bootcamp or kpc?


New Member
was wondering if anyone could give me thier opinion on wich i should purchase next? i am going to have a baby in a couple weeks and trying to stockpile some new workouts to get back in far i have power hour/mis/bm, and ryhymic step/mic/imax 1. any thoughts?
Both are greats workouts. But for after pregnancy, I'd choose KPC. It is mostly cardio plus ab work so it will help burn the baby fat and whip those abs into shape. It is less intense than MIC, IMAX 1. It is also easy to modify. You may want to start back to working out with KPC modifed and work your to doing it as produced ( or add weighted gloves to boost intensity.)

Bootcamp is pretty intense and so is ME. Once you get stonger you can add this one in your routine.

Hope this helps. Oh, and congratulations!!!
I love KPC and think it's much more fun than BC. And I also think it's more intense, because it keeps the heartrate up longer. I find that I slow down too much with all the changes in BC - although BC does have some great premixes.
I second the KPC votes. I look forward to doing it, where Bootcamp scares me. Post-baby, I would definitely prefer KPC.

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