BUFF BADGERS Week of Feb. 7


Good Morning Ladies! What an awesome superbowl game last night! It kept everyone on the edge of their seats. That is one of the best superbowl games in a while. We had a great party here at our house and I can't believe I was able to roll out of bed this morning to meet STS. My husband told me that I was really committed for getting up this morning after a long evening of entertainment. That made me feel good. I did STS Disk 4, chest shoulders and biceps. Afterwards I enjoyed stability ball abs from Butts and Gutts. Didn't have time to do the entire 15 minutes....maybe got it half and I must say that is one fun and tough ab workout. I couldn't do the roll the hips on the ball. I just decide to do prone position on the ball.

Have a great day ladies and I will check in later today to hear about your weekend workout and all the superbowl excitement.

Oh before I forget, I did workout Saturday. I did Intensity Step and HiitLo. My legs were so sore from Friday's STS, I wasn't sure if I was going to make it. I can still feel my hamstrings this morning.
Morning Ladies,

I'm totally exhausted! :eek: But did get up and get in Disc 11 Back & Triceps. What a super great game, I was so disappointed that both all of my favorite players got injured. I'm a total Woodson and Driver fan! I'm so glad that the 2nd string players stepped up and played how they should. It was a little hairy there in the 3rd qtr, but that last play had me jumping up and down just like the players. :D

Saturday the oldest went to UWW for a visit, and she is totally in love with the place. ;) I wasn't able to go, because I had to take the youngest to her dance class. I got in a TaeBo workout though. Sunday I didn't move from the pre-Super Bowl stuff. I'm such a nut I know.

heartymax, Just my thoughts, it is great that you got up and did your workout. I think sticking to a rotation is what gives you the results you are looking for. At least that has been my experience. ;)

Have a great day everyone!
Wish I was in Green Bay this afternoon :(
Happy Super Monday Ladies! What a great game!:D Made a wonderful end to the weekend.

Saturday I did my own Intensity mix/match workout. I did the warm-up, followed by the Hi-impact HiiT 2 times in a row, then did the low-impact Hiit, then stretch. It was fun! Sunday our DS had a basketball tourney(they took 3rd). When we got home I walked Ruby for 35mn and then did pilates for 40mn. Today will be P90X KenpoX.

Heartymax, way to go on getting up to workout! I bet you'll see results soon!

Laurie, I have not done Tae Bo in ages! Should probably get it out though. My DD has to do Tae Bo in gym class and she hates it! :)

I too wish I was in Green Bay this afternoon. It's only 45mn away!:( I know one of my co-workers took the day off to welcome the team home from the airport. They should arrive about 2pm. Can't wait for next years season!!!

Have a great day ladies! Susan
Good Morning Ladies! Today was the cardio blast premix from Drill Max followed by abs and planks from Butts and Gutts. I did more push ups from the STS workout yesterday than I did last week and I can feel the chest this morning.

Laurie----You have such a variety of instructors for your workouts. A friend and I were talking about kickboxing the other day and I told her that it is not one of my favorites but something that I do every now and then for a change. She told me how much she used to love Taebo.

Susan----WTG on creating your own version of Intensity. The Hi-impact Hiit is very intense so that was one killer workout doing that back to back.

Hi Sue, Karen and Lala.

Sat. no workout. Sun I did Lauren's new Kettlebell workout. Monday nothing, as you can see I am not doing well with my exercise. Today nothing yet, depends on work. I need some of all your motivation.

Nice workouts everyone. You guys are all kicking it up a notch.

The Packer game was awesome. Talk about a nail biter.

DS won his basketball game last night. (city league) only their third win this year.

What should I do today if I get a chance to exercise. It has to be something fun and not to long.

Have a great day.
Hi gang! Woke up and had to shovel yet again. My right bicep is starting to get really sore! I tried to switch to the left but it was too awkward. Today is Pilates Advanced Ring workout. I still need to take Ruby for a walk as well.

Heartymax, great workout today!

Karen, don't fret over missing a few workouts! Do what you can. As for today?? Hmmmm, I always like BFBM when I am short on time since it's only about 45mn or a a couple Shred segments... Don't know if you consider that fun or not! :D:D

Have a great day ladies!

Morning Ladies,

Disc 32 Plyo Legs for me this morning.

heartymax, Congrats on the additional push-ups. Sounds like strength increases. TaeBo is an aquired taste I think, a lot of people don't like the speed that Billy can take a workout to. :eek:

Karin, I vote for Insanity! :eek: Those month one workouts clock in under 45 min., and are so effective. That motivation thing can get at you, just take it one day at a time.

Susan, These intermintent snow showers are annoying. ;)

Have a great day!
Hi all! Glad to see everyone survived the Superbowl celebrations. :D One of my co-workers is at Lambeau today. Too chilly for me! Brrrrrrr.

Can't remember what I did on Saturday but Sunday was Power Circuit cardio + abs. I substituted for BFBM. Yesterday I was too tired to get up early and didn't workout last night either. I ate leftover pizza and cupcakes instead. Bad day at work. I don't even want to talk about it. It'll be better next week when my co-worker that I'm covering for is back.

This morning I shoveled and did QTZ. I only have a week or so left of the Jillian rotation and don't have time for long workouts this week so not sure what I'll do. I just feel like doing something new.

Karen - Sounds like we're in the same boat with the workouts. Just not enough time is there?

Laurie - Is "UWW" UW-Whitewater or UW-Waukesha? DH and I both went to Whitewater and liked it a lot. DD is already thinking about going to a smaller school.

Heartymax/Laurie - Good job getting up early yesterday morning. I was too excited to sleep so stayed up late. You guys are like STS Wonder Women. :D ;)

Susan - Great workouts! I'm surprised you didn't go to Green Bay being the big Packer fan and only 45 min. away. There's always next year, right? :D
Need to check in before this week gets away from me! did a run on Saturday using Jeff Galloway´s program.

Sat and Sun I spend cooking for the BIG GAME :eek::eek::eek: What a great one!!!!! DD lives in DePere and celebrated at Lambeau field right after the game. still all smiles!!!!

Am doing Christof´s undulating rotation so yesterday was disk 25 (only did 3 reps of the exercises which cut it from 68 to 55 minutes) and today I did 30/30.

Sue,we all have those time when we eat the cupcakes and pizza!!! But I know that you´ll be right back at it! I know about not having time for long workouts.

Susan, I like your Intensity mish mosh. How much time does that come in at?
We have snow, but haven´t had to shovel in about a week.

Laurie, are you doing a full STS rotation? I really enjoy the plyo legs. Have you ever done the strength legs? I never even opened it because I know I´ll never get a squat bar, but maybe the weighted vest. Is it worth it?

Karen, Don´t worry about the workouts. Maybe you just need some time off? You motivated ME to look at that running site for that race in Mpls. I might do it, but it´s like $45 for a 7K.. I like the distance, but not the price;)

Heartymax, glad you´re liking STS! Nice job on getting everything in...and by that I mean abs. I like to work them, but when I´m out of time that is what goes by the wayside...I should be doing them even as I type this :eek: but instead have more papers to grade:(
This morning was STS Disc 5 Back and Triceps. I do pull downs with the band instead of chin ups and pull ups. I can't do tricep push ups so I did tricep dips. What I found to be surprisingly fun was the seesaw push ups. I started to skip them because I just assumed that I couldn't do them.

Karen---let your body enjoy this rest. You will be back full force soon!

Laurie----please don't say the word LEGS!! I am dreading Friday STS (in a good way though). I think my legs are just beginning to feel almost normal again. I can't even begin to wonder what Plyo Legs in Meso 3 is like if I am this sore from Meso 1.

Lala----I am totally with you-----abs is what gets cut from my workouts and stretches are usually shorter. I am determined to pay more attention to both.

Sue---how much longer do you have for your Jillian rotation?

Susan---I know you are tired of all the snow. Rest the bicep.

My oldest son woke up sick.....I sure hope it doesn't spread through the family.

Got up and managed to do Jillians Shred it with weights.

Heartymax, don't you love being sore all the time. She has some neat moves in meso 1 I think. Hope your DS is better today. I am also making sure I spend more time stetching and doing abs.

Lala, did you use Jeff's program last year also? That does seem like a lot of money for a 7K race. How far are you running now days. Are you doing it outside?

Sue, nice job on keeping motivated even though you are busy. I wouldn't be so bummed that I can't work out if I would just control my eating a bit.

Laurie, don't you love the one legged burpees? Some of her moves in STS are fun. Insanity last night would have been fine but not in the mornings.

Susan, I did do a Jillian and I don't necessarily consider her fun but I think she packs a lot into a little bit of time and I love how she works abs so well. Hope the snow holds off for awhile so your bicep can recover. I have tried to shovel with my left hand too, it doesn't work so well. We are just having really cold weather. Today -10, don't know about he wind. 3rd again at the tournament. Way to go.

Have to get going. Have a great day.
Morning Ladies,

I had Insanity on the schedule for this morning, but I'm still in a TaeBo mood so I did Get Ripped Adv. #2. I'm sure that I will be shelving these soon, but right now they are fun. Tonight we are going out for dinner with DH's family. Have to go to the web page to see what Carabas has to offer for healthy eating. :D

Sue, Have you seen the vf forum and their talk about Supreme 90? I found this at the Wahlgreen's in Mukwonago, so it probably is around Waukesha. I couldn't pass up the price, and they sound like they are decent workouts. Just thought I would mention that as an option to doing something different. ;) UWW is Whitewater, and it sounds like she is probably going to be accepted. :D

Lala, I'm still on the STS Undulating rotation that Cathe created, and I did some changes to. ;) Have a great time with you rotation, Undulating is fun. Yes I have done the leg workouts that need the squat rack, and used a vest that I got from Walmart. That helped with the weight on the shoulders. I actually really liked the workouts, because you do three to four exercises for four sets.

heartymax, I enjoy those seesaw push-ups also. As you go along with the rotation you will do better with the legs. It just surprises me how your hr goes up so high while done them. ;)

Karen, Yes of course I love the one legged burpees! NOT, those are tough. I don't think that I really do them with great form either. :eek: But I manage to get them all in, and end up on the floor afterward. :D

Have a great day!
Hi ladies! Today is MMA Kickbox and pilates lower body.

Heartymax, you are just moving right along aren't you?! Way to go!

Karen, glad you were able to wake up early and get a workout in. I agree Jillian does pack a lot in a short amount of time! I just wish she had premixes!

Laurie, do have all of the Tae Bo workouts? I too am going to look at that Supreme 90...

Hi Sue! I would have loved to be in green Bay with the Pack, but work comes first!:p

Hi lala! I think my Intensity workout was about 45mn maybe? I know it was under an hour anyway!

Have a great day! Susan
Laurie - Yes, I've seen all the talk about Supreme 90. You are such an Enabler! ;) :) I looked at Walgreens over the weekend and didn't find it. I'll have to keep looking. $20 is too good a deal to pass up.

Heartymax - I've kind of abandoned the Jillian rotation and doing my own thing this week. Not sure when I'm going to start STS. Time is the big issue with me so I'm thinking of starting on a Wednesday and doing STS on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday with cardio or rest the other days. I can workout Friday night and Wednesday can be either a.m. or p.m. (in case I don't get up early enough). What time are you getting up to do STS?

Karen - My eating has not been great either. In fact, I'm at my heaviest and not feeling very good about it. Stress at work has not been helping. I feel like my boss just doesn't "get it" at times. He's new to the company (about 8 months) and really doesn't know what I do. I try to explain but he's not a detail person so things may sound easy to do but actually require a lot of time. I know some of my stress is internal because I don't know what he thinks of me. It's hard because I was very much appreciated by my old boss.

Susan - Work coms first for me, too, this week with my co-worker gone. Friday can't come soon enough. Is MMA Kickbox your favorite of the MMAs? I like MMA Boxing and haven't tried the other one.

Dragged myself out of bed this morning and did KCM Cardio Blast Athletic Step. I like that workout a lot. It's fun, gets the heart-rate up but doesn't make you feel like you're going to die.
This morning was Imax 2 following my a segment from Ab Hits. For some reason, Imax 2 didn't seem as hard it as it used to. Don't get me wrong---it is definitely one tough workout. I did the entire workout including most (not all) of the air jacks, tuck jumps and plie jacks. I think it has something to do with me doing those HiiT workouts.

Karen---glad you manged to get in a workout. I think Jillian does a good job getting in a lot in such a short period of time. One thing I don't like about the workout is that she doesn't do most of it. She spends a lot of time talking and walking around. I say to myself----what is she getting paid for???

Sue-----DH wakes up around 4:15 everyday to get ready for work so I usually crawl out of bed about 4:45. I like to be downstairs and ready to go no later than 5:00. You will love the change and the challenge when you start STS.

Susan---I like for my cardio workouts to be under an hour too most of the time. That is why I love Cathe's premixes so much.

Laurie---glad you are enjoying Taebo. I remember a couple of months ago I was on Drill Max kick and doing it several days a week.

Question for you ladies who have done STS??? The second week of Meso 1 says I should increase my weights by 5%. Well, I don't have weighted gloves so I am just ignoring this increase. This is such a small increment until I can't move up a dumbell weight because it will be way more than 5%. I am lifting the same as week 1. Should I just aim to increase the weight in Meso and in week 3 of Meso 1? Does this make sense of have I confused you with my question?
Good Morning,

Did STS Plyo legs this morning and the extended stretch.

Sue, Hope things get a little less stressful for you at work. I keep meaning to do the KCM step workout but just haven't had a chance.

Susan, that sounds like a nice combo you did today. Upper/cardio/core.

Laurie, good to pull out some old workouts every once in a while. Makes them more fun that way. What did you end up having for dinner? I like the one leg burpees and I know my form is not good either but I still get them done--barely. Does your Supreme 90 work in your player. I was wondering if you could pick me up one at your Walgreens and send it to me and I will send you a money order and pay for postage. We don't have it up here.

Lala, how is the grading coming.

Hi Heartymax.

Another basketball game tonight. HOpefully I get off before 5:30 tonight. It is getting harder to fit anything in.

Have a great day.:)
Morning Ladies,

Disc 4 Chest, Shoulders and Biceps for me this morning. After work is a cut and color for the hair. ;)

Susan, Nice workout! I'm into the kickboxing thing right now. :eek: I have all of the older TaeBo's, but none of the kits that came out. I have purchased some of his new ones, but went by the reviews. I have some of his that are not fun, so I had to start getting picky about my purchases.

Sue, You might have to ask the manager about the DVD's at Wahlgreen's, he was just putting them on an end shelf when I went in the store to pick up my perscription. I felt like I got lucky! :D I have that KCM workout, but I don't know if I have ever done the full workout on the premix. Have you done it? Maybe I should pull that one out.

heartymax, Very good question on the increase in weight. I usually do the increase, by using my weighted gloves or putting on wrist weights. Sometimes I have picked up two weights, like say something on my sheet is 28 lbs. I pick up my 25 lb and 3lb weight. That is hard on the hands, and I'm just waiting for the heavy weight to slip! :rolleyes: I think that it really does help to do the increase, but you will be going up in weight when you get to Meso 2, so it might be ok. The whole purpose of the increase is to get you prepared for the next cycle. I don't own the magnetic plates that you can put on your weights, just was a cheap skate. :D

Karen, I wouldn't have a problem picking one up for you. I saw that Mary at totalfitnessdvd is suppose to be carrying them also. But who knows when she will be getting them. ;) I will be going to the store to pick up my youngest perscription sometime this week so will check it out for you. I will fb a message to you. ;) I ended up getting the Chicken Marsala, Minestrone Soup and roasted veggies for dinner last night. I had to really control myself on the bread though!

Have a great day!
Good morning. Yesterday I came down with a bad sore throat and cold. Felt awful this morning. Hoping I did not catch strep! I still plan on doing something today. Might just be the elliptical.... See how it goes. I did not sleep well so I hope I can stay on my feet!:D

Laurie, that dinner sounds delicious!:D Are you getting a new cut and color or keeping it as is? I am such a chicken! I hate people touching my hair!

Heartymax, I love IMAX 2! Way to go!

Karen, hope you don't have to work too late today!

Take care ladies and stay healthy! Check back later- Susan
Susan - I think you should rest today but that's just my opinion. ;) It's your body and you know best.

Karen - The choreography on that KCM step w/o is so easy you could just pop it in the dvd player and go.

Laurie - I'll keep Mary in mind if I don't find Supreme 90 at Walgreens. I'm not in a hurry. Right now I'm enjoying some workouts I haven't done in a while.

Heartymax - Good job on nailing Imax2! You're probably right in that the HIIT is making it easier.

Did ME Lower Body premix including abs last night. This morning was ME Upper Body without the abs. (Not going to do the same ab routine 2 days in a row) Can't wait for the weather to warm up. I'll take 30s even. :p

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