Breakfast Food Ideas


New Member
Hi everyone, first time posting, but I have been lurking around here for a couple weeks. I started out using Cathe's PS series and found this website, and have since ordered the 6 pack, the cardio dvd, and all of her other tapes! Boy, won't be spending any more money for a long, long time!! These workouts are the greatest, but of course, everyone knows that!
Anyway, to my question. I have been eating a container of yogurt (the sugar-free kind) and a bagel for breakfast. I would LOVE some ideas of something different, keeping in mind that I eat at work, in my cubicle. So, something easily transportable!
Any ideas would be great!

1. A fat free granola bar, a piece of fruit, and a container of calcium enriched juice or non-fat milk.

2. The night before make a wrap with a tortilla shell, fat-free cream cheese and fruit spread sprinkled with cinnamon sugar. If you have a microwave at work you can warm it up and if not it is great cold. Add calcium enriched juice or non-fat milk.

3. A banana, graham crackers with fruit spread, and non-fat milk.

4. Left over pizza and calcium enriched juice.

5. The night before combine left over pasta mixed with fat free cottage cheese, dried fruit, a bit of natural sugar, and cinnamon or nutmeg if desired. Drink of your choice.

6. Make a soybutter and banana sandwich. Between two slices of whole grain bread spread soybutter and place slices of bananas. Drink a container of nonfat milk.

Good luck!

welcome to posting...I like this: one of those snack cottsge cheese containers with some canned fruit ....(not the whole syrupy kind, of course...)
Most people on here who know me know I'm a BIG champion of food combining. For the last month or so, I've also been trying a totally different breakfast that is so wonderful, in terms of the energy I feel all day and my digestion and weight, that my husband followed suit without my saying a word.

Every morning I eat lots of fresh fruit and drink FRESH fruit juices and water. Nothing else until around noon, but as much fruit as I want. The reason behind this is that when you wake up, your body is dehydrated from the long sleep and it's also trying to eliminate the food digested the day prior. That's a lot of work and your body needs all the energy it can get for that. When you eat heavy breakfasts your body diverts energy to trying to digest the new food and it doesn't eliminate waste as efficiently. You also end up with less available energy for yourself to use. An improperly combined meal also stays in the digestive tract and/or stomach (depending on the combo) for up to eight hours! Whereas fresh fruit is mostly digested before it even hits the stomach and tends to enter the intestines almost entirely broken down and is easily absorbed for the vast nutrients. The wonderful side benefit is that you also hydrate the body thoroughly with food that is mostly water itself.

I swear I have NEVER had more energy in my life than following this daily regimen. My hubby, a lifetime cereal devotee, swears by this now as well. It does require a trip to the market every few days to get more fresh fruit, but the rewards have been SOOOO worth it. It's economical, easy to transport and fantastic for your body in every way. You get hydration, vitamins and minerals and great fiber, and an easy to digest food so your body can finish the priod day's digestion with ease.

That's what I love, thought I'd add that to the pile.
Question for Lex

Hi Lex,
I have a question about just eating fruit for breakfast. I like to do long workouts in the morning (around 90 minutes) - would just fruit be enough to fuel a long, intense workout?
I eat plain, old fashioned oatmeal with a scoop of vanilla protein powder for breakfast. This gives you the complex carbohydrates and protein.

Also, I've found that MetRx makes a wonderful pancake mix that has lower amounts of carbs and higher amounts of protein (and also contains wheat germ). I make this on the weekends and throw in blueberries into the batter. Yum!


My sources (RD's, spinning instructors, sports nutrition books) advocate a well fueled body for endurance work. My sports nutrition professor (RD) said that most fitness enthusiasts just need to eat health but endurance athletes (exercise 90+ minutes)have special needs. It's also important to refuel immediately after endurance work to restore glycogen levels. It'll help your next workout. The spinning instructors push the refueling too, even though spinning isn't an endurance workout. But it's so intense that most people deplete their glycogen.

I can't imagine setting out on a 3 hour ride after a glass of juice. It would turn into a miserable 4 hour ride. Can't imagine lifting mid-morning on an empty stomach either. Guess you have to see what works for your body.

Nowhere is it written in stone that you can't have lunch-type food for breakfast. How 'bout a sandwich? Peanut butter and jelly or peanut butter and banana (NOT an Elvis type PB sandwich!!) Tuna is comes in little cans now, or you can dump a can into a rubbermaid container and add whatever condiments you want to it.

Also, you can eat dry cereal as a finger food. Oatmeal comes in envelopes, and you can heat it up in the microwave at work. Raw fruits are portable.

Just use your imagination. The big trick to healthy eating is PLANNING!!!!!!!!!!!! Good eating is work and so is exercise. :)
What's an Elvis PB sandwich?

And I'll second your advice - if one dislikes traditional breakfast foods, eat what you want. It's just important to start the day fueled with healthy foods.

Peanut or soy butter with apples & pears is also good. Those little cups of soups, coucous, oatmeal are great for quick nutritious meals/snacks.
RE: What's an Elvis PB sandwich?

Dear departed Elvis had his cook make him peanut butter and banana sandwiches which were fried. With some honey added, it sounds kind of good. :9:9:9:9 I used to eat pancakes with peanut butter spread on them! I gained a lot of weight during that period of my life (late teens).
I LOVE....

....PEANUT BUTTER & BANANA sandwiches!!! Hmmm, fried? Don't tempt me. That would make the PB all warm, smooth & gooey!! Yummm! Of course, it would have to be EXTRA CRUNCHY PB.(JIFF) :9 Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
HI!! I have a question for you. Do you count the cal. from all the fruit you eat? Just asking, because I have heard that some fruits have about 100 cal.
RE: Question for Lex

Honestly, I have done intense, long workouts after my morning fresh fruit and juice and had tons of energy. It may depend on the individual and your own body's needs. But the less your body is trying to do other things, like digest complex carbs and protein, the more energy is free for other things, like exercise.

For me, the main issue with exercising in the morning is hydration. I have to have enough water in my body to get a good workout and sweat going and fruit has such a high water content I love that I get fiber, natural sugar and water along with my vitamins and nutrients. I've even done Bodymax and Imax in the morning after just my fruity start. Felt great. My body definitely took a couple of weeks to adjust in general to a new routine, but now I wouldn't change it for anything.

Just listen to your body, as corny as it sounds. It'll tell you exactly what you need.
I don't count calories at all, ever. I watch to make sure I eat a well rounded diet; fruit in the morning, carbs in the afternoon, protein for my early dinner. I go for variety so I get lots of nutrients. But I never look at a label in terms of calories, fat grams or any of that. And here I am, a size 6, lost about 40 pounds now over the last year and a half. I just find watching numbers, including pounds, to be very counterproductive and takes the focus off what it should be on, which is health and well-being and feelig good.
Just a note for the hypoglycemics and/or diabetics in the group; eating nothing but fruit in the morning might negatively effect how you feel and may not be a good idea - at least for us (but you probably already know that). This goes for eating nothing but carbs in the afternoon. We absolutely must have small portions of protein with small portions of carbs together. Probably the fewer carbs the better. We have to watch how our insulin is effected and that usually means combining food the balanced amounts.

Lorayne, I do the protein powder breakfast also - it works very well for energy and hunger control. Egg white omlettes with fresh produce (spinach, mushrooms, a little 2 percent cheddar) also work very well. I make them at home, transport them to my office and warm it up a little in the mic. It travels well and also gives me tons of energy for the morning.

Just my .02 :)

HB, have you ever....

tried peanut butter on chocolate cake? :9 If you like Reese's PB cups this is a delicious splurge. My uncle put me onto this years ago and it is one of my favorites (although I can't do this very often). One of our old family favorites for breakfast has always been peanut butter on pancakes or waffles with warm maple syrup. Great "stick to your ribs" breakfast, LOL

RE: HB, have you ever....

Great Idea!!!!!! I just bought two big jars of PB at the wholesale club....I'll have to try it!! I could always dip my Little Debbie Fudge Rounds in the PB also :7:9!! We are SO inventive around here!!!!!!!!;-)
gooey peanut butter

I loved peanut butter on warm toast as a kid until I was in this special science program and we dissected sheep's eyes. Turns out that warm, gooey Skippy smells just like formaldehyde.

I love to eat peanut butter straight off the spoon. Drives my hubby crazy. He thinks it's a spread; I look at it as protein. My favorite, though, is to spread it on Hershey's chocolate.

:) Gretchen
Ah Gretchen

I'm going to forget your post ASAP as I love pb on toast.

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