just shows up at the place when she feels like it and sees whoever needs to be seen. So I asked if I was there from 11 to 4 would that catch her and the answer was yes. Well, about noon we found out she called and said because Sunday was a holiday she wasn't going to be in until today.

Of course, my work schedule is such that I can't change it on a whim, so I can't be there today. I'm so glad we're getting my dad out of there. He gets good care, but the whole bureaucracy of it makes me crazy. Plus I hope he'll do better at home.
Kate, be careful of the heat, girl! I'm glad you had fun yesterday.
Klaudia, are you glad to be home? I know I would be. That place is so gorgeous, but the FD would be enough to send me packing.
Angie, what a great weekend for you. When do you go to Barcelona? That's one of my favorite cities in Europe.
Colleen, great work outs as always. You are going to kick my rear on the RT. I still haven't starting lifting weights again. However, I did carry an 80 lb bag of salt from the garage to the basement at my parent's house yesterday (they have a water softening system). My brother said, "You're going to carry one of those? You really are a beastie." lol
Hi, Clintonya, do you have internet at home again?
Julie, what's on tap for today? Let me guess, you're busy, right?
Nina, you be careful in the heat, too, okay?
Hi to everyone else! I was going to lift weights tomorrow night, but now I'm going to visit a friend and her new baby. They live in Chicago, but will be in town visiting her parents who live right by me. That means I have to try to get up early tomorrow and do it. I just have no motivation for structured work outs right now. I don't know what my problem is except sheer laziness. But tonight is rowing and that will be fun. bbl