Buff Badgers Week of Feb. 21th


This morning was disc 10 Chest, Shoulders and Biceps. On Saturday, I did Hit 30/30 followed by Stability Ball Abs. Sunday was a rest day. Oh my....my muscles are fried. That 70% 1RM is definitely taking it up a notch and preparing the muscles for what's to come in Meso 2. I am looking forward to my recovery week. I could use some extra cardio. I just gotta remember that I am not supposed to sleep on the days that would be STS:D

Sue, I can't wait to hear about your first day with STS Legs. I has been interesting DOMS for me..... First week was hamstring DOMS.....Second week I was okay.....Third week.....I have inner thigh DOMS....I wonder what this week will bring????

Laurie---I finished watching the Taebo DVD and I think I will give it a try during my recovery week next week. The counting is SOOOOO annoying. It nearly drove me nuts just watching it. I hope I can get past it.

Hi Karen, Susan, lala.

Today is holiday here so no school! Enjoy your day and I will check back in later today.
Morning Ladies,

This morning was Disc 22 Chest, Shoulders & Triceps. Saturday I did Bodystrikes, and Ultimate Ball from S90. Another good workout in that series. I liked that he didn't have plank work back to back. You did 30 sec. of an exercise / rest 30 sec. / 30 sec. of same exericse / 30 sec rest. Then move onto another exercise doing the same thing. Sunday was a rest day for me.

heartymax, I'm hoping that you are able to not let the counting annoy you. It is something that I have learned to ignore. ;) WTG on the STS workouts, sounds like it is doing what it is designed to do.

Have a great day!
Good morning! SNOW DAY :D:D
Today was STS 13...I´m on week 3 of my undulating rotation. Sat I went out for a run. Oh yea, and I did Billy blanks cardio inferno. Ok, that is not that tough, but fun, but really, do they pour buckets of water over themselves? I was not sweating much at all :confused:

Laurie, is that ultimate ball a cardio or resistance training? and is body strike Ilaria? How do you like that?

Heartymax, is that a Billy blanks? yea, the counting has to be ignored. When I do STS my rest weeks are *true* rest weeks for me...I don´t do anything :eek: but I suppose I should. I think this time through, since I´m doing it differently my plan is to rest after 6 weeks with 3-4 days of running.

Susan, just finished pilates inspired abs and was thinking that especially with more running it probably would be a good thing for me to add pilates...so which do you recommend and is there any minimum amount per week that I should do?

Hi everyone!
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lala-----yes it is Billy Blanks DVD. I will try it next week. Not sure what to expect...other than be annoyed by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ......1,2,3,4,5,6.
Heartymax - I'm feeling a bit of quads DOMS after my first STS Legs. Oh, and the glutes, too. Like a fool I went ahead and did the bonus legwork. What was I thinking?! I'm already looking forward to recovery week after week 1! :eek:

Laurie - Hope you got to see your race yesterday. How did your guy do?

Lala - Happy Snow Day! So how exactly do you go running outside with 10 inches (or however much you got) of snow? I'd have to run in the middle of the road around here.

Over the weekend I did STS Disc 2 & 3 with the bonus legwork, Cardio & Weights step premix and lots of shoveling. My tris are so sore it hurts to write. Fortunately I do more typing than writing in my job. :) Okay, I'm beginning to see why people love STS so much. The workouts are tough but just when you think you can't do any more, you move on to the next exercise. I like the pace even though I have to pause sometimes to get setup for the next exercise. The only exercise I didn't like was the wall sit with the stability ball and dumbbells. It felt like too much stress on my knees so I did the exercise w/o the weights. Other than that I've been pleasantly surprised with the number of new and seemingly effective exercises. Have to figure out a way to fit abs in now. . .
Hi ladies! I was not well this weekend, battling a sinus infection. My whole face/head hurt! Then on Sunday I started getting sick in my stomach. So unfortunately, no workouts here.

Saturday my friend and I took our kids to an Anime Convention at the Hyatt in Milwaukee. They expected about 4,000 people and I think they all came! The kids loved it and dressed up as their favorite anime characters. My girlfriend is an awesome seamstress so she made them all. So I did get a small workout being on my feet and walking for 7 hours!

This morning I sat down and wrote up a 6 week rotation to get to the end of March. Today was BFBM followed by some pilates for lower body.

Heartymax, you are doing awesome!! Great job!

Laurie, I am seriously going to have to go look for that S90. I found the website for it, but I really prefer to see it in person! I am going to check out a couple Walgreen's around here.

Lala, We have a snow day too!:D My DH works for the school district in Amherst and they did not close. It's a 45mn drive for him. He called and said he'd be late. Didn't go in until he had us all plowed out. As for the pilates, practicing it just a couple times a week would benefit you. I would go to collagevideo.com and watch their previews on various instructors. I hate to recommend instructors cause everyone has their own preference. I like Mari Winsor but have also tried the Stott Pilates workouts. If you did just 20mn, twice a week you'd notice a difference. I am hoping to get my DD involved in it over the Summer cause that girl is so inflexible! :eek:

Sue, Congrats on STS. Glad you are enjoying it so far!

I have to go buy a glue stick so DD can finish a project! Too bad I did not think of it yesterday when I was at the store!:(

Bye for now! Susan
Hi, no school off here. Had to work longer than normal because school was 2hrs delay. Did squeeze Pyramid Hiit.

Have to go get supper going, just got home so I'll check in later again and comment if I get a chance.

On Sun. I did Hardball by Paul Katami.
Just finished Drill Max cardio blast premix followed by Power Hour Abs. I forgot how much I like the abs from Power Hour----great burn in just 6 minutes.

Sue----I can't do the wall squats with the weights either. I can't squat down that low to pick them up without feeling like I am going to fall down so I just squat as low as I can and hold.

Susan----hope your sinus infection is better. What do you have planned for your rotation?

Laurie---STS is definitely giving me a good workout. I noticed this morning that my left side of the back (shoulder blade area) is developing and shaping better than the right side. Gotta figure out what to do about that.

Karen----Pyramid Hiit is definitely tough. I have only done that one a few times.

Lala---2hr delay for us. I was glad because I was really tired this morning and needed the extra sleep before getting up for my workout. I may have been tempted to take a day off otherwise.
Morning Ladies,

Disc 23 Legs for me this morning. Feeling the workout for sure! :eek:

Lala, The Ultimate Ball is an all core workout, and he uses the stability ball. Planks, Pikes etc. He also uses the ball for the floor ab work. Kind of like Coremax, but the premixes. He does the exercise for 30 sec. then you rest for 30 sec. two time. Then you move onto another execise, usually he changes from plank to floor, so that makes it easier on the wrists.

heartymax, LOL about the counting, but you need to go all the way up to 8! :eek: Interesting that you have that difference, hope you can pin-point how it is happening.

Sue, I did see the race, but we watched it delayed. My driver got in a wreck, so didn't finish so great. But the young man that won has now become one of my favorite drivers. He is just to cute! :D

Susan, I think that you will like the S90 workouts, he does core work in each one of them so maybe he and Jillian are sharing a brain. :eek: One thing I like better about these are the fact that you can lift heavy.

Karen, When you get your Supreme 90, let me know how similar those are to the Paul Katami? I'm interested in Pauls workouts, and if they are similar then I know I would like them.

Have a great day!
Hi gang! This morning was shoveling for an hour!:mad: At least we had a 2 hour delay! And I also did P90X Core Synergistic. There are so many exercises in that workout that I hate, I often wonder why I keep coming back for more!:eek: Hope to get some good stretching in tonight.

Heartymax, my sinuses are feeling much better today. I just realized I have not had any pain all day!:) Let's hope it stays that way!

Laurie, I did not get a chance to watch the race but DH did say a newbie had won. I'll have to check him out I guess! ;)

Hi Sue!
Hi Karen!
Hi lala!!

Have a good night! Susan
Today was 40/20. I have to find a way to modify the butt kicks, though, it strains my knee when i go over the step. But always a butt-kicking workout!

Sue, we haven´t gotten as much snow as you, so I´m able to run on the sidewalks/streets sometimes. The other day I went to the track to time my mile, but it was still covered!!! Guess I thought the warm weather would have melted it...no luck!

Susan, that shoveling will do it! Glad your sinuses are better.

Laurie, that ball workout sounds tough! I like working on the stability ball, but often forget how tough it can be...especially those planks!

karen, our district never delays...either all or nothing, sometimes they will let us out early...after lunch so it´s considered a full day. Those Hiit get the job done!

Hi heartymax!
Happy Wednesday! This morning was Disc 11---Back and Triceps.

Laurie----I am starting to really like stability ball abs from Butts and Gutts so I am thinking about purchasing core max soon. I think I will pass on the pikes:eek:

lala---40/20 is my favorite of the 3------I just do my own version of butt kicks. I only have 2 sets of risers so that helps keep them low impact too.

Susan---I know you must be sick of the snow. We haven't received nearly as much as you guys and I am tired of snow.

Hi Sue and Karen!
Morning Ladies,

Disc 21 Back & Biceps for me this morning.

Susan, What you don't like going from boat to banana pose? :eek: Those are the ones that I don't like. Anything with boat or banana in it is something that I always dreaded! :D Yes check out Trevor Bayne, he is just someone that you can't help but like. I saw an interview that he gave, and that is what made me like him even more.

Lala, I'm thinking of doing that Ultimate Ball workout tomorrow, instead of doing the KPC abs. Might have to go with one of the premixes to get all the workouts in. On one of the exercises I had to ditch the ball, I am not able to do a one legged plank on the ball yet! :rolleyes: I used my step instead.

heartymax, It can start to become obsesive trying to get into the pike! :eek: A couple of times I thought I was going to fall over! :D

Have a great day!
Nothing really to report. Shoveled again yesterday. Tonight I plan to do STS Disc #4.

Glad you're feeling better, Susan. Everyone else keep up the good work! :D ;)
Hi there! Today was Pilates Advanced Power Sculpt followed by some extra bun/thigh work.

Have my DS's end of the year pizza party for basketball tonight. I love pizza, it only loves my booty!:p Both kids informed they need my help with homework as well so should be a fun night!:confused:

Laurie, I hate Dreya Rolls, prison cell push-ups, the mountain climbing things, steam engine... I could go on and on!! :eek:

Heartymax, I too hate doing those pikes. I think it would be easier if I were shorter? Or is that just an excuse!:D

Lala, I will be so happy when the snow is gone for running!

Sue, hope you enjoy your workout! Go! Sue, Go!!:)

Have a great night! Susan

Yesterday no workout. Today I did HSC. Not as hard as I remember it. I broke my thumb by leaning the wrong way on the Rip60 door gym thingy. The metal part fell on my had as I fell forward and some metal under my thumb too. Not smart. The door pops open if you don't pull away from the door.:eek:The two youngest kids are doing the Barnibirkie tomorrow so I am taking off work to watch them. DH will do the Birkie on Sat.

Laurie, I will let you know how the Katami workouts compare. One legged planks on the step is a good idea. I can't do them with the ball either.

Susan, have fun eating pizza. Glad you are feeling better.

Lala, they just built our new track and now it's blocked off the the public except for certain hours in the summer. What a waste. It is just for the school kids. I would love to have somewhere like that to just run for short sprint workouts. I am going to start running March 1, hopefully three times a week.

Sue, shoveling is getting old.

Heartymax, Cathe has some wicked ab workouts on her ab dvd from the STS series. I like the music in 40/20, I was just to lazy to get out my step. Glad you are seeing some definition.

Have a great day.
Hi! This a.m. was disk 14 legs. another good one!! I really like meso 2.

Karen, the way you broke your thumb just makes mine hurt!! Too bad about the track. Really, it should be open for the public.

Susan, again, glad you´re feeling better! I´m checking out some pilates videos.

Laurie, those one legged planks on the ball...can anyone do them?!
Good Morning Ladies! Today I gave Taebo Fat Blaster a try. It didn't get my heart rate up. I don't have the bands to go with it and since I am doing STS, I don't want to do any type of circuit anyway and there just wasn't enough consistent cardio to keep my heart rate up. It looks like it would be a fun workout---if it was just cardio. I don't need the bands for sculpting. Unfortunately, there is no "premix". Oh well---after 35 minutes, I realized it just wasn't working for me. I stopped and put in stability ball abs and completed my 15 minutes of abs and called it a day. Does any of his workouts have just cardio?
Hello! Today is Cathe's Bootcamp for me. This new rotation I wrote is really just a mish-mosh . A little this and a little that!:)

Heartymax, I have a few of his earlier stuff and it has more cardio in it I think. I know I sweat! I just don't like his counting!:confused:

Have a busy day ahead but will try to check in later! Make it a good one!

Morning Ladies,

No workout for my this morning, had a really bad night trying to sleep. :( Will get KPC and Ultimate Ball done after work, if I'm not crawling into bed when I get home. :D

Sue, Keep up the good work yourself!

Susan, Oh ya those Dreya rolls are another one. :D Have fun with Bootcamp today.

Karen, Our track is like that too, but from what I understand there is no access in the summer either. The football field is part of it also, and they don't want anyone trashing that (It has happened in the past). Ouch on the broken finger! How did you like the Rip60 until that point?

heartymax, Oh that one isn't a good one to try at all for your first TaeBo! I think those where some of his worst workouts. There are a lot of his workouts that are just cardio, and a set of his better one is his Get Ripped Advanced workouts. His live workouts are not available on DVD, so can't recommend them at all.

Have a great day!

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