Bring me to my knees.......


Hi everyone,
As anyone who has read any of my post know, I am a Firm fan! However, at the beckon of many of my Firm friends encouraging me to crosstrain with Cathe, I have found my way to this site. I must admit I am an advanced exerciser, I usually do two or three workout tapes a day and I use anywhere from 10-25 lb. dumbells when doing strength training. I have an older tape of Cathe's that didn't seem to challenge me as much I thought it would. It's part of the CrossTrain Xpress series, and it's AllStep. Anyway, my hubby preordered all of the Hardcore Series for mr for our anniversary and it doesn't look like I'll get that for a little while so I want to know what is the hardest video Cathe has produced. I want to know so that I can guage where I'm at on the Cathe fitness scale. LOL! From some of the posts it seems like Terminator is, but I'd like everyone's opinion. What are your thoughts on videos like the Gauntlet as well?

Hi, I used to do primarily Firm tapes but Cathe is leagues ahead. I consider the CTX tapes as workouts for intermediate level and recommend them to newbies. For strength training you have the option of endurance type training or lower rep/higher weight training. You will want to buy a barbell so you can go heavier, especially for leg work.My favorites are the Slow and Heavy series and the Pyramid workouts. For cardio, Cathe is leagues ahead too. My favorite Circuits are Gauntlet and HSTA. My favorite step workouts are Step Blast and Rhtythmic Step. These workoouts pretty much keep you in your aerobic heart rate range.with the exception of the Blast section of Step Blast. You can reach your anaerobic range for a short while. The IMAx step workouts have more anaerobic segments. Cathe also cardio kickbox, my fav is KPC...this is a killer workout. Another combination cardio workout that is a killer is MIC.Try one or more of these and then let us know your opinion. Have fun.
Alot of people seem to think Bootcamp is one of the hardest. All the Terminator workouts are hard but fun. IMO, High Step Training is the hardest for me. Also check out the sticky "RESULTS ARE IN!!! Ultimate Guide to Cathe's Workouts" at the top of this forum page. It might help you decide.
I think the IMAXes are Cathe's toughest cardio workouts. They are both interval workouts, both on the step and off. I used to think MIC was her hardest workout, but that one doesn't seem so tough to me these days. For weight workouts, I always have a more difficult time with the endurance workouts (Muscle Endurance, Power Hour). I can go pretty heavy on the strength workouts (PUB, S&H), but those high rep workouts get me every time.

IMO, for cardio I think IMax (the original) is hardest. People say MIC is, but I haven't given MIC a fair shake because I go beyond a certian number of jumping jacks and my workout is interrupted, understand? Over and over during the same workout.


For strength training, I believe you can get about the max from Power Hour. Just adjust your weight to your own ability. Be sure to watch first- it helps knowing whether there are 16 or 64 reps...

The tempo and rep speed are varied in P.H. which makes it a strength as well as endurance workout IMO.

I don't consider CTX to be intermediate, but they are short. So if you give it your all you will work out at an advanced level. For example All-Step and 10-10-10 back-to-back is not intermediate IMO. Neither is CTX Upper Body done all at once.

There are two components to ranking a workout or a fitness level advanced or intermediate. One is cardio capacity/strength/endurance(etc) and the other is just the mental ability to keep up.

In my answer I used the first component:fitness. Many step workouts seem impossible to even the fittest people because they can be confusing to those used to running or other rote activities. The step choreography can be distracting...

Can you tell I feel like talking this morning?

Well well well,
I ordered muscle endurance from the intensity series and boy oh boy did I get it. I must say (I feel like I'm cheating saying this) but I do so love Cathe! (I still love the Firm too though) I have to say there were a lot more reps in this video than I normally do with the Firm video's so I had to drop from my normal 15-20's and use my 10's. However I didn't drop under anything Cathe used, so I know I was getting the same workout my instructor was giving me. I guess endurance is new to me. The only similar endurance tape I have is Body Sculpt which is my most hated video because I try to do it with 15's and 20's. Now that I've started Cathe I figured out what the problem is on another video. LOL! I love exercising...anyway, I had one problem though, after every set of squats with the barbell on my shoulders, my lower back hurt really bad. I kept checking my form, throughout to make sure my back was straight, shoulders back and down, knees not over my toes etc. so I know it wasn't that. Is this the area the deadlifts will strengthen? I really think that that part of my back is just weak because I have never really worked it with the Firm besides core training. I would like to continue using the barbell, but don't want to overextend my back, what should I do?:7
Deadlifts will help the lower back a lot but the best exercise, in my opinion, is planks. Really focus on keeping your core contracted during them and you'll feel results - another good one is Supermans (The Firm has these in some of their videos I believe), lie on your stomach (on floor or stab. ball) and lift your legs and arms like you're flying (hence the name)and hold for a few seconds, obviously you can only lift your legs when on the ball.

You can always substitute dumbells at your side if it gets too bad.

Good luck! Oh, and the hardest video, for me, is High step training advanced - I still can't get through it as is!

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