<----Bwaaaah ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaah!

<--- tells Lori she is only 4 years younger than <---'s SO;)
<--- is a cradle-robber}(
<--- wants to go to Angie's for pizza tonight
<--- has to take Sophie trick or treating tonight
<--- is looking forward to it:)
<--- wonders what happened to Lori's commitment to eat clean;)
<--- Wonders who scared Angie
<--- wants to wave at all my Cathe friends this fine Halloween day
<--- Has not dipped into any Halloween candy....YET!!!
<--- Hopes Angie has fun at the Halloween party
<--- Woke up and did the Blast Premix from Kick Max this morning
<--- wants to know if anyone else here is dressing up for Halloweenie!
<---admires Dani's self control

<---can't get inspired to work this morning despite guzzling coffee

<---feel sorry for bf who has to go to jury duty today x(

<---loves the forecast for this week!!

<---is HUNGRY and can't wait for lunch!!!

<--- just guzzled Red Bull.:p
<--- is trying to extract claws from ceiling after drinking Red Bull.:eek:
<--- should know better than to drink something like that when <--- is all keyed up.
<--- tells Lori that <--- gets paid handsomely for paying attention to details.
<--- will soon be working elsewhere and getting paid even better!:)
<--- first is taking a month off of work!:D
<--- thinks Shelley is the cradle robbin' cap-i-tan of this forum!:eek:
<--- tells Sandy that <--- gets the Pumpkin Spice Latte the same way!:9
<--- thanks Sandy for the good wishes.
<--- thanks to Angie now <--- wants pizza.
<--- has been staying out of Halloween candy madness but may succomb to sugar induced coma yet!x(
<--is super hungry and can't wait for lunch too!
<--is also very happy about this week's forecast:7
<--hoping <--can actually run outside today!!
<--will try very hard not to fall into sugar induced coma since <--already did that yesterday and thinks that 2x in a row is just unforgivable (at least that is what my lower body tells me:eek: )
<--thinks it's FABULOUS that Rogue will take an entire month off before starting new job!!
<--wants to know if Rogue will be travelling during that month off??!!
<--wants to know what Dani is dressing up as for Halloween!
<---cackels at Wendy
<---ate more pumpkin bread this morning:)
<---tells Shelley i still have today to eat crap!!
<---tells Sandy that <---is so sorry for not calling back!! <---forgot you called until just now when i saw your post
<---is thirlled that Sandy is getting a new computer finally
<---is already contemplating what to do for dinner
<---has a real obsession with food
<---gets to go to the Ren Fest this weekend
<---needs to mow today
<---gets to rid porch of moldy pumpkin

<--tells Jes...hmmm, wondered if bella ate telephone over the w/e..lol!! <--tells Jes to call whenever she can:7 :7
<--wants to know what the Ren Fest is
<--tells Jes she is not the only one obsessed with food:+
<---waves HOWDY to everyone who joined this thread after <---.:+
<---is already sleepy and it's not even noon!:-(
<---ducks in order to miss Angie's right hook. :p
<---thinks Robin's DH needs to be brought up to speed on the whole Cathe forum thing so that she can come out and play with Sandy and <----some day!}(
<---finished her grocery shopping list and organized her coupons but now DS is napping so <---can't go food shopping yet.:eek:
<---should stay off the forums today so that <---can get things accomplished around the house but <---knows that won't happen! }(
<---will, however, swoosh out of the forum for a few so that <---can ATLEAST rotate the laundry loads.;)
<---will swoosh back in shortly! :*
<---waves howdy to all!
<---has had three pieces of Halloween candy, yeah for <---!
<---usually has a whole bag by now
<---can't wait to see kids dressed up
<---thinks that Angie can hit harder than that!
<---is upset because diamond fell out of wedding ring-it wasn't even loose!;(
<---watched Underworld last night and Saw the night before!
<---loves gory movies this time o' year
<---can't believe that Christmas is around the corner!
<---thinks there needs to be another Chicago GTG for shopping!!!

<---swooshes in to say howdy again
<---has to leave shortly to get Boybie's haircut
<---hopes no one comes home with any injuries, esp me ;)
<---says boybs is not fond of people messing with his head
<---will get him a treat to appease :)
<---says yeah I bribe my kid sometimes :eek:
<---is glad not working out today b/c the thought makes me sooo tired
<---might hit the park later if there is time.
<---wishing you all happy sugary and pumpkiny thoughts today :7

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---comes zooming in on her broom from the Halloween parades
<---had a great time all the kids looked adorable
<---can't believe how much candy is in <---house and only one son is home from school
<---thanks Robin for scaring the meanie IL's away!
<---has not had one piece of candy yet......
<---hopes Boybie sits still and gets a good haircut
<---hates moldy pumpkins and is happy for Jes getting rid of hers
<---wonders if Wendy is getting anything done
<---is hoping to sit down and relax for a few hours before work tonight
<---says hello to everyone spooking about in here today!

http://www.3fatchicks.com/weight-tracker/img/bar-retro/cartoonblob01/lb/175/130/148/.png[/img] [/url]

<---hopes Kali gets her relaxing time in before work.
<---asks Kali if she got my email? (the response to hers from a few days ago)
<---tells Kali laundry is getting done!:7
<---hates doing laundry.x(
<---has to do dishes and mop kitchen floor next.
<---still has to go food shopping too!:eek:
<---would also like to get outside with DS for a walk but is now doubting that will happen...:-(
<---could, ofcourse, hold off on floor mopping until later if need be!
<---will figure out game plan of chores while making a cup of coffee now. :p
<---believes Wendy has a serious coffee addiction going on!

<---will do Wendy's laundry if she cleans <----'s dishes and floors!

<---is envious of Rogue quitting her job and wonders what prompted it and what she will do on her time off and what kind of job will she be taking after the month is over?

<---is getting quite hungry and wants to eat lunch. NOW!!!!

<---agrees with Angies that YES! <---certainly DOES have a serious coffee addiction going on!:)

<---waves wildy at Angie jumping up and down and nodding head emphatically YES YES YES!!! <---will certainly do dishes and floors in return for having <---laundry done for <----!!!

<---finished yummy oatmeal and is now sipping her coffee.
<---just ate lunch and put wonderful son down
<---finally cleaned up those cobwebs from front door - ICK!!!
<---may haved killed a few spiders in the process
<---is going to workout
<---has sugar headache from eating a piece of Halloween candy after lunch
<---knows that SUGAR IS EVIL!!!
<---knows that chocolate is manna from heaven
<---is going to workout
<---is also doing laundry, the nemisis!!!
<---has a perfectly clean kitchen!
<---has a clean bedroom!
<---worked very hard this morning cleaning
<---has a DS with chocolate on his mouth - how cute!

<---is HATING today
<---has had way to much work and way to little <---thread
<---wants to play NOW
<---feels giant swoosh building up inside
<---may soon explode and send bits of cape flying into the cyberspace
<---may clog airwaves and cause slow down of all computers worldwide
<---will be on evening news because of the end of the free world as we know it
<---will be tracked down by CIA, FBI, US post office, AFL CIO, ASPCA
<---will be ridiculed and spit upon by small children
<---all because <---can't have her own way
SCENE: Sky darkens, small black fabic shreds fill the sky, not unlike Dani's Chicago ticker tape pictures, sun fades, floor of stock market becomes silent, TV stations go off air, radios emit nothing but static, dogs howl, cats hiss, babies cry...
<---warned ya!!!

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