Building muscle


I just ordered a bunch of the weight training workouts and was wondering which ones are best for building some serious muscle. I am not looking to be bodybuilder style, but I love definition! Cathe's body is my dream body. I love the muscle definition she has and would like to be in that kind of shape. I only have about 10 lbs to lose and already have some muscle goin on, but do not have near the definition she has. Was wondering if you guys, the experts, could help me out. Thanks!
Sounds like we are in the same boat!! cathe is my dream body too. I would be interested in the answer from trainers... more protein? less cardio? I need the cardio though at least I think I do to get rid of 7-10lbs.
I will do cardio too, on the off days of weight training and on the weekends when I have a little more time to do both. I just did cardio kicks yesterday and feeling it big time today. Wow! I thought I was doing pretty good at working my back muscles, but yesterday all those punches did a number on me. And my calves - yikes!! Lots of power moves. It was great!! I love being sore... am I sick or what!! At least I know I worked hard.
I would suggest the Slow & Heavy series. It's designed to build muscle. It's definitely been working for me! If you don't care for the slow reps (6-counts) than MIS or the Pure Strength series would also work. MIS is total body, S/H and PS are split routines

Cathe looks really nice in the tiny shorts and the bright tank tops, dont you think? The upper body looks great and she seems to have narrow hips and her lower body is muscular but not too muscular. I don't know how to describe it, but she makes having muscles look nice and still feminine. I like her DVDS becuase she wears new workout stuff and it looks athletic...not implants and skanky stuff.
Thanks Marnie! How long have you been doing the slow and heavy series? What kind of improvements have you noticed? Thanks again for the feedback!
Hi Dawn! I added S/H to my MIS and PS rotation about 8 months ago. I first noticed increase mass in my tri's, bi's, delts & back only about a month after I started the series. My chest/pec muscles are now much stronger and I started noticing those "finger" muscles - you know the ones you can see sort of above/between your breasts? I forget what they are called - but I can see 'em! My quads & calves are much stronger too which is really improving my running, especially hills. This past summer my husband said "check out those delts!" and I must have been smiling for days!!!

I totally love the S/H series (in case you hadn't noticed!) especially rotating with MIS and PS

You go girl!!! What an inspiration. That's great that your husband complimented you, it makes you feel so good when someone notices. I wish you lived near me so that I could work out with you. You sound like you have a lot of energy. You would definitely kick my butt, but at least it would be a good push for me. Take care and thanks for the info! :)
Hi Marnie,
Would you mind giving me your rotation of PS, MIS, and S&H? I'm thinking about buying S&H (I already have PS and MIS). I guess I was thinking that I would have to give up my beloved PS series in order to do S&H and that's why I haven't bought S&H (the only videos by Cathe that I don't have!) My husband thinks I've gone mad. Anyway, I would love to know how to work all three (PS, S&H, and MIS) together. Thanks so much.
I'm not Marnie, but I can tell you what I have been doing and plan to do. I just finished 4 wks of SH.

My week always started with SH Legs and Shoulders, coupled with a CTX Cardio

Day 2 was SH Chest and Back coupled with a CTX Cardio

Day 3 was SH Tri's and Bi's coupled with CTX Circuits (I am trying to do a lot of legwork)

Day 4 was Cardio Kicks (a new tape for me!)

Day 5 I alternated--either PH or MIS--and the only day I did not do Cardio

Day 6 was a Step tape--I've been circulating Rhythmic Step, Step This Way, and Still Steppin'

I am about to begin a PS rotation for 8 weeks and will start with PS C,S,T and couple this with a CTX cardio; Day 2 I will just do PSLA; Day 3 PSBBA with a CTX cardio; then a full length cardio, either MIS or PH, and then another full-length cardio. I will probably do MIC, IMAX, and PowerMax as some of my cardios during this 8 wk. period, and I love Cardio Kicks, so I will continue to use that. I wish Cathe would do another CTX series. I love the intensity of those short cardio sessions and love to use them in these longer weight rotations!

Hope this gives you some ideas!
Wow, that sounds like a great rotation!:-wow I think I will order CTX and try the same time of rotation! Thanks for the ideas!

Hi Lisa, I don't really have a formal rotation. I do S/H for like 3 weeks, then I'll do MIS and PH for a few weeks, then PS, then start all over. But then sometimes I'll do MIS one day of the week, and the split routines (PS or S/H) the rest of the week. I'm not formal at all when it comes to rotations! I just make sure to switch around to challenge my muscles. When I really want to work my legs, I'll do S/H legs & shoulders and PS legs & abs in the same week, along with MIS

So maybe I'm not a good example to follow! :)

Thanks so much Lynda and Marnie. I'm printing this out to keep for reference. I've never done formal rotations before, but I think I should give it a try. This has definitely gave me some good ideas.
Thanks again.

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