Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Problem


I purchased this book a year or so back and had it saved on my computer but hadn't yet printed out my hard copy when my computer totally crashed. We couldn't even get the thing to come on again! Anyway, hubby and I know nothing about computers so the old computer is stranded in the closet.

I wonder if BFFM would have a record of my purchase from back then? I hate to buy the book again, but I hate the fact that I never got to read it. I only read the intro!!x( I don't know if there is some way I could get the book back out of my old computer, but I am sure that would involve taking it somewhere and then it would cost me anyway... Any ideas?
Janice, I agree- just e-mail the author. I had that happen too, although I do have a printout of the book.
I found them to be very helpful in customer support in tracking my purchase even from more than a year ago.

Good luck!
If you have no joy with contacting the author (I hope you do though), depending on what has happened with your PC, sometimes they can be fixed and your files recovered. That happened to me. My PC got fried thanks to lightning; they replaced something (can't remember what now), and managed to retrieve my old files. But yeah...it's not cheap, unless insurance covers it.
Janice- I feel your pain! Contact author and get a Zip Drive- its the stick like device that holds tons & tons of documents. Save all your important & BIG files to that and not your computer.... finally kept mine from crashing all the time. You can save pics and everything on it without taking up memory on your computer.

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