bunions anyone?


Hoping someone could help....

After taking an overlong hiatus from working out etc, I moved and from just only recently setting up my home gym again and out for exhaustion, laziness and getting accustomed to my new routine I was ready to totally committ Monday am with the X. Problem is my bunion has just flared up...hasn't flared up in over a year. I'm in alot of pain and am wondering if any of you have them and what do you do for relief. I need it to get better fast!!!!!


No specific help here other than feeling your pain. I have a huge bunion on my left foot. I think I'll have to have surgery on it sooner or later. High heel shoes and heeled boots aggravate it. They really hurt. I'm not sure if those toe spreader thingees or pads help at all.

Dang, I just got varicose vein surgery, going in for sclerotherapy for spider veins in a couple weeks...maybe I'll save the bunions for next year. Getting old sure isn't glamorous!

Let me know if you find something that helps -- I'm there with you, though!

Hi Aggie...I tend to have a bunion flare up on my right foot from time to time. I have just run my 13th marathon and luckily my bunion was not an issue. I really am wanting to avoid surgery. I have used these toe spacers: http://hocks.com/Merchant5/merchant...D&gdftrk=gdfV2160_a_7c199_a_7c468_a_7cPEDP28D

I get mine at RiteAid and use them in my running shoes, and any other workout shoes. Last X-mas I also got a foot massager/heater that seemed to help. I also just got some gel whole foot stretchers at Riteaid that feel good. I buy any kind of running or workout shoe in WIDE as that seems to give my forefoot more room. Good Luck...
How ironic that I found this post today! I was just doing my own research about bunion surgery myself just yesterday.

I opted to purchase a pair of 'YogaToes' to see if they might help. Give me a couple months and I'll let you know what happens, if you're interested.

My impression is that bunion surgery is complicated, costly, many times not covered by insurance, and the recovery can often be lengthy and painful. However, it's not that way as a rule, but many of the forums I read through seemed to have a lot of posts regarding worries about success (lack of, disappointment in), recovery (long), and pain (the biggest fear).

Good Luck!
I have a bad bunion on my right foot (and a more mild one on the left). It is painful on and off, and it is definitely aggravated by running (which I do nonetheless) and lunges (which I also still do, but I'm thinking I should stop doing to avoid making the bunion worse).

I wear one of those braces to bed at night, and I think it gives me a little relief. An acquaintance of mine just had bunion surgery on both feet. She said it was painful and a slow recovery (no driving for weeks, needed help from husband to do most things early on, and not fully recovered for at least 6 months). On the other hand, she is glad she did it now that the recovery is over. (Her bunions were to the point where her toes were crossing over each other.)

I wish I could offer more input. If I try any other "devices," I'll let you know.

Good luck,
thanks for your inputs...tell me something, do you guys still workout during a flare up even though you may aggrevate things...I'm almost willing to suffer...I'm feeling like crap...workout withdrawl and FATTT!!!

I'm not sure what you mean by "flare up"? I have a bunion on my right foot, but it's always there, and it never really hurts unless my shoes are too tight. I'm interested to know what those who posted about a "flare up" are referring to?
Nancy...lucky for you, you have never had a flare-up. I believe that means the bunion starts to hurt. And not necessarily from tight shoes (as I don't wear those!) I had mine flare-up about 8 years ago and then again about a year ago. Personally, I felt mine might have had something to do with weight gain. Once I lost the weight, the bunion calmed down. But I still do preventative measures to hopefully avoid any other flare-ups or surgery...:)
I ended up havin' surgery. I had a 2nd opinion as well. My foot feels better! For recovery I did Firm's Sculpted Legs, etc. w/Tracie and Upper Body I did Cathe's 4Day Split because I sit on the stool and workout my upper body. I could not do yoga but could do some pilates, such as Winsor. Cardio was out of the question. When I could I had to go real slow, beginner cardio workouts. The hardest part was getting back into the "cardio" swing of things.
Hi Aggie,

I have bunions on both feet. I've had 2 bunionectomies on my right foot about 10yrs apart. Due to the complications I'm hesitant to have surgery on my left foot. I would get the recommendation of a good dr. and even a second opinion.

For now, I use yoga toes at night and that seems to help a bit. I cannot wear any kind of heel or my feet will really hurt. I recommend trying some inserts in your shoes and the toe separators are cheap enough you should give them a try also.
Hi Aggie,
Sorry to hear of your painful bout with bunions! I have them, too, but never have flare ups but endure arch pain as a result. I use orthotics in my shoes. I know they need to be replaced but have also found comfort in inserting small arch supports under the orthotics. That does aid in eliminating the arch pain. I also use the toe brace at night from time to time. What fun it is getting into the 'twilight' of our years but I shall persist in doing what I can to keep mobile and upright!! Good luck!! Nita

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