Burn more calories at a lower HR


Why is it that you can burn more calories at a lower heart rate then a higher one? Or am I wrong about this? I've heard it several times somewhere before and never understood why. Please fill me in! :)
No, you don't....the newest research is to go to 85 percent, drop to maybe 60, back up to 85 - intervals.....
Hi. I think what you may have heard is that you burn more FAT at lower intensities (thus a lower HR). That is because when you are doing aerobic work (endurance activity) your body is tapping into stored fat, especially at lower HR levels. As your HR starts to increase, less fat and more stored carbs are burned. Once in the anaerobic stage, you no longer burn any fat and burn only carbohydrates. However, you also burn more total calories because you are working at higher levels. So if you are looking to burn calories, you must work at higher levels.

Yes, I have also heard of the HIIT which is great for a maximum fat and calorie burn.
Good luck!

Thanks so much for the explanation. I was so confused wondering why I would benefit better at a lower level although doing high and low burns both and more calories. Ahhh... thank you.

Clarissa- you look great by the way. Do you do Cathe specifically?
No, you burn a higher % of fat with lower intensity cardio. Higher intensity does burn more calories but is hard on the heart so should only be done a few times a week and shoter duration.

Both should be incorporated into your program for optimal health and fitness. Do longer, easier cardio and sprinkle in some shorter, tougher workouts.

Heck, there is a mafia here that swears cardio is a waste....or they just plain hate it.:7
>Clarissa- you look great by the way. Do you do Cathe

I don't think I look very great but I thank you for saying that. I work really hard at it is all. I really do Cathe specifically, yes. I tried Barry's but didn't "feel" it. I used to run, but cut down to just once a week, intervals. I take one day off a week. I am doing her Pyramids right now and seeing nice results. Thanks again.


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