Buff Badgers Week of June 25th


Morning Ladies,

Since my busy summer is going to be starting in just a few weeks, I have deicded that I'm going to do some type of Insanity Hybrid. Incorporating Insanity, kettlebells :)eek:), and boxing. This morning I did the Insanity Fit Test, and was very surprised at how well I did. Guess my endurance wasn't as bad as I thought it was. :D I also did Skogg Instructional 101, that one was just what it says instructional. I'm going to have to practice some of the moves more, but it may or may not be something that I'm interested in. I'm going to give it a try.

Saturday I did 30MTF Kickboxing Premix #1, that is the combo of both 30 min. workouts. I had a great time with that workout also. Didn't do anything yesterday, but attend our faire rehearsal. Next weekend is our dress rehearsal, can't believe we are opening in just a couple of weeks.

Have a great day!
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Good morning!

Sorry I didn't check in on Friday. It was a crazy day, and I didn't get in a workout.

Saturday I did the Upper Body Circuit premix of Low Impact Circuit.

No workout yesterday.

Laurie- That sounds like a hardcore rotation! It certainly says something about your dedication if you're planning on starting something like that in the middle of your crazy summer :eek:

The whole weekend seemed crazy-busy, but I didn't get much done. I painted the baseboards in the bedroom on Saturday, and I'm pretty happy about that. They had been sitting there looking gross since we moved in four years ago.

I went to my classroom to clean up all my junk and found that the floors were being "done" and I couldn't get in there.

DH and I did a bunch of brainstorming about what to do with our living room. We want to fix it up, but because it's a small room from 1938, it's pretty tough to find a good place to put the TV and still have an attractive layout. We're tossing around the idea of putting the TV upstairs in the second bedroom since we don't watch it much anyway. Either that or hanging it on the wall and not treating it as the focal point of the room anymore.

Sorry to bore you. I'm home all day and these are the things I think about :p

Slept late today, but I'm going to do the back and biceps from 4DS at some point. Either during DS's nap or after dinner. DS is having a lot of trouble with #2 for potty training. Not sure what to do. It was just fine at first.... being stuck in the house has been a bit of a drag.

Have a great day!
Brenda - I'll have to get the name of that drug for you. I only give our cat 1/4 pill about an hour before we leave. This might be hard to do but make sure your cat uses the litterbox first or have it handy for him. The first year we tried it our cat tried to go downstairs to use the litterbox and was so loopy he couldn't make it so he peed on DD in the car! She had the carrier in her lap and it leaked out. I put a towel in the bottom of the carrier now. Our cat still doesn't like the car ride but it takes the edge off a bit. Found out he has a heart murmur but no other symptoms so we'll keep an eye on it. So do you have to give shots to your diabetic cat? I'm pretty good at giving pills and liquid medication but have never given a shot before.

Susan - Same hairstyle but a little different from my avatar photo. I guess I should update it one of these days but I hate getting my picture taken. Also got highlights to cover the gray.

Sam - We hired an interior decorator for a couple of hours to give us ideas for our house. Don't get the wrong idea - our house is very modest and we did all the shopping and work ourselves - but they can help you see your house from an objective viewpoint and offer fresh ideas. She was also great at picking out paint colors. We painted the kitchen twice on our own before finding the perfect color to complement our countertops and woodwork.

DH and I worked our butts off on Saturday and Sunday with the kids' rooms. We took everything out of their rooms (and I mean EVERYTHING!). DH put a new closet insert into DD's closet and worked on trim work which he's been meaning to finish up for a long time. I washed windows, floors, bedding and with the kids help when they got home yesterday weeded out old Legos, books and other things they no longer want. DH made 1 trip to Goodwill and we have a bunch more stuff to take. Kids made it back safe and sound yesterday with lots of stories to tell.

Here's how the rest of my weekend went:
Saturday - Couch to 5K Week 4 Day 2 + STS Disc 18 Back & Biceps
Sunday - Couch to 5K Week 4 Day 3

Nothing yet today. Couch to 5K is getting harder. I'm up to 5 min. of running (jogging) at a time which doesn't sound like much but running outside is tougher IMO. I have a few inclines in my neighborhood which makes it tougher, too. I'm halfway through the program so the next 4 weeks will get even tougher. Been fortunate that the weather has been cooperative. Have a great Monday everyone!
Good Afternoon Ladies!!

Laurie - wow you have quit the workout scheduled. That must have been a good feeling to do better on the Insanity fit test than you expected. Isn't it nice to know all your hard work pays off. :)

Sam - You've been keeping yourself very busy being a SAHM. Hopefully DS will get better on #2 on the potty so your not confined to the house. That would personally drive me nuts. :eek: Good luck with your remodeling.

Sue - You had a busy and productive weekend. Glad to hear the kids made it back safe and sounds like they had a great time. Yes, I have to give our diabetic cat insulin shots 2x day. I just wish he'd let someone else get close enough to him to give him the shot. I'm not even sure if he'd let DH give him a shot. DH doesn't like needles so I'm not counting on that happening. :) Great job on the workouts!! This is our big conversion week :eek: I'll be happy when this week is over with.

I survived the wedding. The bummer was by the time we were done running around taking care of things on the day of the wedding. We were pooped out that we didn't last too long. We were home by 10:15pm. My arms and shoulders were sore on Sunday from moving 140 chairs twice in one day. Thankfully when we had to take them down we had two extra people that jumped in to help us out. My left leg has still been giving me grief so with all the running around on Saturday, when we went to bed my leg hurt so bad that I couldn't fall asleep. I got to the point where I just started crying because I was so exhausted and wanted to sleep and couldn't. I started out putting a moist hot pack on my leg and that helped for a short while. Then woke up again and ended up switching to ice packs. After getting so irritated about my leg, I remembered that my DH's massage therapist had told me a couple years ago that my left foot was starting to turn out. I'm wondering if that is where my pain is coming from, if it's putting everything in that leg out of whack. Do you think that's possible?

As for the workouts, Saturday morning I did Amy's Hi-Lo challenge (was a little gentler on the leg). Sunday no workout. Today I did 30 min on the elliptical and Chest and Back from 4DS. I felt the elliptical was a safer choice for my leg.

Back to work I have to go.

Enjoy the rest of your day!
Brenda - The name of the medication I give my cat before car rides is Acepromazine. I don't know if it's okay for a diabetic cat but your vet would know that and has to prescribe it anyway. I want to tell you also about an amazing spray called Feliway that mimics the facial pheromone. Our vet told us about it to prevent marking (urinating) but reading on their website it's also good for calming a cat in stressful situations like a car ride. It's a little pricey at $17 at Amazon but I've been spraying it the last few days and no more marking. I paid $40 at the vet (yikes!) so $17 looks like a bargain. I'm going to order some because I don't think my little bottle is going to last 30 days. You're supposed to spray every day even if the behavior gets better.
Hello! Sorry for the later post. Today was the elliptical and ab work. I did not workout over the wekend. We were up north Saturday and did not get home Sunday until almost 7pm. DH decided to take a side trip and stop and see some old friends on the way home. Mind you I loved seeing them but would have rather have been home sooner!

Laurie, now your crazy Summer starts! Sounds like a tough rotation, but if anyone can do it, YOU can!:D

Sam, I have so many ideas of what I would like to do, and not enough motivation to do it! Hoping to get DH to put in new counter tops before Fall.

Sue, so glad the kids made it home and had a good time. What did they think about their rooms? ;)

Brenda, I have been waking up with awful charlie horses in my left calf. Last night a streched it and massaged it super long and was able to sleep through the night, but today it has been acting up again. Where in your leg is the pain?

Rest well ladies, see you tomorrow ~ Susan
Good morning! I did manage to fit in 4DS Back and Biceps last night after dinner. This morning I did 4DS HIS.

Brenda- I'm sorry your leg is giving you fits :( I think the feet affect everything, so it's definitely possible that could be the cause of your troubles. Or maybe that combined with other things? I hope you can get some relief. I think last week you asked what a CSA was. It's Community Supported Agriculture. You pay a few hundred bucks to a farm and get a weekly delivery of fresh organic vegetables for over 20 weeks. It's great for us city-dwellers who can't grow our own gardens ;) So far we've gotten a lot of lettuce and spinach since that's what's in season. The lettuce is so different than what we buy in the store. I love it.

Sue- I've considered hiring someone for just that thing. Did you get a hard sell to use the decorator for other services? I don't handle hard sells very well :eek: I keep wishing I had a friend or relative who could help us out. Where did you go to find someone? I wouldn't even know where to start. Nice job on the kids' rooms. I tackled DS's room last week. What a pain in the tuckus!

Susan- I'll go through periods of time when I get those same charlie horses. They're just awful! Must be nice to have a DH who knows how to do things like put in countertops ;)

I'll probably be sort of stuck in the house a lot again today. I'm going to try to get out to the store or something, but the hardcore potty training continues. I'm going slightly insane, but still smiling :)

Have a great day, everyone!
Morning Ladies,

This morning my workouts where Insanity Plyo Cardio Circuit, and 30MTF TLC Boxing. The Insanity workout went much better than last week, still don't like doing the football shuffle thing. :p

Sam, I vote for hanging the TV on the wall, it works really well for us. Cuts down on a lot of space. ;) Have fun making all those decisions on decorating. How did you like that 4DS B&B workout? Good luck with the hardcore potty training! :)

Sue, You are doing a great job on that C25K program. ;) My youngest just cleaned out her room of Barbies, so understand needing to get those things out of the house. She still has to sort through some of them, she wants to keep a few of her favorites. Glad to hear that your kids made it back with lots of good stories to tell.

Brenda, Dang on that leg, sure sounds painful. :( Glad that the wedding turned out good, and I'm sure that you where super tired. The first month of Insanity/Kb's shouldn't be to bad, the Insanity workouts are all under 40 min. Kb's are 30 min. or less for that time frame also, but I'm sure that it will be different for me.

Susan, This is our last year at the faire that we will be full time. My DH is giving up the directors job at the end so we can do other things that we enjoy next summer. I think we all need some weekends away, it has been 6 years of being there every weekend. :confused: Maybe when you get your Insanity you can join me on a crazy rotation. :D

Have a great day!
I was exhausted last night from the weekend so didn't workout . Did STS Disc 19 Chest this morning. Will do shoulders and triceps tonight. Should do abs, too. I've been very, very bad about doing abs. :(

Brenda - Good luck this last week before implementation! I'm sure you're nervous but what a good feeling it will be to have it up and running.

Susan - Maybe you need some potassium in your diet. When I get leg cramps I make sure I eat a banana the next day. Just an idea.

Sam - We did not get the hard sell from the person we used. In fact, she suggested having pictures, fabric swatches, paint chips, etc. ready for her to look at when she came over so we wouldn't have to pay her to shop. It made her visits very efficient. I can't remember who gave us her name - probably someone DH works with. Try to find someone independent who doesn't work for a store that sells furniture or anything and I think that'll help.

Laurie - Faire time already! I hope the weather cools down for you. Hurray on the insanity fit test!
Hi! Woke up late this morning and then did not feel like working out so I took Ruby for a nice brisk walk. Loved the fresh air and it was just what I needed to wake up! Right now I am heading over to work my lower body.

Laurie, next Summer you won't know what to do with your extra time!;)

Sam, I mentioned to my family that I wanted to put the TV on the wall and rearrange furniture, well my family does not take to change very well and all 3 said "no way!" :p

Sue, my DH handed me a banana this morning and told me to eat for my charlie horses, but it was too green so I said no! I wonder if there is a potassium pill you can take...

Well, I better get my rear in gear! See you later! Susan
Good Evening Ladies!!

I didn't get on at lunch time. Needed to escape from my desk for a while as the week so far has been insane, which I expected.

Leg felt better this morning. Changed my natural anti-inflammatory and rubbed on this weird concoction of stuff on my leg that our accupuncturist gave my DH. Not sure if that is what is making it feel better or maybe not running around so much as I had over the weekend. Just was glad it felt better. :) This morning I did the step portion of Intensity along with 4DS Shoulders, calves, and core. Had small bursts of aches in the side of my left knee but nothing too bad.

Sue - Thanks for the info on the med and the spray. I'll have to check it out. I have a bad feeling about our implementation. Upper management met to day for a risk assessment of converting to the new ERP system. My initial thought was, what the heck, the week we are converting and you decide to have a risk assessment meeting. The group meets again tomorrow morning so we'll see if anything changes. I hope not, I so badly want the initial conversion over with.

Susan - The pain in my leg is worse in the side of my left knee. There are times that it will go down into the side of my calf into my ankle and then when it's really bad the entire side of my left leg aches from my hip down to my ankle. Last year when I was having lots of issues with my knees, my doc took x-rays to see if I had the start of arthritis in them and she said I didn't. I personally don't believe it because it runs in my famiily and both my mom & dad have it really bad. There go those bad genes again. :( Hope your calf muscle feels better. I hate it when I get those. Thankfully it doesn't happen too often.

Sam - That's pretty cool that you have that (CSA) in your area. I love fresh stuff out of the garden. I can't wait until our garden gets that far. Good luck with that hardcore potty training. :) BTW.. .I personally like the idea of putting the TV on the wall. We were thinking about it in our house but with the way our front room was we decided against it. Once we get to the point where we finish off our basement, we're going to do that.

Laurie - You go girl on that Insanity. Do you have any other of Shaun T's workouts?

OHHHHHH..... did you get Cathe's newsletter... the new DVD's should be shipping this week... AWESOME!!! :D

Have a great night!!

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Good morning! Today was Jillian's Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism. Felt good!:)

Brenda, my friend is having the same issue with her knee. Her doctor is having her get an MRI. They gave her a cortisone shot but the pain cmae right back in a couple days. He also saw nothing on the x-ray. Was told she may have torn something..

I am so excited about the new workouts!:eek: Yea!!

Well, looks like the heat is coming back to us this week. Try to stay cool!

Take care~ Susan
Morning Ladies,

Well I hit the snooze buttone one to many times this morning, so I was only able to get in Insanity Cardio Power & Resistance. I got a chance to see what the first kettlebell workout will be like, and I plan on doing that after work. It works well, because it is only 23 min. long. Doesn't have that dread factor of doing a 60 min. workout after work. :eek:

Sue, Abs are my nemisis also, just don't like doing them on a seperate workout. ;)

Susan, BFBM is such a great workout. ;) Funny thing is we have been talking about what we will be doing next summer with our time, and it was voted that we will be doing some car shows. Can't believe that I am missing going to those. :D My youngest doesn't remember going to them, and she wants to go. Since dd was two she has been at the faire. :eek:

Brenda, Hope that leg of yours gets way better, sure did sound painful. I don't have any other workouts besides the Fast n Furious DVD Shaun T. put out after Insanity. I have been looking at Asylum, and that is one of the reasons that I started this rotation. Needed to see if I still had enough endurance in this almost 49 year olds body. :D

Try to keep cool today everyone!
Good Evening Ladies,

Today was a cardio day and I went with one of Cathe's oldies, Step Works. I was lacking in sleep so it felt tough but I made it through.

Susan - I've been careful this week with the leg. Knee feels a little better. The hip flexor muscle is another story. I don't want to be down due to an injury again. I think this weekend I'm going to buy one of Jillian's workouts and check it out. :)

Laurie - How do you like Fast n Furious? I'll have to check that one out.

Sue - The outcome of the risk assessment meeting was to postpone the implementation of our new ERP system until Labor Day weekend. Which I was not real happy about having to work a holiday weekend. They've pushed it out that far, I don't know why they didn't push it out until Oct 1st when that is the start of our new fiscal year. Not my decision to make. This has been a really bad week at work. :mad:

The heat is here.... try to stay cool! :)

I need to try and get to bed a little earlier tonight.. I'm so tired. :(

Take Care!
Morning Ladies,

Got in the kettlebell workout after work. I did Skogg Roots Level 1, it was very basic. All the exercises in the instructional DVD and you did 30 sec on each side. There was a 60 rest inbetween the exercises. I probably could do a different level, but I want to make sure that I'm doing these moves correctly. So far I feel that I'm doing really well learning the moves. ;) This morning was Insanity Cardio Recovery, and 10lb Slimdown Recovery Yoga. Want to get in some more yoga after work.

Brenda, Fast n Furious is a good one. It is under 30 min., but non stop athletic cardio. ;) Hope you are able to get to bed early tonight.

Have a great day!
Hi there! Quick check-in before I leave then I'll be back after work! Today was upper body strength and abs. I think every muscle in my upper torso was shakin'! Arms are sore right now... :D

Laurie, never heard of Fast & Furios. I am so excited about getting my new Cathe workouts!! Already trying to think of a rotation I want to do...

Have a great day - stay cool and drink your water!!:)

Good morning. No workout yesterday and nothing yet today. Last night the touch of restless legs syndrome I've inherited from my mom kicked in and I was up pacing around for hours. I'm not gonna lie, it sucked :confused: I think it was my own fault, though. I had a couple glasses of wine with dinner, and I know that can aggravate it.

My MIL is coming later to take DS to the park, so I'm hoping to work out then.

Laurie- I liked the B&B premix a lot. I went heavier with biceps than I usually do. I don't know if it was the pacing of the workout or because I've done PUB a few times, but it felt great. It sounds like you made a good decision to back off from the faire a bit after this year. Imagine the fun things you'll get to do :)

Brenda- I hope you got some sleep. You sounded exhausted even in type. I keep telling myself to go to bed earlier, but somehow it doesn't happen.

Susan- Those new workouts look awesome! I can't wait to hear everyone's opinion on them. This preorder period didn't seem to last nearly as long.

Sue- I may have to try the decorator thing. Especially since you had a good experience. I stare at my house and I have tons and tons of ideas, but when I go to the store to find things, I can't seem to translate my vision into actual purchases.

Well, I looked more into putting the TV on the wall, and it's very tricky on plaster walls. You kind of just have to put it where the wall is suited for it instead of where you want to.

BUT.... I found a great website with really reasonably priced, some small-scale, furniture. Part of the reason we were frustrated is because we have a corner perfect for a sectional, but all the sectionals in the stores were way too big or way too expensive. But, now that we can get a sectional that will fit in our space, I don't think we'll have to move the TV, although I'm still interested in seeing if we can eventually hang it. It does make me very nervous to cut into that plaster, though. It seems very permanent. :confused:

Potty training has taken a very positive turn. Two whole days in a row without any accidents :D Let's hope he can keep it up.

It's our ninth anniversary today. We're celebrating this weekend while DS stays at his aunt and uncle's house. It'll be his first sleepover there, and I know he'll love it.

Have a great day. Stay cool! This weather is nuts!
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Good Evening!

For some silly reason, I sat outside at lunch time today. I was cold in our office but it certainly didn't take me long to warm up.

This morning was 4DS Kickbox and legs. I had to skip the abs since I ran out of time. It didn't bother me to miss it because you do work your abs in a different way during the kickboxing.

Laurie - didn't really get to be early last night - 9pm but 3am comes around way too soon. I'll try again tonight and hopefully have better luck. :) How do you like the kettlebell workouts. Better than dumb bells? I've always been interested in trying a kettlebell workout but not sure which one.

Susan - I'll have to go online to check out Fast n Furious. It's nice to have some really good short cardio workouts.

Sam - I have issues from time to time with restless legs as well. Since we got a bed where I can elevate my legs, it helps quite a bit. Mine are really bad when I'm over tired. I ususally end up putting ice packs on my knees and eventually that calms it down so I can fall asleep. I inherited mine from my dad. Glad to hear potty training has been going well. Good luck with the redecorating.

Yeah... tomorrow is Friday!! :D

Stay cool!!
Hello! I woke up with just an achey feeling all over so I took Ruby for a walk and am feeling a little better. DH has been coming odwn with something all week, sore throat, body aches, etc... Hopefully it has not reached me!

Sam, congratulations on your Anniversary! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!:D

Brenda, boy, you get up early!:eek: I too need to get bed sooner but it can be so hard! Especially during the Summer.

I have lots of cleaning and organizing planned for the weekend- sounds exciting doesn't it??:p Hope to get a good bike ride in Saturday morning and Sunday.... haven't decided yet!

Take care~ Susan
Morning Ladies,

This morning I did Insanity Pure Cardio, and that was it. Was fooling around with my HRM, it didn't want to read when my wrist was a certain distance from the strap. So I attached it to my sports bra. Seemed to work after that. Hope it is just a battery that needs to be replaced. :confused: I will be getting in Skogg Roots Level 1 when I get home today.

Susan, I didn't order the new workouts, so you will have to let me know how they are. :D I'm waiting for her to do some more kickboxing. ;) If you do get that bike ride, hope it is a good one.

Sam, Happy Anniversary! Enjoy the celebration weekend. Congrats on the two days in a row! That is a very positive step forward. The web site sounds great, do they charge a lot for shipping?

Brenda, The kb's have a different feel, because you are doing mostly swinging. Right now I'm using 15lbs, and it is working out ok. I know that it will not take to much longer and I can up that weight. IMO it seems easier to lift that weight over your head. ;) I went with the Skogg system, because almost everyone on VF said that it was the best system for instructional.

Just so everyone knows the Fast n Furious is 20 min., but very intense. I don't know how much they are selling the workout for. Really a great workout when you are short on time. ;)

Have a wonderful weekend,

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