Buff Badgers Week of April 4th


Good Morning Ladies. On Saturday I finished Meso 2 with Chest and Backs. This morning was Shelly McDonald Pilates Plus Carribean Workout (20 minutes) followed by a 15 stability ball abs from Butts and Gutts.

This is recovery week for me so I plan to get in some good stretching, work on core and do some of my favorite cardio.

Hope you all had a great weekend!
Morning Ladies,

Sorry to be MIA so much last week, but I was working on a project at work. Acutally still am working on that dang thing, but it will be a saving for the company in the end.

Have been keeping up with the S90 workouts, and this morning was Cardio Challenge.

heartymax, Have a great recovery week, sounds like you have some fun cardio planned for yourself. Can't believe that you are going to be in Meso 3 next week. You will love that cycle also, it is such a change from the other two.

Have a great day!
Heartymax - Yipee! You made it to your 2nd recovery week! Good job. Enjoy your recovery week.

Laurie - You and Heartymax are normally the 1st 2 to checkin in the morning so I was wondering where you were. Darn work! ;) Cost savings for the company is a good thing.

Did STS Disc #17 Legs on Friday night and then Imax2 Intervals 1-5 premix on Saturday. *Mental Note - Do not attempt to do plyo "anything" the day after STS legs! Man, it was tough. Did STS Disc #18 Back & Biceps this morning. Was supposed to do it yesterday but DH and I worked on taxes yesterday afternoon and then didn't feel like it last night. Can't believe I'm halfway thru STS! :D

Did you guys read about Cathe's new series that she's already filming?!!! I'm super-excited that's it's low impact.
Hi! Taking advantage of my lunch 1/2 hour! Friday I did STS 33 I think Sat I ran hills. There´s a really steep one (25.30%) and I ran up, walked, jogged down, ran up...10 times :eek: My buns still hurt!!!

Today was STS 9

YES!!! I saw Cathe´s new series. And seriously, I had been thinking that there´s nothing new I "need"...and now a low impact...that could fit in really well with my exercise library :D and I´m glad she didn´t announce it til they started filming...less time to wait!!

Laurie, we all know the MIA..., but you´ve been keeping up! will the project take much longer?

Heartymax, enjoy the rest week...sounds like you have some good things planned.

Sue, Great job on STS...I know what you mean about following STS legs with...well anything;)

Hi Susan and Karen!
Cathe's step only premix from Intensity. Can't wait to see previews of the new low impact series. It will be a much welcome series for most. Darn it Cathe---you are always coming up with something to make us spend more money!!!:rolleyes:

Lala----you completed that steep hill workout 10 times....no wonder your buns hurt. I hope you don't have a leg workout planned for a few days.

Sue---what were you thinking??? Then again, I have done the same thing before and learned from it too!!! Actually, I can barely do any kind of workout after some of the STS Legs....like disc 9....(if I recall the number correctly).

Laurie---WTG on getting your workout in and squeezing in some extra time at work! WIth that in mind, we don't mind you "slacking off" on the forum for a quick minute.....as long as you are still working out.:D I really admire your dedication as you let very few things interfere with your workout.

Hi Karen and Susan.
Morning Ladies,

S90 Legs for me this morning.

Sue, I saw the information on the new workouts, not sure that I'm going to get these. The discs are what is turning me off right now, but will see how the clips look.

Lala, The project could take up to two months to get done, but I should be done with my part by the end of this week. Changing suppliers in our stockroom for electrical fittings, and that is probably our biggest use items.

heartymax, I like that fact that she is alread filming. I guess she is tired of all the complainers. ;)

Have a great day!
HI Ladies! Sorry I was gone yesterday. Had to go back and work a banquet at the school last night. My weekend was okay. Saturday I did the elliptical Extreme Heart Rate for 45mn then ab work. Sunday I was busy cleaning and helping DD do an art project.

I decided for the first time in I do not know how many YEARS I am going to take a week "off". I am walking Ruby everyday for 30-45mn and doing pilates. I hope my body enjoys the "rest". I want to write a new rotation but haven't decided what I want/need to focus on!

I did not know Cathe was starting a new series. I'll look into it but I am not really a low-impact person!:eek:

I'll check back tomorrow. Hope you all have a good night!

This a.m. I did bodyrock Tabata 20 minutes. That is about the only body rock I do and it has been a long time. But Cathe really had me prepared for it!

Susan, enjoy your "rest" week. I tried to fit in pilates during mine, but since I enjoy my extra hour of sleep i never find the time in the evening...

Laurie, electrical fittings...that is something your average Joe doesn´t think much about, but my niece´s DH just changed jobs and he is selling stuff like that now. He previously worked for Target buying all the electric stuff for the stores.

Hi all!!
Finally dusted off Cathe's Circuit Blast and did it for the first time. It may not have been the perfect "recovery week" workout but it sure was fun. I am not sure why I had never used it before.

Susan--enjoy your rest week and spending time with Ruby.

Laurie---never known Cathe to keep secrets like an upcoming workout, but it was definitely a cool surprise.

Hi lala, Karen and Sue!
Morning Ladies,

S90 Chest & Back for me. Love this workout even though they are going at a rapid pace.

Susan, good idea on the exercise break. I think we all need to do that every once in a while.

Lala, Oh he should have fun with that type of job. I have been ordering machining parts for years, and I still enjoy it. Just don't enjoy the orders that you need to be rushed in. :rolleyes:

heartymax, I don't think that I have done that workout yet! Maybe I should dust that one off too. :D

Have a great day!
Hi ladies!

Heartymax - Circuit Blast is a good one as I recall. Not my idea of a rest week workout but if you have the energy I say "Go for it!" :)

Susan - I think I need one of those rest weeks and that's why I keep skipping days and then having to play catch-up. Ruby will be happy that she still gets her daily walk I'll bet. ;)

Lala - That Bodyrock lady is crazy! In great shape - but crazy. :p

Laurie - I'm not sure about those discs either. I just saw LOW IMPACT and got excited! Waiting for more information (like everyone else).

Did STS Disc #19 Chest, Shoulders and Triceps this morning. Yep, triceps, too! :D (Unlike the last 2 weeks) Had to get up a little earlier and then hustle to get ready but I fit it in.

I punctured the bottom of my foot on Sunday by stepping on something pointy and plastic in DS' room (he said it actually belonged to DH so can't blame him). It hurts to walk so I'll have to get creative with the cardio. Bob's cardio has lots of kettlebell swings and burpees so I might do that. Some kickbox workouts might work, too. Always a challenge working around injuries. What a stupid injury to get though! Hope it doesn't get infected. Have to check when I had my last Tetanus shot. . .
Hi! Today was STS legs #9. I had planned on doing some extra for the shin muscles (what are those called again?) and some abs, but, boy, once I get home, I find other things to do, so maybe tomorrow.

Sue, yes, Zuzana is...something else! keep an eye on that foot. Hope it doesn´t get infected.

Laurie, Nice job with the S90.

Heartymax, i love that workout!

Hi Karen! Hi Susan!
I am taking a rest day today since I haven't had one yet for my recovery week. I forgot to share something awesome yesterday----can't believe I Forgot because I was sooooo excited. I was able to do 5 push ups on my toes yesterday during Circuit Blast. I have never been able to do even 1 push up on my toes. I just figured that I would give it a try.... I truly think I may have been able to do a couple of more but I was so shocked until I sat up and said OMG....I just did push ups on my toes.....LOL!! They may not been perfect.....but hey-----they were pushups.

lala----I remember disc#9......are you sore today????

Enjoy your day ladies!
Morning Ladies,

S90 Ultimate Ball, and I got in a very short run with the dog also. It was nice to be out this morning with now wind to speak of, so Cami and I took off for a jog. Of course I had to stop for sniffing purposes every once in a while, but I didn't care about that to much. :D

Sue, Ouch on the foot. I was always told that if you don't remember when you had a tetnus shot last you probably need one. :rolleyes: Those things hurt though. Might be a good idea to get one, you don't want to get a staph infection.

Lala, There is always something else that needs doing besides those abs etc. :D Pretty soon we will be mowing lawns! :eek:

heartymax, Congrats on the push-ups. That is a great accomplishment no matter how good they looked. ;)

Have a great day!
HI ladies! Yes, I am enjoying the rest week. It's nice that the weather is good too. Instead of workouts I am scheduling doctor appts. and hair appts for the kids!

Sue, hope your foot feels better soon. Was it a deep puncture? Ouch!

Heartymax- great job on those push ups! Keep attempting them straight- leg and they'll keep adding up! :eek:

Laurie, glad you had fun with Cami this morning.

HI Lala!
hi Karen!

Time to walk Ruby, in the sunshine!:D
Laurie & Susan - I bet you two have the fittest dogs out there with all the walking you do with them! :)

Heartymax - Congrats on the "big girl pushups"! Doesn't it make you feel great to feel your body getting stronger?

Hi Lala and Karen.

Just finished Bob Harper's Body Rev Cardio Conditioning. Skipped the pushups and did planks instead since I just did chest yesterday. Foot felt better in my cushy New Balance shoes. Got a tetanus shot today to be on the safe side even though the wound is closed and doesn't look infected. (cross my fingers). The Dr.'s records only went back to 2002 and they didn't show I had one since then so probably a good thing to get one anyway. I'm glad I already did shoulders for the week since my arm will probably be sore tomorrow.

DD turns 16 on Monday. No license testing yet. She got her temps later because she was so busy last fall so isn't eligible until after May 2, 2 more behind the wheel lessons and 18 more hours of practice. It's hard to get to 30 hours when she drives only 10-30 minutes at a time! Will have to make her drive to and from Madison a few times or something. She probably won't try for her license until summer.
Today was Body Max 2 first step segment and Abs section followed by 10 big girl push ups....a rest.....then 5 big girl push ups. I think I may want to start Meso 1 all over again:rolleyes:.

Do you ladies ever do Zumba? I just hear people talk about it so much at work. I am just asking-----not that I am interested as I dont like dancy stuff... Just curious as I don't recall anyone saying anything about it.

Sue-----kids are so funny---DS saying that you can't blame it on him since the plastic thingy belonged to DH. Gotta love them!

Susan---must feel great to be able to catch up on so many appts.

Laurie---we having great weather this week too. I am loving it.

One more week and I will be out for spring break and I am looking forward to having time to do some cleaning around the house and spring shopping...

Hi lala and Karen!

Have a great weekend!
Morning Ladies,

S90 Tabata Inferno for me.

Susan, Sounds like you are enjoying your time off of exercise. ;)

Sue, Do you have an extra vehicle for your DD to drive after she gets her liscence. I tell you it was nice to have DH's old car available. I didn't have to do running around at all. Now that she is going to be off at college, I will have to do that all over again.

heartymax, You just want to prove to Cathe that you can do all those push-ups in Meso 1. :D I know a few people who do Zumba, and really like it. I'm uncoordinated, so know I wouldn't like it at all.

Have a wonderful day!
Heartymax - Wow, you are really advancing with those pushups. Just imagine how strong you'll be the next round of STS! :D I have never done Zumba but would love to try. They make Zumba for the Wii but it's expensive and I've heard the classes are better.

Laurie - DH is thinking of letting DD use his car (2004 Malibu) so he can get something new. :rolleyes: He just wants a new car I think. I do like the idea of DD driving something reliable though rather than getting a junker. We'll see. Oh, and DD can't get her license until June 2, not May 2. Couldn't add last night I guess.

No workout yet today. My arm isn't too sore from the shot. Only when I lift it above shoulder level. My biggest news is that I SIGNED UP FOR BIGGEST LOSER at work and officially weighed in and paid my $20. The pot is up to $300 with 1st place winning $240, 2nd place $40 and 3rd place $20. If anyone weighs in at the end and gained they have to pay another $20. I WILL NOT be in that category. Hopefully this is the motivation I need. Exercise is back on track so now I need the eating part back on track. I am starting South Beach Phase I tomorrow to get my weight loss going. I think we go 10 weeks but I need to confirm. Wish me luck! :D
Sue-----Good Luck--- You will do great! The contests at work are usually motivational and fun. My co-workers do it sometimes and they always enjoy it. I have to admit---being able to do pushups on my toes makes me look forward to the next round.

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