Butt Workout!



Looking for the best lowerbody excercises that will increase my butt size, currently doing Cathy's tapes with 35-40lb barbell and 12lb handweights also, the best exercises for getting that tear drop shape in the quads, have a little but would like more.

Any suggestions would be really appreciated.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-01 AT 07:19AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Annabell! I not sure which lower body exercise works the best, but I must say, that my rear has improved greatly with PS SLA!! I do it with a 55lb barbell, and when I do stepups I use 20lb hand weights. Otherwise, for the lunges and stuff, I use 15lbs. My butt has really lifted and gotten rounder!! As for the teardrop, I'm trying to do the same, but I think my problems might be too much bodyfat. It covers the separation of the muscles. Anyway, if you don't have PS SLA, I highly recommend getting it!! It has done wonders for me:)!

Hope this helps!

Thanks Aimee,

Yes I do have PS SLA I have just never done the step ups or lunges with heavier than 12lbs, will definitely give that a try and see if it works for me. As for the teardrop I don't have any fat on my legs but still only have a little teardrop, I'm thinking maybe that's all I'm genetically good for.

Thanks again.
Maybe the heavier weights will help with th teardrop too?. Let me know how it goes for you. I just finished SLA a little bit ago. One of my favorites!!

Hi there! I believe to really get the teardrop shape in your quads you have to perform total isolation with leg extensions. Squats, lunges, etc. use multiple muscle groups and may not do it for you.

As a trainer I have been very successful with tubing. You might think of it as too easy but it works wonders for the butt when doing squats. Place both feet on the tubing shoulder-width apart and then brace the handles on the shoulders. It works so well in isolating the glute muscles because the tension increases as we stand up. I really feel my butt working a lot more than when I use regular weights. You can use tubing in place of hand weights or barbells for leg work. Purchase it online at www.spriproducts.com. Buy the red or blue tension level which is pretty challenging. Please respond if you have any more questions. Good luck!
I recently purchased double ring tubing and regular tubing but am not yet familiar with what exercises to do. I loved your suggestion for squats and intend to try it. If you have any other suggestions or some kind of a routine you'd recommend, I'd really appreciate it.


I'm strivN2Bfit , Paulette
Hi there!
Try squats, lunges, leg extensions, and leg curls. Also I have heard that deadlifts are excellent for butt development, although I personally cant stand that exercise! :)
If you wanna develop killer quads with no weights at all take up biking. In particular alot of hill climbing on the bike.
Good luck!
I noticed when i was doing flamenco dancing i got fast defintion on the front of my thighs...
and it was way fun !!
you do alot of stomping with the heel at fast rates...

i have been working with weights...lunges and squats and have not gotten the same sharp definition at all... my thighs just look bigger.

working that front muscle independently seems to be the thing.
>Hi there! I believe to
>really get the teardrop shape
>in your quads you have
>to perform total isolation with
>leg extensions. Squats, lunges,
>etc. use multiple muscle groups
>and may not do it
>for you.
>Could someone give me a description of what a "teardrop" is on the quad?

I don't know if it will make your butt larger, but you may want to try Cathe's Mega Step Blast, the third step segment is called "The Buns Blaster", and it works.

There are a few times in the video where the rather large cast turns their backs to the camera, and I tell you I'd never seen such nice butts...all of em.:)...and they were in lace! You know if you have a trouble spot, lace will highlight it. That motivated me.



You also get to see a baby faced Rhonda in the back.:)

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