BSN Lean Dessert revisited(protein powder)

Thank you lovely ladies. I just order chocolate and the cin. roll. You all made it sound so yummy and since I am out I figure I will give it shot. Love the idea of putting the cin. roll in my oatmeal. That will help spice up my morning oatmeal and hopefully hold me a little longer till I get hungry again.

Tks :)
I do not like the cinnamon roll made with just water and ice. I used skim milk yesterday and it was exactly like a milkshake:p
This am, made it with water and ice and its really bland, I did only use one scoop though. Just an FYI.
I tried the chocolate fudge today with just water today, tasted great!

Thanks for posting that link to vitacost, I ordered 2 other flavors!:p
I bought my Magic Bullet at Target. Love it!!

I've been using the recipe another Catheite posted to a recent BSN thread:

4 oz. water
4 oz. fat-free vanilla yogurt
6 ice cubes
1 scoop of powder

It is 170 calories, 3 g fat, and 1 g fiber (or 3 WW pts.)

I also made an Oreo shake using the ingredients above w/ the Chocolate Fudge Pudding and 2 Oreo cookies.

A tbs. of peanut butter along with the Chocolate Fudge Pudding is tasty, too.

[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face]
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
I just called my local GNC and they have it in all flavors! I'm off to the Mall tomorrow! I can't wait to try this!
I just went to GNC today & it was $25.99 there. I ordered TWO of them this morning ($14.30 each + 4.99 shipping for a grand total of $33.59) from (thanks again, Leanne!), and I already got a notice that it's shipped!
>I just went to GNC today & it was $25.99 there. I ordered
>TWO of them this morning ($14.30 each + 4.99 shipping for a
>grand total of $33.59) from (thanks
>again, Leanne!), and I already got a notice that it's

Yes, I snooped around on-line a lot for the best price, and Vitacost was by far the cheapest! I've only ordered it once, but my order shipped the same morning I ordered it, and then it arrived only two days after I placed it! I was very impressed with Vitacost, and will definitely be ordering all my Lean Dessert from them!

Speaking of which, I think that I'm going to order some of those other flavors today . . . .

And now I just have to decide whether I'm having Banana Cream or Cinnamon Roll for my shake later today! ;-)

Oh dear:) I just ordered the banana pudding, the vanilla cream, the chocolate coconut and the chocolate fudge. Simply put-I am in love:p I got mine from know the kids that started this web site from way back when-smart guys, good customer service.Anyway...

I made my cinnamon roll swirl with 1/2 banana, water and ice this am. It was heaven-oh, and I added two tablespoons crushed flax seed for added goodness.

What the heck is in this stuff that keeps my tummy and my brain "full" for hours and hours? I really didn't want a snack or anything for 4 hours afterwards-a very strange thing for me-little miss "grazer!":D Me thinks those 5 pounds I gained since losing 10 after my hip surgery just might be easier to shed than I thought! :7
Or maybe I am just feeling a bit smug, I actually made it through Low Impact Step-the new one-although combo #3 was a bit interesting and I know I looked a silly fool trying to do it.:+
I just ordered the banana creme and chocolate fudge from

You guys are such enablers....;)

I've never tried protein shakes before, but from the sounds of it, I think me gonna likey!!!:9
mellisa,I too have never tried protein shakes before! I agree, a bunch of enablers:7

I ordered the chocolate pudding one,it sounds delish! I may order the cinnamon bun one too for my oatmeal!
Hi everyone,

They really are SO delicious and also versatile! I hope you gals enjoy them!!:)

I got my protein powders yesterday and for breakfast this morning I added the Cinnamon Roll flavor to my Quaker Raisin and Walnut instant oatmeal. YUM! Tomorrow I'm going to try adding the Banana Nut flavor to my Malt O Meal. Thanks for sharing info on this great tasting protein powder. (finally something that tastes good)

I ordered the chocolate fudge after seeing this thread. I am going to have to think up some creative recipes...
Make sure you guys try a shake. These are so tasty, they are good with water and just a little skim milk or fat-free yogurt, so you can keep it low-cal.

[font face="heather" font color=black size=+2]~Cathy[/font]
[font face="comic sans ms"]When I look at the smiles on all the children's faces, I just know they're about to jab me with something.
Okay, so my BSL Lean Dessert Chocolate Fudge Pudding and Banana Cream Pudding arrived today. As well as my BBC dvd's.

So what am I doing right now, you ask?? Drinking a choco-fudge shake made w/skim milk, ice and one scoop of powder :)9 ), while pre-viewing BBC.

No, I did not workout. :p I just couldn't resist trying the shake!!!

But "pre-viewing" BBC has to count for something....right?

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