BUFF BADGERS 2/26 - 3/2


Hello there! Hope you all survived the snow storm! I heard on the news today they are expecting another storm similar to this one Thursday into Friday! Let's hope they are wrong!

Saturday I did M.E. I really like this one. Yesterday I was sooo tired I took the day off!

Today is Step Fit. An oldie but a goodie!

I recently found out I am Hypothyroid and that's why I have been so fatigued the past year! I also gained 13 pounds since last March and it will not come off! I am waiting for tests results before I can start meds. Dry skin, dry eyes, irritable... Oh what fun I have had! Hopefully the meds will bring some relief!

Take care and drive safe! Susan
Morning BB's,

This week I am on the last of P90X. :D So today is YogaX for me.

Susan, Hope the meds work for you, they have been working for my Mom. Take care.

Yes, that lovely snow. It didn't help any when we had to go places and do things. :D Sunday my DD13 and I headed to church for choir and Sunday School. We turned onto the road and my DD says, "Mom there are no cars here". Apparently chruch was cancelled, the pastor was sitting in his car on the street, because the parking lot wasn't plowed. So we figured there was no church, and we went home. We do need to take a picture of these snow banks though. I haven't seen them this high in quite a while.

Have a great day!

Morning BB's,

Laurie, congrats on finishing up the X. Church was cancelled for us yesterday also. How much snow did you end up getting? It is actually snowing here again. Have fun with Yoga X.

Susan, I sure hope the meds help you. It sounds like you got lots of snow too.

Sue, hope you had a great time on your trip to the Dells.

I did Turbos and X chest, shoulders, & triceps and abripper X today. Yesterday I went snowshoeing. It was so much fun. We went on the trails in our woods here. I'll have to do it again soon. It's actually nice to have snow if it's going to be winter.

Have a good day.
Had to work through lunch so checking in late today. . .

Susan - I'm hypothyroid and struggling to lose weight, too. My doctor says my TSH levels are on the low end of normal but in order to lose anything I have to be very, very good on my diet which is hard for me. Please, NO MORE SNOW!!! My arms are so sore from shoveling the last few days. We have a 5' snowbank on one side of the driveway so I don't know where we'd go with more snow.

Karen - The Wilderness was a lot of fun. Even caught Gray's Anatomy Thursday night with some gals from Fond du Lac. Our kids played in the Arcade while we got our fix of GA. :7 Snowshoeing sounds like a lot of fun! We have snowshoes but have only gone twice. Maybe this weekend we can get them out. We have a parkway behind our house so that's where we go. I'm thinking of starting P90X soon even though I don't have a pullup bar or a good place to put one. I figure I can substitute heavy 1 arm rows instead or maybe get stronger tubing to do double-arm rows. Not going to wait for DH and not doing the diet either. Going back to old-fashioned calorie counting so I can still enjoy treats now and then. I did order the recovery drink though and tried it a couple of times - not bad.

Laurie - Way to go on the X! It's funny that you're finishing just as I'm thinking of starting. Yeah, a lot of churches cancelled their services on Sunday. We were supposed to go to Sun Prairie to celebrate my mom's 85th birthday but we cancelled that, too.

Here's what I've been up to:
Thursday & Friday - lots of walking and playing in the wave pool; didn't get my cardio in before we left like I wanted (oh, well)
Saturday - B&G abs + KPC 41 min. premix (all 3 combos + abs)
Sunday - Leaner Legs (skipped abs - too sore from yesterday) + PS-SLA floorwork
Monday - Rhythmic Step - This is my first full-length Cathe step workout in awhile. I knew it was risky since I wasn't sure how my ankle would do but since the jump kicks in KPC didn't hurt I was brave enough to try it.

Hi, all. NY25 looking for advise again. Hope you don't mind - it's very off topic. Anyway, for the second time in just over two years, I've lost my job. Things are just not going well here lately, and although I have enjoyed the last 10 years living in New York, I am desperate to move back home to Wisconsin. So, my plan is get a new job here (hopefully soon - it's already been a month!), start saving, and hopefully return sometime late next summer. I hear Milwaukee and Brookfield have changed dramatically over the last 10 years (I haven't even visited except for once in early 2001). Any comments, words of wisdom, things to note? How does one find a job there now? Web postings, agencies, etc? What is the standard of living there? How much would you say is a good/reasonable salary? I hope you all don't mind my asking all this, but I figure you're there, so......
Thanks, so much!!
Sue, I have read that "Hypo's" need to stay away from carbs. They tend to do better on a lower carb diet. I was told I may have to stay away from breads, pasta, etc.. if I am too carb sensitive. I LOVE carbs! :eek:

Glad to hear your ankle is healing!

>Sue, I have read that "Hypo's" need to stay away from carbs.
>They tend to do better on a lower carb diet. I was told I may
>have to stay away from breads, pasta, etc.. if I am too carb
>sensitive. I LOVE carbs! :eek:

Drat! So maybe that's why I can't lose weight - I love carbs, too.

Hi, NY25!

I wish I could help answer your questions but I don't know much about job hunting in the area since I've been with the same job since college (10 years - okay, that's a lie, 21 years!). All I can say is that when we are looking for someone in our department, we rely on recruiters and networking. (I work in an IT department so we're looking for experienced people with specific skills.)

As far as how the area has changed, I see more of Waukesha, Delafield and Menomonee Falls than the city of Milwaukee. There's a lot of growth in those areas - new houses, businesses. Yeah, you wouldn't recognize the I-94 corridor between Madison and Milwaukee anymore.

Property taxes are still high but the standard of living is less expensive than other parts of the country - especially New York. Real Estate is definitely more reasonably priced. Are you interested in buying or renting? Gas was $2.49/gallon tonight as I drove home but that's up a bit recently. (Sorry, don't pay that close attention to it.)

Hopefully, others will chime in here with more helpful info.

Morning BB's,

Today is Core Syn. for me.

Sue, glad you had fun at the Dells, and that your ankle is feeling better. I'm going to do 4 weeks of some circuit workouts and then going onto a Cathe/P90X rotation. So probably sometime in April. But I'm going to incorporate my running into it also. :D

Karen, We had a total of about 16" of snow for the weekend. Like Sue said the worst part was what the snow plows left behind.

Susan, Have fun with Bodymax, I like the weight lifting on that one.

NY25, I don't know if I can be of any help either. I know that our company relies on the internet quite a bit. We post all open positions on our web page and they also use Monster.com and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal. I work in the facilities department for a manufacturer. As far as salary it is hard to say, it depends on your experience and what you do. There are some great companies that pay really well, and then smaller companies also. Don't know if I have helped.

Have a great day!

Good morning BB's,

Today I did KPC & leg drills from KM and a section of stretch max.

Laurie, sounds like you have a nice plan of action for changing up your exercise rotations.

Susan, glad you had fun shoveling. It sounds like you had good workouts over the weekend. I am glad your ankle is feeling better.

Sue, have fun with Bodymax. I think that is an awesome workout.

I have to go shovel again. Another storm is expected on Wed.

NY25, sorry no help here. I am way up north here. The prices seem to be higher for things here and the pay low. Gas is even higher here. It doesn't make much sense to me. I also am a stay at home mom so I am not any help in the job area.

Have a nice day.
Hi, everyone!

Susan - Knowing that low carb works better for hypos are you considering South Beach or other diet? Right now I'm concentrating on eliminating the nighttime snacking which is my downfall. If that doesn't work, I may look into South Beach. I'm just afraid if I cut my carbs too low I won't have energy to workout.:-(

Laurie - Are you making up the Cathe/P90X rotation or did you find one somewhere? I'm thinking of starting P90X on Sunday (if I don't chicken out! :+ )

Karen - Wow, the KM leg drills after KPC! :eek: Don't know if I'd be able to walk the next day if I did that. KPC always gives me a sore butt from all the squat-jumpkick moves.

This morning I slept in and took a rest day. Even though I didn't workout last Thursday and Friday, I had a very active weekend and the ol' bod is sore from head to toe.

Have a great day everyone!

I have tried South Beach and I liked it. I would say I am in Phase 2-3 right now. I allow myself bread 1-2 times a week. I don't eat pasta or rice so that's not a big problem. However, I have a major sweet tooth!}( That's not easy to give up for me! I too am just trying to avoid eating after 7pm and eating more veggies and less starches...
Sue and Susan, sorry for the confusion on names. I don't know what I was thinking. I must have been to tired from KPC and the leg drills. Sorry.
Bread 1-2 times a week! :eek: I have it 1-2 times a day!! Love bread and pasta and rice - but it always brown or whole grain.
Sue, glad I am done with my workout today, so I don't have to sweat it. It sounds like south beach diet is right up your alley or not. I love carbs.

It's the last day of February already? Where did the time go?

Today is Cardio Kicks. Looking forward to it!

Take care ladies. Have a great day!

Morning BB's,

Today is the last KenpoX. :D

Sue, I am making up the Cathe/P90X rotation myself, just following the same format as the P90X. I am going to add running in on my weight days, so it will be a form of doubles.

This is what I have come up with for the first 3 weeks:

30 min. Run/GS Back & Shoulders/Coremax
Cardio: Imax's/Lowmax/MIC or some other type interval workout
30 min. Run/GS Chest & Triceps/ARX (I put this in once a week)
30 min. Run/L&G standing Premix/SH Back /Coremax

Karen, How much snow are they saying you will get today. We are suppose to get the rain now. I don’t know where the rain will go. All our ditches are full of snow!

Susan, My bosses wife is on the South Beach diet. He said some the recipes are very good. Of course being who he is he has been calling it the “Whaled Beach Diet.” :7 But she has been having great results.

Have a great day!

Good Morning BB's,

Today I am doing X back,biceps and BG leg blast and abripper X.

I went snowshoeing again last night. It is so much fun.

Laurie, we are suppose to get between 13-14 from now until Fri. night. 4-5 tonight, 8-9 on Thurs. and 5-7 Thurs. night. Maybe the rain will melt the snow so it doesn't pool in the snow. Your post P90X workout looks really good. Do you think you will go back to total body again?

Have a great day.

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