Brag Board

More bragging!

Caroline Knorr
All of these boasts are truly inspiring. I feel so proud of what I did yesterday that I'm gonna brag, too. I did ALL of the PS Series tapes, back-to-back. I started with legs and just kept going. I had a good two hours to work out because my son was asleep, and I felt great. Took a rest day today!

RE: More bragging!

I just wanted to chime in an say you ladies are an inspiration for me. I'm so impressed with yall! You all got me excited for a new level of fitness. I can't wait!!!!

As far as bragging, I do push ups from the toes, i lift and move heavy objects much easier now. My hubby even commits on my strenght. But I can't wait to reach the goals you ladies have.
RE: More bragging!

Georgia, do you have the same trouble a friend of mine and I were just discussing: whenever there's something heavy to move, there's no man in sight! You must be strong enough to do it yourself and doesn't it feel great to be strong!

Bobbi Chicks Rule!
Personal brags:

Drop sets of 20 and then 15 triceps dips with feet on a 6" platform and a 45-lb. barbell on hips

Drop sets of decline push-ups off of alternating 6" and 8" plaforms 35, 20, 15, 10 and 10 - before pec flyes (20 lbs each hand by now) and bench presses (45 lbs)- then another 20 push-ups

I-Max at least once a week, extending out all intervals by at least 8-16 reps, doing Power 3's and Power 7's during repeaters and doing rear and side leg lifts on step during recovery rather than floor walking

Being able to do 10 straight minutes of barbell squats and lunges at various slow tempos with 45-lb barbell

FINALLY being able to do ab bicycles!

RE: More bragging!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-05-02 AT 08:48PM (Est)[/font][p]LOL Bobbi. Been there done that. Yes, it feels so much better to be stronger and not so helpless. :) I've always been a skinny weaklin and wt. lifting has change my life.
Caroline Knorr
Aquajock - you are INSANE (I mean that in a good way!). I just did I-Max yesterday and whenever I do it, I think of how much you love it and that poem you wrote about it! It just goes to show how wonderful it is that we have our "forum people" to keep us inspired.
RE: To CK "Humanhair"

(Love the handle)

Thanks for the compliment (I think)! Hey - I never said I wasn't nuts!

I have learned, with fitness, that the only way for me to get stronger is to embrace the moves that I hate and fear the most. To this day push-ups scare me - and so I do those more than any single upper body exercise - and thus have strengthened the pecs, ant. delts, triceps, and core muscles. The vertical jumps, plyo jacks, box jumps w/ side-to-side slalom jumps, "power scissors", and airborn jacks + tuck jumps still flame my leg muscles AND my heart - and those are what helped me get stronger.

I think there's a saying by the Navy Seals: "Pain is weakness leaving the body." Now certainly that can be overapplied, but I've never gotten stronger without some discomfort / pain. That's a sign that overload has been achieved, for me at least.

Annette The Happy Masochist
RE: To CK "Humanhair"

Caroline Knorr
I am right there with you, Annette. I've really been trying to choose things that I consider hard, instead of just staying in my comfort zone. That's why I've re-dedicated myself to weight-training. I've really never been able to stick with a weight-training program for the long haul. I've always let it go in favor of cardio - which I love, and which comes easily and more naturally to me. Doing all three Pure Strength tapes back to back was a major milestone because weights are always the first to go. To be totally honest, I am having foot surgery in two weeks - a bunionectomy - and I know that I will be able to do weights, but not cardio for a long time while my foot's recuperating. So, I started adding in more weight-training last month, to give me a leg up (so to speak) on my fitness plan while I can't do cardio. I also want to increase my lean muscle mass to carry me through while I'm "down." Thanks again for the words of encouragement! I'm gonna go do PowerHour right now!
RE: To CK: post-surgery cardio suggestion

Hey, CK! Have you given any thought to aquajogging after you've gotten out of surgery AND gotten clearance from your doctor to submerge your feet in water?

Aquajogging is totally non-impact, and you can do it in the deep end of a standard swimming pool with an aquajogger float belt; although the cardio challenge may not be quite what you're used to as a land exerciser, it CAN be quite significant, and can keep your lower body and trunk muscles - as well as your heart - working during your recovery.

Lemme know if you'd like more info. and good luck on your surgery!


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