But&Guts Question Please help!!!


New Member
Hi! I am new to Cathe workouts. Have only been doing B&G for about a week. And need advice. My husband is over in Saudi and comes home in 3 months. And I really, really want my back side to look great!!! How many times a week should I do the workout to get really great results in the next 3 months? A little info about me I'm 26, 5'2 about 103-105 pounds not sure about my body fat. Thanks so much!!!!
Hi Trinity, :)

B&G is one tough lower body workout, but I would say you could probably get it in 3 times a week safely provided you separated the workouts with a day of something else, like cardio. I'm currently doing legs twice a week and enjoying that. (I may try 3 times a week at some point. :eek: )

While the workout alone is great, success also depends on how much cardio we do and what we eat (bummer! :p). I think if I were you, and not really concentrating on upper body so much, I'd do B&G Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, paired with cardio on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. See where that takes you and adjust from there.

So glad to hear your husband is coming home! Hopefully the B&G routine will help the 3 months go by fast.
I would recommend doing the original format once a week, and then maybe one or two of the premixes on the other days. I am an avid cyclist, and I love to do the floorwork & abs premix on the days that I ride since it doesn't wear out my cycling muscles, but it is a nice complement for sure!

you can also pick & choose exercises from the main menu, which maybe isn't quite as motivating, but if there are just a handful of exercises you really want to get in, say firewalkers, then you can maybe tack that on to the end of a cardio session.

God Bless all of our Soldiers!!
Hi! I am new to Cathe workouts. Have only been doing B&G for about a week. And need advice. My husband is over in Saudi and comes home in 3 months. And I really, really want my back side to look great!!! How many times a week should I do the workout to get really great results in the next 3 months? A little info about me I'm 26, 5'2 about 103-105 pounds not sure about my body fat. Thanks so much!!!!

Butts and Guts is one tough workout that is for sure!

I think if you use the workout in conjunction with other workouts (like Low Max for cardio), you should have a great backside within 3 months.

If you own STS, Meso 2 Legs are four GREAT lower body workouts. I use Meso 2 legs on a regular basis and I always feel the burn!

You can get the digital downloads for just the Meso 2 legs for only $10 each. I especially like Disc 14 and Disc 17!
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