Butts A La Kathryn

Amy Steppe

Kathryn has come up with the Mother of Great Butt Workouts!

From Butts and Guts, do the Warmup and then the Deadlift sections.

Then do the ankle weight floor section.

Then do the Leg Blast Premix.

For anyone wanting to achieve Butt Workout Nirvana, then this one rocks!

I use it a lot now.

Thanks, Kathryn!
More variations

Amy (and all interested in frying their glutes!), I thought you might be interested in some tweaks I've been doing to 'my' (actually a Cathe/Kathryn collaboration, LOL!) butt-blaster Remix (of which you've listed version 2 above...version 1 doesn't include deadlifts). I personally have a hard time doing the same workout over any length of time unless I start playing and tweaking with it to make it seem a bit different.

Here are my latest tweeks, which I did last night:

lunge/squat combos and low pulsing lunges were done with the front foot on 4" platform (this allows getting a bit deeper into the 'thutt' area, especially with the low pulsing lunge). I also did the hammer punch lunges the same way (I always do hammer punch lunges without the pivot, just straight on).

On leg presses, end at the top with the unweighted leg held up a bit (working on balance) and squeeze the butt (but don't lock the knee) of the working leg.

For Firewalkers, tie the band so that your legs are tied together (no leeway), which increases the tension. Never bring the legs together when doing the 'walk.' Walk 8 steps in each direction (rather than 4).

For walking lunges, when it comes to they plyo pliés, jump them to the side (either 8 to the right/left, then 8 in place; or 8 to the left/right, then 8 to the right/left). Increases work for the abductors and adductors. (I didn't do this, but may next time: turn all the squats into plyo squats).

On the side-thrusting lunges, I hold weights, do the move 1/2 speed, and really sink down into the glutes, reaching the weights towards my feet (you'll notice that most of the backgrounders do more of a front lean than a sit-back on this one---Brenda barely 'sits' down at all--slowing the move down allows for a deeper 'sit' into where I want the work to go!)

I don't know about you, but I find that the more I do this workout, the more I can feel it where I want to feel it. I think a lot of that has to do with improving balance on many of the moves. If your body doesn't have to fight so much stabilizing side-to-side, it can concentrate on the vertical action more.

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