Good morning all (still morning on the west coast!),
Sorry it's so late for my check-in. We went for a walk max first thing this morning since it was cool out. It's been so nice the past few days because it's been cloudy and cool. Great break from the 100+ weather we usually have in the desert.
I got in Turbo Jam last night and then had my chicken fajita. I was tempted to have a big bowl of ice cream with chocolate and reses sprinkles but I just took a shower instead and avoided it! All that ice cream talk yesterday was no good!
Anyway, here's what I've had so far today:
b: clif bar/orange
l: leftover mashed potato deal that I made the other night
s: two low fat chocolate meringues that I got at Trader Joe's. They're good cookie substitutions.
d: probably going to make spaghetti. Haven't decided yet.
WO will be 4DS as usual. I think it's the bi/tri one with boot camp. That one is so crazy hard.
Kate, I'm so jealous that you're going on vacation. I could really use one. Thankfully we'll be heading to France soon (just me and Ryan) for probably a week to check it out. That's a good enough vacation!
Katie, sorry about the fights. I really believe that my first year of marriage was the hardest. There is just so much to learn about each other (even though we had dated 5 years!). My only advice would be never stop trying!
Robin, I think your rotation sounds good. I can't wait until I have more videos than 4DS and turbo jam!
Steph, sorry about the bedding! Someone fill me in on all the Target talk!
Colleen, I hope you're feeling better. Did you go to the doc?
I don't remember who asked about home schooling yesterday. I think we will most likely home school long term but I am taking it one day at a time. When we're in France, the girls might go 2 mornings a week or something just to get immersed in the language but we want their main education to come from us. We've never lived in a place where we've been happy with the public education and we both very strongly believe in a solid education so this is our decision for now. I'm using a curriculum that I absolutely love so that helps -
Anyway, time for library books.
Have a great day all!