BUFF BADGERS WEEK Jan. 31st- Feb. 4th


Good Morning! I hope everyone had a great weekend. I didn't do any workouts this weekend. I wanted to give my body a rest to gear up for STS!! I went to the sports store to purchase a stability ball, 25lbs. dumbells and 10lbs. weights to add to my barbell when I need them later.

This morning was Disc 1 Chest, Shoulders and Biceps. Those doggone push-ups. I didn't even stress myself about them. My goal was to do half of each set (still on my knees) and that is what I did. I was stronger a while ago when I did pushups regularly, but I stopped doing pushups so I knew it would be like starting over. I did the 1RM for a few exercises so I knew what would be my 60% weight on some. Otherwise, I just tried to push myself to reach for a weight a little heavier than I normally would for an endurance workout. I had to lower the weight mid-way on the side lateral raises and rear raises on the stability ball. These moves were different for me and I just don't think my body was prepared for them. It was a great workout.....I just hate all those pushups.

Hope you all had a great weekend. I will check in later today.

Oh yeah----I watched one of the disc from MESO 3 last night and I am totally scared:eek:
Morning Ladies,

I didn't get in any workout this weekend. Friday night I had such a bad toothache, headache that I was in tears. I took some sinus meds, ibuprophen, and used vanilla extract on the mouth around all the areas of the teeth that where throbbing in pain. :confused: Bad night, but Saturday I started feeling better, and by that eveing I was almost back to normal. Sunday I was so dang tired from lack of sleep, and last night was a beautiful sleep. This morning I decided that I would try out an easier workout, so did 10 Min. Solutions Knockout Body, three sections so that came to 30 min. I used weighted gloves with this too. Felt great!

heartymax, WTG on your first STS workout. Meso 1 are the workouts that she does most of the push-ups in, so the next to Meso's are something to look forward to. ;)

Have a great day!
Heartymax - Now you've got me scared about the pushups in Meso 1. :eek: I'll be doing most on my knees as well. You'll probably be on Meso 2 before I start Meso 1 the way things are going.

Laurie - I hope you called your dentist if you were in that much pain! Does not sound fun. I've been there though unfortunately. Anbesol works in a pinch. Glad you're feeling better.

Hi Karen, Susan and Lala!

On Friday night I did NMTZ and Biggest Loser Last Chance w/o 25 min. total body. On Saturday I did Shred #1 and #2. Yesterday my body was so tired I took a rest day. This morning I did BFBM circuits 1-3. With all the shoveling I'll be doing the next few days, that may be about all I fit in. We'll see if it's as bad as they're predicting.

Sounds like you all had busy weekends.

I didn't do anything on Sat. and on Sun. I did Lower Body Blast and pilates 10 min. solutions abs. Today I ran on the treadmill for 5 1/2 miles, then did a stretch from Michelle Dozois.

Heartymax. Yahoo on finishing disk 1. Yes, there a lot of pushups. I am not very fond of push ups but I know they are good for you.

Laurie, glad you are feeilng better today. What was wrong with your teeth? Nothing like a good nights sleep.

Sue, great job on the workouts. You are really kicking your workouts up a notch. Hope you are seeing results.

Hi Laurie, and Lala.

Another basketball game tonight. The basketball team finished 4th in the tournament over the weekend out of 6.

Have a wonderful day.
Today was the cardio segments, abs and stretch from Body Max 2. I have some serious bicep DOMS from STS Disc 1. I hope I will be able to hold dumbells tomorrow morning:D

Laurie---I have never heard of using vanilla extract for a tooth ache and I thought I had heard of a few remedies. Does it work really well.

Sue---You are doing well with your Jillian rotation. I wish her workouts had a premix option like Cathe so I could do just her cardio or just her abs from all three segments of Shred. Cathe definitely has something special in those premix options.

Karen----I am going to try really hard to stay focus and get in as many push ups as I can. I know from experience that I will get stronger. I just need to remember to continue to do push ups after I have the strength gains or it will be like starting over. I have a tendency to do a few and fast forward the rest when I am working out. I am determined not to do that during STS.

Have a great day ladies! Hi Susan and lala.
Morning Ladies,

This morning was Disc 16 Chest, Shoulders & Triceps. Got up even earlier this morning than usual, Cami took me for a fast walk through the snow. That was a workout in itself. I don't know what her rush was! :eek:

Sue, So have you convinced your DH to get the snowblower? Ours is small enough and so easy to use that my youngest can start it up. Try that one out on him. :D

Karen, The storm front that came through caused my whole mouth to hurt. The pain would travel from one tooth to the other, most of the teeth where ones that I have had work done on them. After I took Sudafed and pain meds it started to get better. The vanilla extract helped calm the nerves in the teeth. I couldn't believe how horrible it was.

heartymax, I don't know what it is about the extract, but it really helped with the pain. I recommend it.

Have a great day!
Heartymax - I agree that Jillian has missed the premix boat. Her workouts could be made much tougher by adding on bonus footage or combining workouts like the hardest exercises from Shred 1, 2 and 3.

Laurie - NO! DH is not convinced we need a snowblower. See rant below. Cami was probably excited about being out in the snow. Don't dogs love snow? I think of that youtube clip where the dog disappears in the snow and only comes up for air. Hilarious!

Karen - Are you guys getting a lot of snow, too?

Hi Susan and Lala! Bet you're both hoping for a Snow Day.

Finished the last 4 circuits of BFBM last night. This morning I shoveled. DH (the one who refuses to buy a snowblower) got up and looked and said we didn't get very much snow and went back to bed. I went out there to shovel and he said he'd be out to help in a little bit. Half an hour later. . . . I'm still shoveling all by myself and I'm less than halfway done. We had at least 4-5 inches and still snowing. I yell into the house "A little help, please!" and about 10 min. later he finally comes out. Grrrrr! DH told DS to go out and shovel and I go in the house and he's awake and dressed but not ready to go outside. He said he couldn't shovel because he had to get ready for school. Huh?! Don't I have to get ready for work?! Sure hope my company closes tomorrow (highly unlikely) so I don't have to go in tomorrow. If the weather is real bad I won't.
Hi ladies! Sorry I am late! My weekend was quiet. Saturday I did Core Synergisitcs and Sunday I did Turbo Jam (kick,punch.jam) followed by pilates. Monday I did Pilates Maximum Burn. I was up until 2am last night with my DD. She had a horrible earache and was crying in pain. Over the weekend she was diagnosed with strep throat. She has had a bad few days! Anyway, this morning I woke up and blew out the driveway. Sue, I was going to shovel but it was just too much so I started the blower. I am so tired today after only 4 hours of sleep. I feel like a zombie! I am hoping to find the energy to workout.

I am also hoping for a snow day tomorrow! We are supposed to have blizzard conditions. However, knowing my school, we won't close!

Heartymax, glad you enjoying STS. Way to go!

Laurie, sorry to hear about your tooth pain! That just doesn't sound good. Glad you are better.

Sue, tell DH he simply must purchase a snow blower! They are not as expensive as they used to be and are definitely worth it!:D

Hi Lala!
Hi Karen!

Take care - Susan

Today I did STS disk 25 chest/biceps. Didn't have time for anything else.

Laurie, fun walk in the snow :)

Sue, not getting much snow. Maybe 7 inches in the last 2 days. I shoveled after work yesterday before my run. I wish you could get your snowblower. That is just not right you shoveling when you have so much help.

Susan, sorry DD is sick. Hope she is feeling better now. I almost did PUnch kick and Jam the other day. Hope you find energy for a workout.

Hi lala and heartymax.

Off to finish watching BL.
This morning was STS Disc 2 Back and Triceps. I only had a few 1RM for this workout. My triceps were so tried at the end of the workout. I expect to be sore for a few days. Legs is up for Friday and from what I have read on the forum----I may not be able to move and do cardio on Saturday.

Laurie---My dog loves the snow too. It is so much fun watching the kids play with him in the snow. The other day, my son would stick a blob of snow on the side of the shed and our dog would jump up to get it. I just laughed watching him doing it.

Susan---There is so much going around, I hope your daughter feels better today. I have had an ear ache before and I must say it is one of the worsts pains I have ever experienced.

Sue---I won't comment on your DH and the snow blower issue because I am sure it is a sore spot. Trust me......we love our DHs but we all have sore spots about something.:D

Hi Karen and Lala.

Have a great day ladies!
Hey gang! Snow day here! I have to go out and shovel/blow pretty soon. Been putting it off long enough! DS has a quick doctor appt. this afternoon so I guess I better get it done. Hope to also get on the elliptical and do Pilates with the balance ball.

Heartymax, I used to get ear infections all the time until I was about 15. Now I still get ear aches when my sinuses act up. I hate it! I personally like it when my tris hurt. Let's me know I really worked them. I think they're one of those under worked muscles.

Hope you ladies in the Milwaukee area are staying warm. Sue, who did the shoveling today???? Please be safe! Laurie, if you went to work, I hope you had a safe ride!

Hi Lala! Hi Karen! I don't think you 2 ladies were supposed to get much snow there. My DH works for a school district (director of buildings and grounds) about 45mn from us. He had to go to work cause they did not get much snow. It was a tough drive for him. He said they are thinking of calling it off early now.In his job he has to be there to plow out the driveways and walkways!
Heartymax - STS sounds TOUGH! I mean, I expected tough but this sounds like "DOMS for days" tough! Maybe I'll wait until winter is over so I won't have to worry about shoveling on top of it. You are right - a very sore subject around here.

Got up at 4:30 to help DH shovel. Yes, DH shoveled with his sore elbows and all. We woke up DD at 5 to help. Poor kid. No sleeping in on her snow day. DS slept over at a friend's house so he got out of it. We had at least a foot in the driveway and about 4' high near the road after the plow came thru. DH had to go to work today which is why we were out so early. Luckily a neighbor came over with his snowblower and finished up for us. DH made it to work safely which is a miracle.

Was going to do some work from home but went back to bed and having hard time getting motivated. Cats are lying on the bed with me and the male cat is snoring! LOL Supposed to do NMTZ but may sub something.

Hope everyone and their families are okay with the storm.
Sue, I was so hoping someone would come with their blower and help you out! I know I would have if I was your neighbor!:D Hopefully that's the last of the big snow for now! Sounds like you are having a much needed restful day!

All the best- Susan
Morning Ladies,

I'm home today, the snowplow didn't even come through our neighborhood until 8am. Just got finished cleaning out our driveway, and our neighbor came and took care of the 4' snowbank at the end of our driveway. That upper body workout made me really feel the snow shoveling today. Was planning on a leg workout, but while trying to walk the dog this morning I felt a little pull in my hamstring. It doesn't hurt, just felt it when I was shoveling the snow.

Sue, So glad someone came to help you, it sure helped us when the neighbor came to help us too.

Susan, Enjoy your day off, I know I'm going to.

heartymax, Oh yes DOMS sound familiar! She really works the muscles, I know I still feel them even after doing the workouts a couple of times.

Have a great day!
Despite this being a rest week, I´ve not had a lot of time to check in!
I have so much grading to do :( Last weekend I got a 3.6 mi run in and on Sun did CC4 on the elliptical. sundays are usually my rest days, but DH wanted to go to the Y so Y not!!!

Not enough snow here for a snow day :( Waaaa!!! I want one so badly!!! As people are saying, just enough to shovel!

Heartmax, glad you are enjoying STS.
Sue, don´t be scared of STS I think the whole beauty of it is that it is totally YOUR workout

Laurie, what was wrong with your teeth?? did you go to the dentist? Either way, glad you´re feeling better!

Karen, looks like you´ve been busy with BB...and getting good workouts in!

Susan, Enjoy the snow day. Yes, we are not getting the storm. BooHoo!!
Susan - You are so sweet! Fortunately we have a some great neighbors.

Lala - Hope the grading goes quickly so you can have more time to rest. I'll keep what you said in mind about STS. I already know I'll have to shorten the workouts at times. Sorry no snow day for you. This is our 1st of the year.

Laurie - Guess we were lucky to get plowed out so quickly. Hope your hammy feels better soon.

I just finished Bob Harper's Pure Burn Super Strength. Forgot how tough that one is. My arms were shaking so bad by the end I couldn't even hold a plank! Who said he was the nice one? Not in this w/o he ain't.
Today was step only premix from Cardio Fusion followed by supermans and planks from Slow and Heavy.

Sue---I am enjoying the variety of new exercises in STS. You will truly love it. It is mentally making me choose to lift heavier even when I don't have the 1RM for the exercise. Like any othe workout, I modify as needed. Can't wait for you to start too!

Laurie----glad you took a rest day after all that shoveling....upper and lower body workout going on.

Susan---Hope you enjoyed your snow day. Bad weather skipped all over us this time. We have used all of our snow days so I prefer it to keep passing by.

Hi Karen and Lala
Hello ladies! Boy, is it cold out there! Brrrr... Today is CTX Kickbox and Pilates Adv. Slimming. My shoulders are sore today after blowing/shoveling yesterday. That snow was heavy!

Sue, is that one of Bob's newer ones? Do you have any of those new ones he has out? They look good.

Lala, sorry you didn't get your snow day. There is still plenty of winter left(unfortunately) so don't lose hope! Hope you enjoy your rest week.

Laurie, how is the hamstring feeling today?

Hi Heartymax!
Hi Karen!

Stay warm- Susan
Hi everyone...putting off the grading for a few more minutes! Shoveled yesterday as part of my rest week! It wasn´t much, but there had been drifting, so yea, even tho it was 19 out, I was in my blazer!!

Sue and Heartymax, I really need to make time for core work. And Sue, I feel that way at the end of PUB..sometimes I start with the core work.

Heartymax, I like the way you edit the workouts to get stuff in. I guess I am so anal it is hard to mix and match! I have to work on that!

Susan, Yes it is cold!!! we had -25 with windchill! The exercising will keep you warm!

Hi Laurie and Karen...stay warm!
Heartymax - Glad you are enjoying STS so much. I'm 2/3 of the way thru my Jillian rotation and while I find the workouts very effective I'm itching to do something else. I'm sure you told us before but where are you located in WI?

Susan - Yes, I have Bob's 4 "new" ones (they've been out for several months so don't know if they qualify as new any longer). They're very tough workouts but hard to build a rotation with them because all of them have weights or body weight exercises - even the cardio one.

Lala - The grading can always wait. More important to come here and hangout with your BB buddies. :D

Laurie - What did Cami think of the snow this morning?

Hi, Karen! Another basketball tournament this weekend?

Sore today so no workout this morning. Meeting tonight at school so I'm not sure if I'll fit any cardio in. I'm supposed to do Shred #2 and #1 today but my bis and tris are too sore from shoveling and Bob's w/o yesterday to do that.

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