Kate, Becky, Robin, Klaudia -- Thank you all for the all the sweet comments regarding my story.
Klaudia - did see yours on FB - thanks.
Good wo; hope it gave you energy for all the rehearsals.
You must be proud of your girls for the long day yday. Do you dance as well?
Becky - Congrats to you, too - had to look up your smoothie; I remember seeing it and it sounded yummy. Now I def need to try it.
Went ahead and officially started FF's rotation today, so I'll let you know how it goes.
Thanks again.
Robin - Sounds like good news! I'm sure the waiting is hard. Hang in there. How old are your kids? Good workout!
Kate, Glad you had a fun race! And what a nice compliment on the arms!
Glad Ju gave you some extra time. And yay for the clean eats! Those nights w/full sleep are such a gift - glad you got one!
And no real "name" for the nursing other than "ommy"! Would love to hear your story though.
I'm sorry about your friend's grandma.
Nina - Amazed here also at your wo's. My kids will each do a summer camp, plus my middle son goes to summer school for a month in July. My 4 yo will start swim lessons, too. Does your 4 yo know how to swim? Congrats to your dh on the job news!
Colleen - WOW! GS C&T after being sick. That's amazing.
Glad you are getting your energy back. Did you get the heavy storms like we did?
Angie - Fun weekend! Did I miss that your dd's b-day was the same as my ds's?! Happy belated to her! Your concert will be SO much fun! I love the BEPs!!
Let me know if you find a fix for the eating!? So far so good for me today, hope the same for you! ^5 on Drill Max! I have yet to do that one in full...it scares me.
Angie and Kate - Since you both asked re: more kids, we're done at 5. As much as I'd love more we are maxed out, plus my dr advised against it.
But Kate I say go for it if/when you are ready. And you, Angie??
Anne, Clintonya, Wendy, Katie - Hi, and hope you are having a good day.
Phew. Feels like it took me all day to catch up with all my interruptions here. My lo is feeling better, but still has a low grade fever.
My eating has been super clean today with a big 3-bean salad w/nuts and my daily dose of Fage. Did Low Max this morning (minus one of the blasts that hurts my knees).
Enjoy the rest of your day...