building strength - gym style, slow and heavy, pure str...


Hi all,

I am continually amazed at how much knowledge people here have! Anyway I am sorry to pose yet another question, but hopefully someday I'll be able to answer more than I ask. I am learning more every day when I sign on here!!!

I would like to build more muscle strength and I really like the idea of a 3 day split. I was thinking of getting gym styles but also noticed the slow and heavy and pure strength. What do folks out there prefer and like? Are these videos similar or are they different?

~ Ann ~
Aim for nothing, and you'll hit it every time!
i love gym style, i wasn't a fan of pure strength (just my opinion) and i don't have slow and heavy YET. for me pure strength was boring and i feel as though gym style is an updated version of them. i have heard great things about Slow and heavy. it uses heavy weights with low reps and you really build the muscle.
Hi Ann,

I don't have pure strength so I can't comment on that. I LOVE Gym Styles. I have really seen great results since using them both in definition and strength. The workout moves very quickly and I love the addition of the bands. I really feel pumped up after these workouts. Slow and Heavy uses a much slower pace and it uses heavy weights and low reps. I have gotten good results from Slow and Heavy as well. They required more focus and concentration but the results are worth it. I do prefer Gym Style Legs over the leg section in Slow and Heavy. Probably because it's a more complete workout and my legs need all the help they can get! You can't go wrong with either of these workouts.
If you are looking specifically for strength gains, then S&H is the best choice, IMO. It provides the recovery needed betweeen sets to use heavy enough weights. You can also vary the reps by doing 3-down/5-up instead of 2-down/6-up (I prefer this, as otherwise, the 2-down seems 'too fast' to me) or 4-down/4-up (which I prefer for the shoulder exercises).

You can make the other workouts more strength oriented by putting longer recovery periods between sets (just press pause or let Cathe and crew go on while you rest, then back-chapter as needed to 'catch up' to them), and using heavier weights and fewer reps (10-12 is good for hypertrophy---muscle size--but fewer reps at a weight that is challenging on the last 2 reps---6-8--is better for strength gains), which means you wouldn't necessarily be following the beat that Cathe and crew are.
Hi, I don't have gym style, yet, but I have slow and heavy which I recorded from Fitness TV. I love it! I am on week four of the rotation for Pure Strenght were Cathe uses only the Slow and Heavy workout and then on week four she made a homemade workout where you are working our the entire body at once but backward motions or how she calls it workout the negative portion of the movement.

So, instead of going up 2, down 6, you go down 2 and up 6, depending on the muscle you are working out.
RE: building strength - gym style, slow and heavy, pure...

Hi and thank you to everyone who answered and for the great advice! I am so psyched to move on to a three day split. After reading all the posts I think I will get slow and heavy right now, and then get gym styles later on when I am ready to change. Of course my main problem is that I'd really like to buy all of Cathe's videos all at once and I have to try and restrain myself and just get one or two at at a time :)

~ Ann ~
Aim for nothing, and you'll hit it every time!
RE: building strength - gym style, slow and heavy, pure...

<<Of course my main problem is that I'd really like to buy all of Cathe's videos all at once and I have to try and restrain myself and just get one or two at at a time>>

I hear that! :D

I'm doing a S&H rotation right now and it's EXACTLY what I wanted for building strength. This is the only one I know of that actually has a long rest between sets so you can really so as heavy as possible for every set. I use a 4/4 count (which, I think, is slightly easier than 2/6, but it's still killer).

I'm seeing strength gains like crazy. I'm very, very happy with this DVD. Man, it's INTENSE! :D
RE: building strength - gym style, slow and heavy, pure...

I just ordered S&H for strength building along with muscle endurance/boot camp (for those endurance days). I am SO excited!!! My library (and my fitness level) is growing :)

After I read your post I just had to order S&H *right now* :) :)

~ Ann ~
Aim for nothing, and you'll hit it every time!
RE: building strength - gym style, slow and heavy, pure...

Hi Ann-

Just saw your post and congratulations on purchasing S and H.

Its a GREAT series and I think you will be pleased with your results if strength gains are what you are looking for. I love these workouts for upper body!

Have fun !! Lynn M.
RE: building strength - gym style, slow and heavy, pure...

Thank you for the words of encouragement! I can't wait until S&H arrives. It should be here next Tuesday :)

~ Ann ~
Aim for nothing, and you'll hit it every time!

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