Kate, sorry about the vacation delay

You have a great attitude about it! Thanks for starting the group
Becky, glad you got your walk in before it gets even hotter. Where are you going for vacation?
Julie, sorry you were up again! I might do that w/o today since I have no idea what I feel like doing
Nina, sorry your dh didn’t get the job. I hope something else comes up soon. Great job on not eating the ice cream sandwiches!
Klaudia, glad you talked to your mom

Great job getting the house cleaned, I keep looking at mine and have no motivation to do much of anything this week
Colleen, busy day for you yesterday! Are you glad it’s Friday

It rained about 2 hours before we had to leave and that helped a lot. It wasn’t anywhere near as humid as it had been earlier.
Wendy, this month is flying isn’t it! Hope you can get ready to go home w/out too much stress!
Anne, Jasmin went to the website for the Met and looked at the slide show and she said it looks great
Hi Katie, Robin, & Angie!
We were able to get our walk in yesterday so that was good. Working on setting up some new pcs at work which is making the day go by fast, because I keep alternating between that and my regular work. No idea what w/o I want to do today. Was thinking of taking Julie’s idea and doing HSC. Yea for Friday!!!