Build me up Buttercup!!


Did anyone see Clay Akin from American Idol tonight?
He sang the ever so famous "Build me up Buttercup!"
I was a geek and started bustin' a move from cardio & weights. LOL!:+
RE: Yes!

I missed that one - I tuned in half way through, but I think he's great! I wish he'd do something different with his hair! He looks rather like a cartoon character, and that's a shame.
That is too funny! When Clay started singing, I told my fiance that I felt I should be working out! I'm such a loser!

I still can't decide if I want Clay or Reuben to win. But after last night, Clay was the front runner. Either way, both of them will definitely have careers in music after this. Can you tell I am obsessed with that show? I could go on and on.
RE: Yes!

Funny, but I think his hair is sooo cute on HIM! Of course, I have a son who sports the same do, so I am probably more used to seeing it. His eyes are soo beautiful! GO CLAY!!!!! BTW, hubby has been a Rueben fan the whole time until Clay stole the show last night! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Every time I hear that song, I think I'm supposed to be working out. Ha-Ha!! I think Clay, Ruben and Kimberly Locke should all get record deals out of this. They're all so good, I can't even decide!
I know what you mean - there I was - singing right along. I love Clay too - he's grown so much since the beginning - remember? His glass and the hair!!! And you are all right - Clay, Rueben and Kimberly should get all the deals!! Been watching it since the auditions - talk about being hooked!!!

My 6yr. old turned to me and said "Mommy,isn't that on one of your excercise videos?" I think Clay did a great job with it! Susan

Can anyone ever get over this guy Keith singing "Like a Virgin"? That had to be one of the funniest auditions. I do feel bad for the guy but it made you wonder if he was for real. :+
When Clay was singing the Buttercup song, I was doing the couch potatoe's version of working out - seat-dancing in my chair, waving my arms around and scaring my cats (oh, the looks of horror!!)

Clay was amazing, electrifying! (Especially after Kimberley's drab version of the Grapevine song). The guys at work think Clay's "geeky" looking, but if I were a prepubescent girl I'd be in 7th heaven -- I think he's as cute as a button. (This from a girl who used to cry with longing to the Monkee's Davy Jones singing "I Wanna Be Free".)

Anyways, I really hope Clay wins -- he's so versatile and talented!


P.S. I think Josh is going to be voted off tonight. How 'bout you?
I think it will be Josh too. It could possibly be Trenyce, but only because of her prior shoplifting record. Who knows...
Im so hooked on this show too! Im voting for Clay. I think he has a powerful voice. Why were on the subject is it true that Simon and Paula are together, I saw it on the cover I think was People's magazine?, correct me if im wrong.
Ruben in the bottom two!!
What is America thinking?
I was sure that Josh would be in the bottom two, and would hopefully get the boot (I haven't been impressed with him for a while...probably because I'm not fond of country music.) Are people voting for him to stay because of some feeling of "patriotism" because of his being in the army?

I was a big Clay fan in the beginning, when he came into the auditions looking like a stereotypical math/computer geek but singing wonderfully (he also reminds me a bit of Barry Manilow). Since then, I've noticed some of the annoying theatricality of his singing, like the way he hits his "r's" in a way that bothers me. I still like him, and want him in the top three, but don't know who I want to win. Ruben was my favorite until this week, when I wasn't quite as impressed with him. Kimberly is really coming up. Whoever wins, I'm sure all three of them will have some kind of career after this. Neil Sedaka did say he'd kill to write and produce Clay's first album (so I hope Clay gets in contact with him in case he doesn't win!).

I was absolutely schocked when Reuben was in the bottom two. It should have been Josh! I don't know what America is thinking! Even the judges were all shocked.

I don't get it. Up until now I would think it would be Clay or Reuben but Kimberly may be sneaking in the back door!

Watch me be totally wrong and Josh will win it all. Why he would win...I couldn't tell ya. But after last night, who knows
Can you BELIEVE it?!!! Reuben on the hot seat to go -- what the hay is going on here?

It was almost worth it to see Simon's face -- he looked so pissed off. Gotta love hime!

Patricia (who's Canadian and can't vote for The American Idol!)
It was unbelieveable wasn't it! Rueben in the bottom 2!
Josh sure looked relieved didn't he? LOL! I think it surprised even him. Josh was the one that should have gone. He is not near as good as the others that were left.
I was watching some mornnig show where they theorized that the reason why Ruben was in the bottom two is that people may have assumed that he had it all tied up, and they didn't bother to vote.

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