buying new dvd's

Melissa H.

New Member
I am trying to decide on my next workouts to buy. I have had a couple of knee operations, so I really have to limit the amount of step cardio I do. I have bootcamp and kickmax and need something like that intensity to add to what I have. I was looking at KPC & Legs and Glutes, Circuit Max & Cardio kicks, High Step Training, and High Step Challenge for cardio. For weight training I have ME, Muscle Max, and MIS. I was looking at adding Pyramid U & L, Supersets & Push Pull. I want something advanced, but I only have 1 hour or so to work out each day. I am would love any suggestions you have! I have to occaisionally modify some higher impact moves because of my knee.
Thank you!
I don't have knee problems, so I can't speak to doing any of these with that concern.

I LOVE KPC / L&G. It is a fabulous DVD! The workouts themselves are amazing, and while I have not tried them, the premixes get rave reviews. A lot of bang for your buck with this one.

High Step Challenge is fun, as is HST. I don't have Circuit Max / Cardio Kicks, so no opinions.

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