Buff Badgers Week of April 11th


Count down to spring break for me!! I can't wait til Friday.

On Saturday, I did HiIt 30/30 and abs.

MESO 3 started today with Chest and Back, my least favorite exercises. My first set of chest presses were too light and I had to increase my weight. I just didn't find myself going to failure with the 8 reps. Just for the fun of it....at the very end...instead of doing chest flys on the incline for the last 2 sets, I did two sets of 8 pushups. I guess you are tired of me talking about my push ups...:rolleyes: I think I am going to purchase some weighted gloves too.

I am looking forward to Plyo Legs. I have previewed some of them and they look pretty intense. I may thank those HiIt workouts !!
Morning Ladies,

What a great weekend! :D Saturday I started out with a 30 min. run, and then did S90 Shoulders & Arms. Sunday was getting some more brush taken care of in the yard, and received a scratch from my wrist to my elbow. It sure looks worse than it feels. This morning I did another 30 min. run (with Cami), and S90 Total Body. I love the total body workout. :D

heartymax, I had that same experience when doing the chest presses at first. It surprised me how heavy I could go with the weight on that last cycle. Good idea to get some weighted gloves, that is what I did also. I take it you are going to be on spring break soon. ;)

Have a wonderful day!
Good afternoon.

Heartymax - Weren't you just saying a couple of weeks ago how you were afraid of Meso 3 and now here you are increasing your weights and doing pushups on your toes! :) Good job. Spring break is the week after yours and I'm looking forward to it, too.

Laurie - I saw a lot of people out yesterday doing yardwork. I vacuumed out my car and boy did it ever need it. Ouch on the scratch!

Here's how my weekend went:

Friday night - 5 Leslie Fat Burning Miles (all 5 miles)
Saturday - STS Disc #20 Legs
Sunday - STS Disc #21 Back and Biceps
Monday - KCM 30MTF Cardio Blast Plyometrics 30 min. - had to stop to get ready for work at that point

Started South Beach Phase 1 on Saturday and aleady down 2 pounds! :D It's hard to give up my mix of Kashi Go Lean, Fiber One and whatever else I decide to throw into my cereal bowl for 2 weeks but I tell ya, it works! Weight was not budging before so it's good to see the scale moving again.

DD is "Sweet 16" today. Makes me a little sad knowing she's that much closer to moving out of the house.
Morning Ladies,

S90 Core Dynamics for me this morning. It is a short workout, but I really liked it.

Sue, I should have cleaned out my car also. It sure does get full of junk fast. :rolleyes: WTG on dropping those 2 pounds.

Have a great day!
Hi. I am in Whitewater right now at a seminar. It is actually good, but my mind is done! Sunday was one of the STS chest/tri/shoulder (maybe 35?). Monday was a 3.5 mile run. Today was sitting at this workshop;)
Sue, WOW! You sure have gotten in some wonderful workouts! What is Phase one of South Beach? No Kashi?? That could be hard!

Laurie, you did have a good weekend...except for that scratch, but I guess that´s spring!!

Heartymax, nice job on Meso 3! We are stronger than we think! My biggest frustration with M3 is that supposedly I should be able to press a certain weight but simply can´t lift it on my own :(

Hi Susa, Hi Karen!
Laurie - There will be plenty of nice days to clean out your car. I just hope the snow is all done until December.

Lala - South Beach Phase 1 is the 1st phase (and the strictest) of the South Beach diet. I eat lean protein, good fats like olive oil, avocado, low fat or reduced fat cheeses, raw or dry roasted nuts, most vegetables (not the starchy ones) and limited low fat or reduced fat milk or plain yogurt. No fruit, grains, pasta, starches or sugar. You get 75 calories of "cheats" - sugar free hard candy, sugar free fudgesicles, sugar free Jell-O. You do this for 2 weeks to break your body's addiction to sugar and reset the metabolism. After the 2 weeks is over, phase 2 begins where you slowly add in good carbs and you do phase 2 until you reach your weight goal. Phase 3 is maintenance. It's tough but it works. I've lost 4 pounds in 4 days already which is phenomenal. Don't have as much energy to workout though so I'm anxious for these 2 weeks to be over.

Today is a rest day for me and then tomorrow I start the final week of Meso 2. Meeting for football moms tonight. DH asked why they don't have a meeting for football dads. :)
Plyo Legs Disc 26 (I think).....I was wondering why the weight exercises were only at 70% and I quickly realized why:D What a cardio workout!!!

Sue---Great start with South Beach. Just like anything...the first couple of weeks will be the hardest and you will adjust and do well. I too notice the greatest results when I lower the amount of bad carbs that I eat. Yes---I am very pleased with the progress that I have made. I never would have thought that I would be where I am.

lala---you have been getting you runs in lately. Has the weather been really nice? It is back and forth here...some days in the 80's and then back to the low 60's. I am so ready for the temps to stabilize.

Laurie--hope your scratch is better. I see you are getting a head start on the yard work and preparing for the spring beautification.
HI there! Sorry I was MIA. It was nice to have a rest week last week but I was ready for action come Monday!:D Monday I did the elliptical for 45mn and some ab work. Tuesday was Core Synergistics. Today is Pilates Advanced. I wrote up a new rotation over the weekend. Added in a little bit more strength training but still doing pilates 2 times a week.

Sue, good job on SB! My girlfriend follows that plan and has had great results. I follow the Belly Fat Cure which is simply keep sugars at 15 grams and carbs at 6 servings. I lost 3 pounds last week and I feel a lot better. It's hard to stay away from sugar though!:eek:

I gotta go get ready for work!

Have a great day ladies! Susan
Heartymax - Repeat after me "Never question when Cathe tells you to use a lighter weight" LOL ;) This should be my new mantra, too. Similar to how you wondered about the 70%, I saw the instructions for drop sets in STS Disc 22 to reduce 20-30% and thought I could lift heavier. THEN I did the workout and saw she only gives you 10 seconds to rest between sets. I was changing my weights like crazy after that! :D So, have you thought about what you'll do after you've become an STS Graduate?

Susan - Is that 15 grams per serving or 15 grams total per day? (I'm guessing per serving) Reducing those bad carbs seems to be the trick. If only it wasn't so hard. :( Darn that old sweet tooth! What are you doing for weights in your new rotation?

Like I already said, did STS Disc 22 this morning. Well, chest and shoulders anyway. Should have had enough time for triceps but I couldn't keep the same pace Cathe did with the weights so I was pausing, doing each set on my own and for some reason couldn't fast forward the dvd player so it took extra time. I didn't mind the extra rest though. My chest is feeling fried!

7 more days of work until vacation! Cannot wait. :)
Sue, that's 15 grams for the entire day.:eek: It's really not that hard. If your carbs are high fiber/healthy ones there is little sugar in them plus I like to eat a lot of protein.

I think I am doing Hi-Reps, STS total Body, and the Pyramids for my weight work.

Are you going somewhere on vacation?
Susan - I just drank a carton of skim milk because I read it was recommended in phase 1 if you started getting the dry mouth/bad breath feel caused by ketosis (which you shouldn't get if you're getting enough good carbs so apparently I"m not). Anyway, it has 13 grams of sugar! And you only get 15 per day? Does that mean you can't drink milk? :eek:
Pulled out my old favorite Drill Max this morning. I love the 39 minute cardio blast premix and added on a segment of 10 minute of abs from Ab Hits. Amazed at how I am doing much better with planks these days.

I actually think I am going to repeat STS. I should be able to complete Meso 1 and 2 again before we go away for summer vacation. I have been so pleased with the results that I am getting. I have wondered what I may do in August.......I know that is a long ways away though. I don't want to loose the gains that I have made. Last August I did a slow and heavy rotation and that was the beginning of my journey to commit to improve my strength and muscle definition by this summer. I have worked out for years----but I don't know if I have ever been so focused and committed as I have this year. When i say committed, I am talking about focusing more on my specific goals....not on just making sure that I work out. I have done a leg workout once a week since last summer and I can tell the difference. I have never made that type of committment before. I have seen great results in my upper body from Meso 2 and I look forward to started the series again. I know I won't finish before summer vacation---but that is okay with me.

Sue---never heard of the skim milk "cure".

Susan---As much as I love STS, I do miss High Reps....Maybe I will do it once or twice before I start back up with Meso 1.

2 more days of work and spring break time!!
Morning Ladies,

Very strange day yesterday at work, had a couple of problems that had me talking to two different FedEx drivers in a matter of minutes at opposite ends of the building. :rolleyes:

DD18 did a great job at her track meet on Tuesday. She was in the 4x100, 4x200 and 4x400, they came in 2nd each time. The team overall came in first place for the meet. It was really cold, and I wasn't able to sit on the metal bleacher seats. :confused:

Yesterday was S90 Cardio Challenge, and today is my rest day. Very strange to have one of those during the weekday.

Lala, Hope you enjoyed the seminar.

Sue, Isn't that interesting how our bodies need the balance with carbs, protein and fat to keep the energy level up there. Are you going anywhere on vacation?

Susan, LOL on being MIA, I have been doing that a lot recently. Look at all of you getting ready for the summer by getting the winter weight off! I have not stepped on a scale yet. :confused: I think I'm doing ok, since my pants are getting roomie!

heartymax, So is that a thumbs up on the Plyo Leg workout? :D I think those have to be some of my favorite leg workouts. You might want to look at Cathe's Oct '09 Rotation, she does an undulating. It adds a challenge to how the Meso's are set up. If you don't have a workout that she recommends on the rotation, just sub something else. You could do this for 2 rotations.

Have a great day!
Heartymax - The skim milk is not a cure. It's just that if your body starts showing signs of ketosis (which the Atkins diet is based on), you need more carbs. Since bread, potatoes, pasta and fruit are not allowed the 1st 2 weeks of South Beach, you have to get your carbs through low starch vegetables, low fat dairy and beans. I made chili with ground turkey, chopped tomatoes and beans last night which should help. It was very yummy, too. 1 more day of work for you now! Yipee - spring break time! :D

Laurie - Yep, you've got it right about balance. :) I'm not going anywhere for spring break. DD and DH are going to Boston and New York for a band trip but DS and I are staying home. I have a couple of appointments scheduled and will try to do some fun things with DS but mostly it will be about RELAXING! I've always wondered what people meant by Cathe's undulating rotation but since I didn't have STS before, didn't pay much attention. Congrats to DD18! She's such a talented runner. DS is doing shot put and discus again this year.

No workout today. I was exhausted this morning so didn't get up early. DS has a concert tonight so won't have time tonight either. I did finish STS Disc 22 last night by doing my tris. Chest is extremely sore today. I'm glad it gets to rest for 2 weeks since next week is recovery week. :)
Today was Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. I was pushing hard to get 8 reps of 20lb. biceps but I made it through. I like how she has us doing one set of each exercise and then repeat it 4 times. There is no way I would have been able to lift 4 sets of biceps at that weight back to back. As you know, these 3 muscles are my favorite upper body muscles to workout so I enjoyed this workout. I had to skip to 3 sets instead of 4 on a few to save time. This is a 67 minute workout which is loooong.

Laurie----Thanks for the tip on the rotation. I will have to take a look at it to see how I can mix things up a bit. By the way, I love a mid-week rest too. It does wonders for the body.

Sue---enjoy your recovery week! Meso 3 is upon you.

I have been looking forward to today for a while. I truly need this spring break. My kids need it too! We are not traveling---and I am extremely happy to be able to just enjoy some time at home.

Have a great weekend.
Morning Ladies,

S90 Total Body for me this morning, sure do love this workout. It surprised me how tough it is.

DD18 is suppose to have a track meet today, but I'm wondering if they will have it. I think that with the rain coming, and the temps they may have to cancel.

Sue, Chili sounds good on a cold day like today. ;) I have some ground turkey that might just need to turn into chili. :D When you are ready for it her 4 week undulating rotation is very good, and I was surprised how it made each workout hard. We have solo & ensambles tomorrow with youngest dd. She is singing a solo and a duet, of course she is nervous.

heartymax, Our girls are not on spring break until after Easter, so they still have one more week to go. I can say that they are really looking forward to it. Ya those M3 workouts are long, and 3 sets is plenty.

Have a great day!
Heartymax - I hope you have a wonderful spring break next week! Is the weather supposed to be nice?

Laurie - Did DD have her track meet and if so, how did she do? Sending good luck vibes to your youngest DD on her solo and duet tomorrow. I can't sing at all so I admire people who can and especially those who have enough courage to do it in front of others.

Did the 1st 30 minutes of Punch, Kick and Jam (Turbo Jam) this morning. Day 7 of SB Phase 1 - 7 days to go! I'm down 5 pounds so far - woo hoo! DS' concert last night was nice but LONG. Only 3 bands performed but they took at least a good 10 -15 min. between bands for setup. At least we were able to chat with a nice couple while we waited. Do any of your kids take AP classes? DD is getting ready for her first AP test and the prep looks intense! The teacher has scheduled 2 weeks full of reviews after school and on the weekends. She can't make them all but I'm sure whatever she can will help her score better on the test.

Who else is ready for the weekend?! :D
Hello! Yesterday was BFBM and today is my "off" day. Saturday I have the elliptical and pilates and Sunday is STS Total Body. I did something to my right shoulder blade. Pulled it somehow. It' s been sore the past few days. Maybe it happened when I was raking. Been asking to have it massaged out but no one is helping!:( I have been stretching it as much as I can but so far, nothing...

Sue, congrats on SB! So glad it's going well for you. And yes, I am ready for the weekend!:D

Laurie, congrats to your DD on her track meet,Tuesday.

Heartymax, I hope you enjoy the break next week! Have fun with the kids!

HI Karen!
Hi Lala!

Have a great weekend ladies! Susan

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