Breakfast ideas for very busy days


Hi all!

I am needing breakfast ideas that do not take long to prepare and are great for on the go!
Bake some healthy muffins, freeze individually wrapped, grab and go. Have some individually portioned low-fat cheese strings in the fridge; eat with the muffin. Bring along a piece of fruit.

I measure out my oat bran/oatmeal/wheat germ the night before in a microwave dish. Then in the morning I add water and pop it in the microwave. It's done by the time I finish drying my hair!
Extra lean turkey bacon, string cheese and fruit

Egg burritos, make the night before and heat up in the morning

Chocolate soy milk and a piece of fruit:9 or

An apple cinnamon (or any other)rice cake with peanut butter and banana slices on the top - YUMMY!:9
Whenever I make a batch of pancakes, which I make with very high quality ingredients, I freeze a few. Then in the morning I can thaw one out in the microwave or toaster oven, spread some peanut butter on it, and roll it up like a burrito. I think they're delicious and so does my teenage daughter.

Plain yogurt with added ground flax seed and a bit of applesauce or low-sugar jam, or frozen berries, is also quick and nutritious.
My favourite is to cook equal parts of millet and cracked wheat in a rice cooker (use twice as much water as cereal--2 cups water for 1 cup millet and cracked wheat). I cook up a batch and put it in the refrigerator in 1/2C rubbermaid containers. Then I take one out in the morning, dump it in a bowl and microwave it with 1/4c milk and 1/3 cup frozen berries. I add a packet or 2 of Splenda, and Voila! Breakfast! It's also great with some flax meal mixed in. It's very delicious and satisfying. Millet is the only grain that is a complete protein by itself, and the berries are full of antioxidants (not to mention yummy). This one keeps me going the longest.

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