Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all over the news. What do you think of this?

Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all over the news. What do you think of this?

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In sure she has wonderful intentions, but I am very sick of both of them. I don't read any of the stuff about them in my weekly People magazine.
I'm just so glad that we are living in a time when everything is so stable (no war, corrupt administration, poverty, murders on the streets of NYC) that something like this has to be splashed all over the news to fill up the blank space.

Good times.....
RE: Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all ove...

Too funny Michele. I have two kids and it's hard to do it day-to-day. How do they manage to have more kids added to their family so quickly AND work on movies, publicity etc....!?!?! OH!!! They don't -- someone else must be really watching and taking care of their kids. ;(

RE: Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all ove...

They are both millionaires and can hire all kinds of help.
I can't stand that so many people make them out to be saints. With all that money... well, you can imagine the "nanny brigade" they can afford. Ok, I'll try to be nice. They are, though, doing a wonderful thing in helping these children.
RE: Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all ove...

This is one glaring difference between 'news' from the U.S. and what we get for news in Canada. Our national news (CBC & CTV) would be considered boring by U.S. standards. It's chock full of national and international politics and policies and I wouldn't have it any other way, there is always some human interest or entertainment story near the end but it is not the focus or the lead. There seems to be an ever increasing disconnect in news between what is interesting and what is important and I find it insulting to the collective intellect. The lines between CNN and ET are becoming blurry......just an observation :)

Take Care
Figured I'd voice an opinion as I did start this poll.

Brad is HOT and Angelina is someone I do admire for what she does for the world - she's very involved in a lot of things. But seriously, I don't care if they adopt a child and I certainly don't want this or the latest antics of TomKat, or heaven forbid Paris Hilton - to be on the main page of my news. It scares me when I look at the current "cast" of Presidential candidates that the important thing to most people is not whether or not the candidate will do a good job, but how well known they are.
I was just thinking about this morning and only want to add: I want to hear about some celebrity adopting an AIDS baby, meth baby, severaly handicapped baby or child... I don't care from where. A child in a home is great but what about those that are "less desireable" or perfect?
RE: Brad and Angelina adopted a new baby. It's all ove...

If I believed that Brad and Angelina were TRULY loving and parenting these kids then I would say more power to 'em but I'm thinkin' thier MONEY is parenting these kids (ie, nannys!) and that's cr@p. I mean yeah it's great that these kids are being taken out of poverty, etc and given a home where they are fed and clothed properly and certainly not wanting for material things but I gotta wonder if they are truly LOVED or if Brad and Angelina do it for the notariety it gets them(sp?)??? I'm sorry for being so pessamistic...I just can't help it though. :-(
I obviously don't know what goes on in their home, but they seem like really good, involved parents to me. I remember in a recent interview, Angelina stated that Brad let her sleep in so that she'd be rested for the interview while he got the two little girls up and got their bottles, breakfast together, etc. She sounded grateful as if it were usually her job or that they did that together because she pointed out how difficult that was to do alone.

Before Angelina was with Brad, she only had the little boy - Maddox, and she definitely seemed like an extremely devoted and loving parent.

I really don't know enough about them to judge whether or not they are good parents. I do think it's great that they are taking these children that no one else wants and giving them a good home.

I'm so over hearing about celebs and what they do with their private lives. That's great she's trying to help the world be a better place, but people only care that she's doing it because she's Angelina Jolie. If it was John and Jane Doe doing what she did, no one would care. Brad, I don't know what to make of him.

Is she going to create her own small country once she adopts past a certain number?


I ask people why they have deer heads on their walls. They always say because it's such a beautiful animal. There you go. I think my mother is attractive, but I have photographs of her.
Ellen DeGeneres
I'm just a little irritated about the speed at which they are able to do this. My brother and his wife have been "in line" for their baby girl for - I am not lying - 1.5 years already. Sigh. Must be nice to be famous!

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