Whew, I feel like I have a lot to catch up on. Yesterday was busy but fun - sorry I never really got here for a check-in. Collin and I spent the day playing with his new toys, baking his birthday cake (strawberry cake / strawberry buttercream frostine), snuggling in the bed to watch a movie, then we went out to Target so he could get a new toy with his b-day money, went for smoothies, etc. Last night we went out to dinner with the family, then came home and crashed. I only cried once the whole day - late last night when Collin started crying (said it was because he missed his daddy, who didn't bother to call at all yesterday, btw; I think Collin was just tired).
My period started yesterday so that's pretty much that for this month. It is frustrating to know that you did everything right, but it just still didn't happen. I think God is trying to teach me a lesson in patience! I did not cry at all about my period coming, although my cramps were so bad it almost make me cry. How ironic to be in so much pain on the 5 year anniversary of my horrific labor with Collin? LOL
This situation with pay pal has gotten much worse, and my bank called me late last night to talk about the "suspicious activity" on my account. They are taking care of it, but it is still a huge PITA!
And as if all of the above was not enough, my freaking bronchitis is coming back. I have felt myself getting worse and worse ever since I finished the antibiotic. Guess I will call the Drs office today.
Becky, the only time I have taken a "recovery week" from STS was when I got bronchitis and did NOTHING but lay around and feel terrible. I think light cardio and stretching is the way to go probably!
Wendy, I have been meaning to ask - whatever happened about the apartment with no oven?
Kate, your story about Isabel makes me smile!
Nina, I am glad time that you had a good time with your friend. Do you and the fam have tricare? I would either call your insurance company for a referral or ask at a gym or physcial therapist or something like that.
Colleen, I have also been getting a serious itch for an outdoor run. Gosh, I hope it warms up soon!
Anne, good on you for the run - I am jealous! And you are too cute talking about TCB

Hello to Klaudia, Robin, Clintonya...