Breaking the Plateau


I've been using Cathe's tapes for about 6 months, although I've always worked out. I don't have any trouble building muscle, so I usually do a pure cardio tape Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with a weighted workout, either with or without cardio, on Tuesday and Thursday. Recently, the weight has stopped coming off, and is actually starting to creep up a little. I've still go a bit to lose, and was wondering if any of you have any ideas as to how to get past this point. With two children, I don't think I can add too much more time per day--I'm at between 60 and 80 minutes per day now. Please help!
Plateaus can be broken by applying the FIT(M) principle: Frequency, Intensity, Time (duration) or Mode (type of workout). Take a look at your current routine and decide which of these variables makes the most sense to manipulate.

You already stated that you can't work out any longer, so how about adding an extra day of pure cardio? Cardiovasuclar activity is key in lowering bodyfat, and 4-5 times per week is recommended. You can shorten two of your cardio days (non-consecutive) to 30-40 minute sessions but make them more intense, the purpose being to burn more calories in less time. Too many days of longer sessions often leads to overuse injuries and burnout.

If you are doing the same type of cardio each workout, consider cross-training with a different activity to shock your muscles. If you strength train the same way every session, change it up. Increase the intensity, or change the order of the exercises, or substitue new exercises that challenge the same muscle group. Any time you give your muscles something new and different to do, it produces what is called a Training Effect, and the TE is key to breaking plateaus and pushing you forward toward your goals.

Every time your body plateaus, use the FIT(M) principle and choose a variable to manipulate, but don't get too over-zealous. Slow, steady progress is the goal.

Hope this is helpful! ;-)

Roe, I didn't post the original, but this is great information. Thank you!

P.S. I haven's seen your name on this forum before although in the past few days I have read several of your posts and you are very knowledgeable and courteous. Just thought I'd let you know that.
Thanks, Roe! The FIT tip is great. I just got the Intensity Series, and have only had the chance to do two of the workouts so far, but maybe changing to some of these workouts will jack up the intensity of my workouts and shock my body into some sort of change. I could also, conceivably, throw in another workout on Saturday, which is currently an off day, but that would really hurt, being that that's my husband's day to get up with the kids! Sacrifices, sacrifices! Thanks for the useful advice.
Hi Lynda,

I think the Intensity series is just what you need to break the plateau! There you go - the instensity factor is manipulated and you can forgo the Saturday workout. The goal for weight loss is to burn more calories which doesn't have to be a formal workout... just take advantage of any opportunity to keep your body moving on the days where a formal workout isn't an option.

Jillybean: Thanks for the kind words! My full name is Roberta and I used to participate regularly in the Video Fitness Forum many years ago. When I changed careers from a desk job to the fitness industry, it limited my time at the computer. I work in corporate fitness as a Fitness Specialist and Group Exercise Instructor. Certifications are AFAA Group Exercise and Step, ACE Personal Trainer, and Johnny G. Spinning, but my real love is group exercise. I am an avid reader of fitness texts and have taken some classes in Kinesiology and Anatomy to help my PT career. The Kinesiology is really interesting stuff! One of these days I will finish my degree. I started late (at age 36) and am now 42.

Lynda - HI there. YOu may already be fine in this area... but you may want to look into what you are eating. I had a similar story about 6 months ago. I was working out 1.5 - 2 hours a day and seeing hardly any results. I was so frustrated I bought a handful of trng sessions from my local club. I learned that I wasn't eating ENOUGH! Plus I was eating the wrong things. They increased my carbs, protein and all that good stuff. My trainer told me I would ahve NEVER lost the weight with the combo I was doing. I basicly wasn't consuming enough of the right calories to keep my body going. He said the lack of protein and carbs was forcing my body into buring muscle for energy.

I also decreased my cardio and increased my wt. training and have seen great results. I do much of what Roe talks about. I now focus on intensity of the workouts instead of duration every single day of the week! I now take at least 2 days off a week.

Just a thought.
Hi Roe:

Jillybean voiced my thoughts exactly:

"Roe, I didn't post the original, but this is great information. Thank you!

P.S. I haven't seen your name on this forum before although in the past few days I have read several of your posts and you are very knowledgeable and courteous. Just thought I'd let you know that."

PLease stick around and continue to fill us in on the science of fitness you know so much about. You are inspiring and I now look for your replies with interest.


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