BUFF BADGERS 11/29 - 12/3

Morning Ladies,

Last night I got Box'n'Flow done with Kimberly Spreen. This morning was PY4H Magically Hips.

Sue, Hey the furniture polish is one of Tony's tips. I like his idea of taking a piece of scrap carpet and using that with the paper plate. That guy you work with is going to be dying after the first week. LOL Tough workouts to do when you are new to home workouts. Good luck to your DD, I'm sure that she will do fine.

heartymax, I just used the beef broth and onions for mine. DH and youngest DD loved it, and I made some gravy to go along with it. It really was nice just make a veggie and buscuits after that. Enjoy your rest day.

Lala, Yes the Sports Conditioning is sports specific, he does football, basketball, gymnastics and track drills. You can get this one seperate from the Insanity set, it comes with Insane Abs and I think the weight workout that he created.

Have a wonderful day!
Heartymax - Okay, I'm definitely looking for the frisbee now. That pot roast recipe sounds good and something my kids might actually like it (they're very picky eaters). Enjoy your rest day.

Laurie - Oh, so that's where the furniture polish idea came from! I knew it wasn't my own idea but something I remembered reading. I'll have to work on my sliding device this weekend. We should have some spare carpeting around. My co-worker doesn't want us to make him laugh today. Sore pecs! LOL

Susan - Good luck with the December rotation. It looks like a good one. You can substitute running in for the Friday workout. Week 1 even calls for a steady state run on that day.

Hi, Karen! Hope you are well and enjoying your new Cathe workouts. How is the basketball team doing?

Did Intensity last night and give it a big thumbs up. I modified some of the high impact and took longer rests but I made it through everything but the bonus segment. I like the step part a lot - maybe because I haven't been doing much step lately. The jump rope around the world is one of my favorite moves. Tonight I want to do STS Total Body and an Intensity premix tomorrow, Lower Body Blast on Sunday. Well, that's the plan anyway. . . If I'm too exhausted after shoveling snow and working the Ice Cream Social at church tomorrow, I might adjust the plan.

Well, DD has her temps now and her 1st official behind the wheel lesson next weekend so I plan on taking her out driving on Sunday after the snow is cleared and during daylight hours. Got to start out easy before moving on to the harder stuff.
Have a great weekend everyone!

P.S. Oops! Forgot to give a shout out to Lala. Hope you don't have to work too hard on your paper this weekend and you feel well enough to get a good run in.
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Hi there! Today I started to run but.... Well, yesterday a bottle fell on my baby toe. It hurt like heck, but I hobbled around and thought it would get better. All night it was hurting and bothersome. When I woke up though I had forgotten about it, until I had to run. OUCH! :eek: I think I might have broken the little guy! :( I told my friend you never realize how much you use your little toe until you hurt it! When I was on the elliptical yesterday, it ached but since that's very low impact, it didn't hurt as much as running did.

So, today was my rest day. I am taping up the toe and am hoping it heals, quickly! I am not going to go to the doctor cause there's really nothing they can do. Hoping to at least get on the elliptical again tomorrow morning. I have a full schedule with Christmas program practice at church, then my DS is in a Bball tourney all afternoon. Sunday, I need to get chores and some shopping done as well. I need a new winter coat before this winter really sets in!:D

Heartymax, you talked me into making a pot roast in my slow cooker soon too! I am thinking Monday, I hate cooking on Mondays!

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